[Trans] 140610 JYJ Kim Junsu’s Grandmother Passes Away… Funeral To Be Held On The Morning Of The 11th


It was found that the grandmother of JYJ’s Kim Junsu recently passed away.

According to multiple sources, Kim Junsu’s grandmother passed away on the 9th, and the funeral will be held on the 11th. The wake will be held at the Hyoja Funeral House in Jeonju.

Kim Junsu is known to have shared a special relationship with his grandmother, and she cared greatly for him as well. It was later said that representatives of JYJ headed to the funeral home once they heard the news of her death.

Meanwhile, Kim Junsu is set to star in the musical <Dracula> in July.

Source: [ohmynews]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

We at dongbangdata would like to send our condolences to Junsu and his family, and we send our prayers as well in the hopes that it helps them through these troubled times.

JYJ Fantalk Source: sharingyoochun.net

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One thought on “[Trans] 140610 JYJ Kim Junsu’s Grandmother Passes Away… Funeral To Be Held On The Morning Of The 11th

  1. June, I’m so sorry that I missed this. Grandmothers are very special people, and I know that you and your family are feeling the loss. Be strong, and know that she would want you to do well. 🙂 <3

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