110920 JYJ Get Out MV (Full) Studio Version

JYJ Get Out HD MV (Full)

credit: lovena33

Momma’s Source:youtube

11 thoughts on “110920 JYJ Get Out MV (Full) Studio Version

  1. Wow Guys!! You are excellent in this. The dancing is superb and the music video has action and constant movement. Great choreography.You leave no doubt that she is finished. Sadly, these situations happen in real life, don’t they? Momma Cha.

  2. Oh. Right. (pulls out hankie and and grabs a pen)
    “Ah! What painful betrayal yon lady weaves
    Upon the hearts of innocents three
    The cruel damsel a player is
    Untrustworthy heartbreaker!”
    (sniff) Bad poetry! Ah! Boo hoo!
    Seriously, I know, it is an intense study. The girl is so confused she broke the hearts of three men who would be kind and loving to her. Reminds me of Jenny from Forest Gump.

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