[TRANS] 120808 Kim Jaejoong, “The Girl I Was Introduced To Turned Out To Be An ‘Idol Killer’ ” – Interview (3)

[TRANS] 120808 Kim Jaejoong, “The Girl I Was Introduced To Turned Out To Be An ‘Idol Killer’ ” – Interview (3)

 Kim Jaejoong, who has a mysterious aura, was surprisingly candid in answering my questions. Staff from C-JeS said that although Jaejoong did not speak, he would never put on any false pretence, and is straightforward. This is part of his charm, and he also spoke about many issues that fans are concerned about.

Did you feel any pressure acting with veteran actor Kim Eung Soo in Dr Jin?

Burden? Not at all. Father and I got along very well from the beginning. Looking at his expressions made it easy for me to show my feelings. There were a lot of impromptu moments that were not scripted into the drama, and these came naturally to me as I watched his expression and actions.

In the crying scenes, there was a lot of drool.

(Laughs) We already talked about this during our gathering. Actually, there really was a lot drool, but in actual fact it was a mix of sweat, saliva, tears and nasal fluids. (Laughs) there are many complicated reasons for this. During that time, I had stayed up for many nights in a row, hadn’t had a proper meal,  and it was really hot on set; once the feelings came, and I saw my father’s tears, I just exploded, and whatever there was in my body just came out. (Laughs)

I heard that you bought Kim Eung Soo alcohol as a present?

Father was always someone who loved alcohol, and when filming the first scene, he said that it would be great if he could have a glass of whisky on such a hot day. I kept that in mind, and said that I would buy him alcohol in the future, and that was why I bought him alcohol as a present.

Kim Eung Soo seems to have really liked it?

He was never one to hide his feelings. If he likes something, he would say so directly. Father’s handphone was a 2G model, and he would sit beside me and say “My handphone isn’t easy to use, so it hard to keep in contact,” “Someone said that they would buy me a new phone, but when will that be.” He said that to me three times. So I ordered a new phone at once, and gave it to him. Although he didn’t say much to me, except “This is a smartphone, a 4G model.” He didn’t know how to use various functions on the phone, so I did a search online when I had the time, and helped him download everything he needed.

Did you always like to mix with seniors?

Jeong Hye-Seong sunbaenim once said that it is unacceptable for an actor be hated by others when he first starts acting. At first, I did not mean to try to earn their favour intentionally, but simply felt that I should start from the basics, such as reaching the filming set first, and not lazing around. Regardless of whether I acted well or not, I should still show that I am working hard so that my efforts could perhaps be recognised by everyone.

Did you get any acting advice from Jeong Hye-Seong?

She isn’t that kind of person. She says that no matter who you are, you should always respect your co-actors. If they don’t do well, it can still be part of their learning experience, or even a personal style, so we should let them explore their abilities to the fullest. She would definitely not say things like “You should do this or that.”

A lot of people are rooting for you and Jin Yi Han to win the Best Couple Award.

It always seems to end up that way for me. Instead of the female actors, I seem to have better chemistry with the male actors. Best Couple Award? That would be great, thanks.

 You look like Robert Pattinson.

I’ve heard that one before. Am I? He’s from the West, I’m from the East, I don’t think we look alike.

Compared to Park Yoochun, who do you think is a better actor?

Yoochun and I are totally different. Yoochun has a quiet toughness, and when he is acting he shows gentleness with strength shining through, and I find that very interesting. I am the type that gives of a feeling of toughness, and the gentleness shines through the toughness. If Yoochun played the role of Kim Kyung Tak, and I played Lee Gak, I think it would be a mismatch. I think it’s a good thing to have a team with members that each possess their own unique qualities.

You are very good looking.

No, I’m not good looking, I just look very different.

Who do you think is better good looking (than you)?

Junsu is better looking. Honestly, among the JYJ fans, each member has their own fans as well. These fans each have their own unique styles. Junsu and Yoochun’s charm is very different from mine. Junsu has something that I just don’t have.

What do you consider as your charm?

Hmm..I think there are two things. Overseas, it seems like the fans will notice me first, because I look special, and people tend to remember my face. But after that, the fans that continue to stick with me, may like me for my looks but more so because of my personality. Just by face, I think that I look a little rude, but actually I’m a nice young man.

What are Jaejoong’s beliefs?

It’s similar to Kim Kyung Tak. I want to protect those that are dear to me. There is a tattoo on my chest, that tells me to “Always keep the faith.” Man is the most afraid of losing things that they have gained. Even if I lose those things, I still want to protect things that I care about. Because I do not have the confidence to do this well, I tattooed it myself. Every time I falter, I look at it and regain my strength.

Is there something that you really want to achieve?

Not at the moment. However, there are many things that I want to revisit and challenge. Even if there will be pressure, it would still be good, as this will allow me to enjoy the happiness when I overcome the challenge. If success comes too quickly, then it wouldn’t be meaningful.

How does acting and singing weigh up against each other?

This is hard to say. For singing, as you grow older your voice ages as well. I may not be able to keep up with the music that I want to do. But for acting, there will be acting styles that are suitable even as you grow older. When I reach a certain age, I will be able to challenge roles that are suitable for my age. Therefore, I will continue to act, as well as sing. I don’t know what kind of music I’ll be making in 30 years’ time, but even during that time, I guess I will still want to continue doing music.

Is there a director you would like to work with? And why?

I want to work with Lee Jae Han, who directed the movie “A Moment To Remember.” That was a really good movie, and I even wrote a song for this movie, which is Junsu’s “No Gain.” In the lyrics, it says “The room in my heart is getting smaller” and this was something I wrote based on the script of the movie.

What are your plans for military enlistment?

About enlistment, when it is time for me to go, I’ll go.

What other plans do you have?

After this year, I want to film a new project to meet with everyone. Also, I want to fall in love, and if there is a nice girl, I would like to go on a blind date.

Have you gone on a blind date before?

Twice, but it never worked out. Although I went on the date, but then I found out she was an “idol killer,” and had dated many famous idols before, one after another. That girl is really pretty, very nice and very rich, but once I heard about this, I ended it at once and never saw her again. To me, friendship always comes first. She dated a close friend of mine before, and those friends were hurt by her.

What is your ideal type?

I don’t know, I need to meet more women before I can tell. It’s not just about falling in love, but I want to find someone that I can truly call “my woman.” I don’t like someone like Young Rae, but would prefer someone who reciprocates my feelings. She must be like Young Hwi, who only things about me. If Young Hwi wasn’t a friend but a girl, how great would that be.

When I was younger, I cared a lot more about looks, but now looks are not important at all, and it is what is inside that counts.

Source : [BaiduHeroJaejoong + My Daily]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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