Videos 110603 Leo vs. Tigger

Videos 110603 Leo vs. Tigger

Cute. My cats engage in these types of battles all the time. I can see here that Leo is the sweetheart for the day. πŸ™‚ Momma Cha

Credit: Video’s uploader
Source: JYJ3
Shared by: iXiahCassie
Momma’s source: iXiahcassie

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About chaelwest

Wife and mother of two beautiful adult daughters. I am a Christian teacher, writer, musician, and artist who enjoys the work of JYJCY as JYJ and HoMin. This site is designed for JYJCY -- to talk about those things that delight us about them, their music, and activities.

11 thoughts on “Videos 110603 Leo vs. Tigger

    • That’s funny YF. Me borrow occasionally from you too. I may go to another site to get it because our sites occasionally are cross with each other–but I have sometimes seen it on your site. I ask extreme forgiveness πŸ˜‰ Yeah. Right.
      Borrow whateveryou like even our posts because I know that you will credit them. I have a bad habit of not putting on personal credits. I’m trying to learn. Cha

    • O.K. I think I usually put the always in. Anyway what I forget here is to put our names on our individual posts. I guess I could go back and get that done. Oh me. πŸ˜‰ Cha

  1. Sorry! I didn`t see this until now. That information is not valid anymore, because we had to change all of it after the hacker attack on WP. I believe you have come by at a moment when I had to change to private due to trouble with the settings? It`s all open now. Please try again ~ I hope you can enter, if not, please let me know.

  2. It does? So it doesn`t show up in the comment section then? I can`t see any of your comments awaiting moderation, but won`t you let me know if you are unable to comment? I agree -the entire box thing is puzzling. WP keeps changing things without notification. My biggest problem is still posting pictures. Once I have one photo in, the post is locked. I have to use a photo program to stitch all the images together then post them in one piece. Probably fun for those who want to download one particular image to their computer. I really hope things will improve soon.

  3. O. K. The message does post, but it still remains in the box. It’s a little intimidating because I’m not sure as to the next step. Are you using WordPress 3.1? Nothing ever changes in here. I have a lower step version simply because I like the way it works. Cha.

  4. Okay, now I see what you mean. πŸ˜‰ It just happened to me as well. But as I see my own message only, I guess you are the only one seeing your words in the box. I hope that they do disappear from there in a while. I will check back later. ^^

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