Editor’s Note: And So It Starts…

O.K. Folks. We have a serious situation here. Park Yoochun is being speculated about concerning ‘nude’ photographs complete with a female who is now crying foul and wants retribution. Doesn’t this sound extremely familiar? From Elvis Presley to Michael Jackson to… I could go on, but what we have here is the age-old method of getting rich quick. Politicians ride this particular horse quite often, founded or unfounded, especially during election years. Some of them are guilty; some are not, but blackmail is a product of the entertainment/public figure system. To be succint–it is a product of acquiring fame and wealth.

Yoochun is not the only one having a finger pointed at him (the evidence is that shabby) but this I do know. The answer to this lies with the participants. Obviously someone isn’t coming clean so everyone has to be raked through the trash.

If only people would learn to give time a chance to straighten these things out as opposed to instantly flying off the handle and making the situation more difficult than it needs to be.

Concentrate on your drama filming, Yoochun, and leave this type of speculation where it belongs. On the trashpile. <3  

Momma Cha @jyjfantalk

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