Editors Note My Perspective on the FanWars I…

Editors Note: My Perspective on the FanWars

I have been reading articles that attempt to explain the fanwars that have been raging for some time between Cassies over DBSK, now JYJ and HoMin. Black and white lines drawn down the middle of this enormous, emotional debacle that really do not define the true nature of the wars or the source. Human beings being held up as standards–immoveable, immutable standards

Why are there idols? Idols exist because we make them, not necessarily because they choose to be made. These are people who go to sleep at night; rise up and go about their day just like the rest of us. They get thirsty; they get hungry; they have spiritual, emotional and physical needs–just like the rest of us. Somehow, these needs get overlooked and we turn them into a production machine, designed to make us feel good and fulfilled. What about them?

Everyone is looking for someone to fufill those inner longings that are a part of each of us. We usually tend to choose those who represent who we would like to be–famous people; talented people; people of influence. Their sacrifice to complete our desires is enormous–hours and hours of work geared to pleasing us–sometimes pleasing them.

In the case of DBSK we have a much deeper situation than normal. The Internet has allowed many to view Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin on stage and off stage. Candid shots and canned shots of the members laughing, singing, working, playing, vacationing… All designed to endear them to us, and so well-designed that it works. The objective of SM and others like them has been to sell the artists much like livestock in order to reap a profit. In return, we receive great music, artists to love, and somehow in the midst of it all–they love us. Theoretically, it works. In reality it is abusive.

So how does this relate to fan wars? When you have placed people on pedestals, and have not allowed them room to waver, or fail–you have created a situation that will eventually explode because there is no such person or personages. No one is capable of being on top indefinitely, nor of pleasing everybody all of the time. DBSK simply grew up. The babies that we all fell in love with became young men with their own identities, desires, and aspirations. By their very nature they are all competitive–both on stage and off. Ideally we want to see them smiling at each other constantly–in reality I am sure that tempers and tears flow abundantly.

Even being blessed with nuturing leaders such as Yunho and Jaejoong–it was inevitable for the tower to fall. Outside forces and inside forces drove the nails from the supports, and what was left was disappointment and disillusionment on all sides, including the fandom.

To keep ourselves healthy and stable–we cling to the hope that all will be healed. It is possible. Pray without ceasing. However, at present, with all of the discord among the fandom, it makes that goal even harder to reach. Misplaced emotions are being directed at each other–not at the system that fostered the illusion.

Or is it illusion? I don’t believe that it is. I believe that these young men never planned to deceive us or to disappoint us. The company did–not them. I believe that we also did some of that to ourselves, so I guess it is natural to now turn and rend our fan brothers and sisters? That is happening–but it doesn’t make it right.

So–where do we go from here? We have choices. We can love or hate; support or neglect each other or JYJCY. Our mancubs still need our love, more now than ever. They need to be seen and emoted to as fallible human beings. They also need our stability because this war has just begun. The enemy is still outside the camp. Are they happy that everyone is taking sides except for those of us who refuse to see things purely as black and white? I guarantee you they are not happy with this turn of events. Either we make the committment to love each other as much as we love our guys–or we fold up our campstools and exit the arena. All of them deserve our love; all are human as we are; and all of us can accomplish great things together if we but try. Momma Cha

Credit: Momma Cha@jyjfantalk.com

26 thoughts on “Editors Note My Perspective on the FanWars I…

  1. Beautiful, true and inspirational! It is also a most realistic approach, and those are rare. However, it does not dismiss anyone (save a certain company!) but helps them all at least one step further. Thank you for this Charlene. I dearly hope the members stumble upon this at some point. I would really like them to read it.

    • Thanks YF. No problem with the link. Stop worrying about these things. It’s better than feeling as if I’m writing in vain.

      I am going to try to take some relaxation time for the next couple of days as I have a church trip to a Passion Play on Saturday to finish coordinating. We’re leaving at 6 a.m. for the Twin Cities to go to the Mall of America. I intend to play with the Leggos. (I’ll explain if you’re curious.) 🙂 Anyway, afterward we go to a Dinner Theatre about the Passion of Christ, then home by midnight. Long Day and church in the morning. So expect me to be zoned on Monday.

      I’ll be heading over your way this afternoon. I need a little girl time. Meanwhile, Ivory and I have some talking to do and you may join us if you wish. Cya, Cha

      • Hehe, okay. I guess I knew all along you were okay with it. DBSK_FAN was raving over your article by the way. It`s on the Message Board.
        I`m definitely curious. I have heard only good things about the Twin Cities and the Mall. A family member was there a few years back. But Leggos? Hm, yes, I definitely need some assistance here.
        In any case it sounds as if you`re in for a good time. Have fun. ^^

        • O.K. I’m coming over in a few minutes. I’ll post later today. I am not a person who enjoys that big of a mall. It is Humongous. So–since they have a whole section dedicated to resting your legs including a large table and chairs with a Leggo table–the architect in me cannot resist. I will build houses. Two of the ladies in the group are 80+ so they will probably join me. Less wear and tear on the body.
          This has taken 3 months to coordinate and all was not fun. I will be fine after unboarding Saturday night. I hope there will be no nonsense. Anyway–I’m heading over to your corral. Cha

                • Hi YF. I have been caught up all day with installing a new Antivirus program. It is very thorough and has held me up all day searching out this and that to see if it is legitimate or not. I am mentally exhausted with wondering whether Iwas ever going to get my pictures back or be able to post , etc. etc. iIam going to bed and get some much needed sleep. See you tomorrow. Cha

                  • I am really sorry to hear of your troubles. It is so horrible and upsetting when these things strike. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Strangely enough I have been busy installing a new antivirus program as well today. It is one of those free trials. On my big computer I use Eset`s NOD32. I heartily recommend it. Some of the older programs interfere with the computers to an alarming degree, also, they tend to find problems that do not really exist. I hope things work out for you my friend.

                    • YF, If you haven’t already seen it, check out my message on your message board. Maybe the problem I had this morning is related to our both installing new programs. We are slaves to our machines. I shall have to whip Ms. Juicy into shape. 🙂 Cha

  2. The talking time, she comes…
    Mama, you just summed up everything that has been going on in this situation. Personally, it is hard for me to watch older videos of our brothers during the SM years because of these facts. Yet I know that they truly love each other, so it is that I focus on when I watch old footage.
    SM and companies like them should be ashamed on several levels. As I have said before, they have done a great disservice to both the boys by abusing their rights as people, and abusing the fandom with lies and manipulations…

  3. I guess methodologies seldom change. It does seem to me as if things have gotten more acceptably raunchy, and it leaves you with a bad taste in your heart.
    Something different. Click on the videos at the top sidebar and access Jaejoong Making of The Beginning Jaejoong Photo. Right out of one of your novels. Mama

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