[Trans] 111123 JYJ Kim Jaejoong To Hold Fanmeeting In Shanghai, China “To Thank The Fans For All Their Love”

[Trans] 111123 JYJ Kim Jaejoong To Hold Fanmeeting In Shanghai, China “To Thank The Fans For All Their Love”


JYJ member Kim Jaejoong will be holding his solo fanmeet in Shanghai, China.

On 10 December, at 7.30pm, the fanmeeting titled “2011 Kim Jaejoong Fanmeeting in Shanghai” will be held at the Shanghai International Gymnastics Center. This event is held not only for fans who like JYJ’s music, but also for the fans who have shown much love for the SBS drama “Protect the Boss” which Kim Jaejoong acted in.

Previously, in a online poll done on one of China’s biggest websites with approximately 20 million people participating, Kim Jaejoong took the top position for “Asia’s Prettiest Teen Male Stars,” a proof of his popularity. Also, the Chinese fans had come together and visited the “Protect the Boss” set, and showed their care by providing the entire cast and crew with food and other items. 

At this fanmeeting, Kim Jaejoong will be introducing his drama “Protect the Boss” and talk briefly about his recent activities. Also, there will be an interactive talk session with the Chinese fans, and he is scheduled to perform “I’ll Protect You” from the “Protect the Boss OST.”

Tickets for this fanmeeting which has a capacity of approximately 4,000 people, will be available on Ticket365 from 23 November, at 6pm.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Wstarnews via Nate]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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