130803 Xia Incredible in Seoul Clips

It’s always wonderful to hear you sing Junsu. Thanks for the footage Everyone   🙂

credit: ohmyjuncom+CSJYJ03+picnicxiah+naakzz+satomi0101+

Momma’s Source; youtube

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3 thoughts on “130803 Xia Incredible in Seoul Clips

  1. June. You are the one who has to set the tone and the direction of your showcase. With such excellent music on this new album, I think that toning down the smexy just may be a way to gain respect for these talented compositions. <3

  2. Ah, I like this comment 🙂 The compositions are so fine that they need all the attention they can get – same with his voice – Cha, let’s go see and hear him someday! 🙂

  3. Someday YF. I hope it can happen before I’m too old and decrepit to get through the experience. TT

    Hi, My Friend. I have missed you, but the lack of communication is on my side. I have been having computer troubles for a while now, and I think that we may finally have things back in operation. It was a hard fight just to get a post on. Spending all day just to get a few posts on is horrific. The machine kept cutting off in the middle of things. Anyway, we start again. I need to mosey over to YF Land. >..< Mr. Kim Junsu is going to have to rethink this equation. As long as he allows the fans to goad him into doing things he doesn't want to do, the situation will remain more emphasis on his hips than his music. Nuff said. I love you Mr. Duck.

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