Editors Note: JYJCY Are Growing Up

Editors Note: JYJCY Are Growing Up

On the average children grow up. Pure and simple. They develop their own ideas and morals and defy you to question their validity. These moral and lifestyle decisions are based upon what they have observed or absorbed early in life and what they choose to embrace in the present. As time progresses and they learn more of what life has or does not have to offer these paradigms may change. They have a responsibility, however, to others around them, and, in the case of our dynamic five with their high-end public exposure, the responsibility and accountability factor goes even higher. I am proud to say that I believe, even with the occasional snafus and hiccups that come our mancubs way, that they are trying their best within the choice limitations placed upon them to do right things in the proper way.

Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin are not always in the position to say no. Many of their choices are made for them and everything that they may do or say while working does not automatically reflect their own inner ideals or desires of the heart.

Is it time to stop nurturing them? Is it time to conclude that now that they are adults that they do not need us there for them? Can they do this entirely on their own? I don’t think so. It is more crucial to let them know how much we believe in their humanity and abilities now than ever before. We may not always like everything that we see–but here is the question. If JYJCY could get to know each and every one of us individually would they like everything about us? Probably not. They have voiced their opinions about stalking and other privacy and behavioral issues in the past and present.

Let’s keep supporting them through what may seem to be a rapid growth time where their individual personalities and preferences are starting to show. We all are kept busy trying to keep up with the sheer volume of productivity going on. JYJCY is on the move and we have to move with them. This doesn’t mean that we have to agree to each action or choice. We just have to remember that love covers these things, prayer changes things, and true love never dies. Praying and Hwaiting.  Momma Cha

credit: Momma Cha @jyjfantalk.com

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