3 thoughts on “FanAccount 110527 Junsu At The hotel in LA + Sign & Hug (A Bit of JJ Too)

  1. This is what is possible right now in America. Enjoy the slight anonymity Boys–this will change.

    I agree YunhoFan, this was a sweet encounter. Junsu is so lovable and approachable. The best way to get a hug is just to hold out your arms. That is universal for hug. Also, I agree that this fan was very sweet and considerate. She probably did more than I would have had nerve to do, but look at the result. A few moments with our Duckie to remember. Cya Cha

  2. You’re welcome YF. I’ve been a little slow on the posting because Miss Juicy is having a tizzy fit right now. Hopefully things will be back together soon. I think if I was standing that close to any of the guys I would be shaking just a badly just from the shock of seeing them in live color.
    Brave girl. Sad that she didn’t get to say Hi to Jaejoong. He would be more shy anyway. At least she saw him. Cha

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