[Pictures] 111031 Yoochun Black’ Smith Ad

[Pic] 111031 Yoochun Black’ Smith Ad

credit: DC
shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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9 thoughts on “[Pictures] 111031 Yoochun Black’ Smith Ad

  1. Hello! So many new posts to enjoy in here. Good work as always. Not having been able to be online much but (I think) having seen the photos, love dbsk asked me today whether this was from a drama. Even though it`s not, I must say I do wonder what kind of drama it would have been. Yoochun manages to tell stories by means of every little thing he does. Thanks for the post and for all the other posts, too – ! 😀

  2. Hi You. You’re welcome. Where have you been? I noticed you weren’t showing up on Twitter recently.
    It’s like having foundation stone crumble.
    I have no clue as to what the background is here. I do recognize the other actors. They are veterans. I guess some info will show up sometime to clue us in. Chunnie looks like a miner more than a blacksmith. 🙂

  3. Hello ~ ! Many thanks for saying that. Made me happy. I am not sure where I have been at, really. Online, yet… I feel as if I`m not really participating these days. Maybe this is someone else`s blog and Twitter moment? I almost believe it is. But I may serve to enlighten you at this moment: This, my friend, is an endorsement for a restaurant. Food! That is something I can relate to. Wonderful man, that Yoochun. He really has an understanding of what`s important in our lives. Thank you for enlightning me on the fact that the other two participants are veterans. Shame to say, I did not know who they were, although they did look familiar. So – thanks ~ ! 🙂

  4. 🙂 The young lady is an actress that Micky has admired for some time–so I imagine that it was a thrill to work with her. The other actor played the romantic villian in Changmin’s Paradise Ranch. I should have guessed that it was for a restaurant–after all, they are eating and showing food, as you said. Yes, Yoochun brings things down to basics. Earthy young man.
    Is life pushing you a bit hard right now.? I live from day to day trying to figure out where to place priorities. It boils down to God first, family second, and others third. It’s like hospital triage. Which is more crucial? Go with it.
    I consider our boys and you and the ladies in my family unit–so I’ll never be unaware of you. Out-of-touch, sometimes, but never unaware. Cya, Cha

  5. Aha, thanks for the information! Everyday something new. And more posts too. Thank you, Cha, for all of your hard work! No – it`s okay! 🙂 I`m fine, not the least thanks to your concern and care for your friends (family)! I am honored to be a part of the family unit. Your priorities seem just fine to me. 😉 And I never feel as if your out of touch really – you`re there for us. Thank you! I really hope I can be as supportive of you as you are of me!

  6. Thanks and You’re Welcome again, YF.
    Tough Day. We have a new porch off the back of the house, and I am so brain habitual that I have fallen twice because the distance from the doorsill to the porch flooring has changed. Not a large difference, but enough to throw my stride off. I am black and blue but too tough to break. I have my Dad’s large bones.
    Time will make the new porch less of an enemy, but the situation has taught me the power of change. The slightest differences in our existence can change our course of action and reaction. What continues as a solid foundation are those things of the heart and spirit.
    I have been watching JYJ struggle day to day with what may appear to be insurmountable prejudice logging them down, but I believe that if we can just keep that thread of love and support going for them–victory will come.
    I don’t always embrace everything that the Guys do as good–but I do believe in their good intentions.
    I am so proud of their refusal to give in, and their willingness to start afresh over and over again. I love being a part of this “fanily’. <333333333333333

  7. Cha – ! Be careful – !!! Are you okay? Thank goodness you didn`t break anything. 🙁
    What you say about the boys is so true. Their intentions are so fine. We will support them in every way we can. And this family – well, it`s proud to have you too. 😀

  8. I’m fine, YF. The bruises are fading. My brain finally got in gear and yesterday went well. I put Jae’s picture at the Berlin wall on my background. I believe that he is praying for the reunification of his own country. TT
    Somehow, some way, I believe that our Guys are going to make a huge difference in this world. 🙂

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