Editors Note: Condolences to Junsu and Family


It seems as if the important things always occur when you are occupied elsewhere. I have been on a much needed vacation, and I was sad to see when I returned home that Junsu’s grandmother had passed away. Grandmothers are special, wise mothers. They still nurture, instruct, inspire, encourage, and provide a stable base to the family’s existence.

I send my sincerest, heartfelt condolences to the Kim Family. I have experienced the loss of four elders in my own family within the last six weeks. Your heart is devastated and your foundation feels shaky. What you must keep in mind is that your main support comes from the Lord– through Him you gain strength. Depend on others around you as much as they can give to you, but realize that they are struggling with their own emotions. Allow grace for everyone to heal, and make a determination to grow stronger bonds among the remaining family members.

Life will continue to happen, and the pain will lessen as time goes on. This does not make the passing of our loved ones invalid, it simply allows us to remain here and continue to live out our time and our destinies.

I love you Junsu. Stay strong and do your best to honor your grandmother in your words, deeds, and intents of the heart.

Momma Cha

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