CEO of SM Entertainment Youngmin Kim Charged by…

CEO of SM Entertainment, Youngmin Kim, Charged by the Prosecutor’s Office
김시현 기자
March 09, 2010

서울강남경찰서는 9일 화장품업체 W사가 인기 아이돌 그룹 동방신기 소속 기획사인 SM엔터테인먼트를 명예훼손과 업무방해 혐의로 고소한 사건과 관련, SM엔터테인먼트 김영민(40) 대표를 불구속 기소 의견으로 검찰에 송치했다고 밝혔다.

The Seoul Police, Kangnam Division, revealed on the 9th that it had sent an indictment on the CEO of SM Entertainment, Youngmin Kim (40), to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in relation to the lawsuit that the cosmetics company ‘W’ has filed against SM Entertainment for defamation and obstruction of business.

김 대표는 지난해 동방신기 멤버인 영웅재중, 믹키유천, 시아준수가 그룹을 탈퇴하고 SM엔터테인먼트측을 상대로 전속계약을 끝내달라는 소송을 내자 “동방신기 멤버들의 소송은 화장품업체에 투자해 이익을 얻을 욕심 때문이었다”고 말해 W사에 의해 두 차례 고소당했다.

Ever since the three members of TVXQ—Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, Xiah Junsu—filed suit against SM Entertainment for the annulment of their long-term exclusive contract with the entertainment management company, Kim has declared, “The reason why the three members of TVXQ filed this lawsuit was to satisfy their greed for money after investing in a cosmetics company”. For these words, Kim was indicted already twice.

W 사측은 고소장에서 “김 대표가 우리회사에게 동방신기 세 멤버의 그룹 탈퇴 책임을 떠넘겨 회사 이미지에 타격을 받았다”며 “SM엔터테인먼트가 우리 회사 중국 대리점에 ‘민•형사상 제소를 하겠다’는 내용증명을 보내 보증금 반환 사태도 벌어졌다”고 밝혔다.

The representatives of ‘W’ state, “The CEO Kim is attempting transfer all responsibility and blame for the departure of the three members of TVXQ on us and this has consequently gravely damaged our corporate image”. They also added, “SM Entertainment publicly threatened our operations in China with a civil or criminal lawsuit, which has incurred further damages and led to the loss of our security deposit.”

경찰은 “동방신기 세 멤버는 장기 전속계약을 끝내달라고 소송을 낸 것이지 화장품업체 투자와는 무관하다”고 판단했다. 지난해 10월 법원은 동방신기 세 멤버가 SM엔터테인먼트를 상대로 낸 전속계약 효력정지 가처분신청을 일부 받아들였다.

이에 대해 SM 엔터테인먼트는 “우리는 이 문제로 W사 이름을 밝힌 적이 없으므로 명예훼손도 없었다”고 말했다.

The police already concluded that “the three members of TVXQ filed the lawsuit against [SM Entertainment] in order to have their long-term exclusive contract with their management company declared invalid; their legal proceedings have noghitng to do with their investment in a cosmetics company.” In October of last year, the Court upheld the preliminary injunction submitted by the three members of TVXQ to have the effects of their exclusive contract nullified during the duration of the lawsuit. SM Entertainment continues to affirm, “we have never mentioned the name ‘W’ in relation to this problem and have thus never commited defamation.”

Translation by: leperenands
Shared by: TheJYJFiles
Momma’s Source: TheJYJFiles

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