[TRANS] 130703 ‘Our Neighborhood’s Master’ Viewers Are Moved By Max Changmin’s Tears, He’s Amazing Though He Lost

[TRANS] 130703 ‘Our Neighborhood’s Master’ Viewers Are Moved By Max Changmin’s Tears, He’s Amazing Though He Lost

Max Changmin shed some emotional tears last night.

The episode of KBS 2TV’s ‘Our Neighborhood’s Master of Variety and Sports’ that aired on the 2nd of July showed the celebrity team’s last bowling match, which was against the Gwangju Ssangchoon-dong team.

On this day, Max Changmin was the last to play, with the fate of the game resting in his hands. Max Changmin had escaped his title as ‘The Fool of Bowling’ and was slowly but surely making his spot as an ace in the team. That effort shone through in his latest match. Max Changmin showcased an amazing concentration as he hit a spare for each round.


However, he could not escape his nerves. Max Changmin had to put his ball down and take a deep breath to control his pace. Unfortunately, Max Changmin lost the match to his opponent Park Dong Hyuk’s strike. His eyes were brimming with tears because he felt sorry and disappointed.

Although Max Changmin was unable to gift his team with a victory, everyone was surprised by his concentration and speed of improvement. He congratulated his opponent’s victory with tears running down his face.

Max Changmin said, “I tried to get myself ready from the middle of Lee Soo Geun’s match, but because it’s a match, my palms got sweaty and the ball slid off my thumb. Although I’ll have a lot of regrets about this bowling match, I did my best and didn’t let my concentration fall.”

Source: [newsen]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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One thought on “[TRANS] 130703 ‘Our Neighborhood’s Master’ Viewers Are Moved By Max Changmin’s Tears, He’s Amazing Though He Lost

  1. You’re still growing and learning Changmin. I love viewing this side of your personality–you really are the maknae despite all of your protests over the years.
    Keep striving; keep reaching for your goals. Someday you will look back on this and smile. TT
    I love you. Momma Cha

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