Editors Note: What Is a Chameleon?

Human skin sheds, but does not change color.  Chameleons adapt to any color background because the colorant is from a protective force within. .

Chameleons are remarkable reptiles. Their method of protecting themselves and guarding their territory is to change to suit the environment in which they presently live. This means that they are red against red; blue against blue, green and yellow against green and yellow. This works fine for the chameleon who was designed by God to be this way. However, when it comes to people, changing their outer colors to gain advantage in each market points to inconstancy, insecurity, and unreliability. What determines strength is the ability to make a wise stand and stick to it despite severe opposition and persecution. The insecure tend to run in numbers, gaining their strength from bullying and conniving while the secure gain their strength from inner resources that inspire others to be supportive.

Are you getting my message? The chameleon changes on the outside but the inside does not change. Humans tend to change from the inside and show their outer colors, which, theoretically, do not change. A brave man is a brave man, and a coward is a coward. There is always hope that a person can change their colors–but the desire must come from the inside to be displayed to others around them. Inspiration makes a difference in the way that we act, perceive, and receive.

Remember. No one is disposable; there is always margin for change, and the change that is permanent is motivated from the inside and shows results to the present society and beyond. Pray for change; make a stand; fight wise battles; and expect results.

Momma Cha @jyjfantalk

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