[PROJECT] Masterchef Kim Jaejoong

[PROJECT] Masterchef Kim Jaejoong

Written by melodiamuse

*walks in chanting “We are here, we are here, we are here!”… and a nice little “YOP” too, just to be on the safe side ;)*

Hey everyone! The ninjas of DBD are back to celebrate another member’s birthday! And this little celebration is for none other than…. *drumroll* the amazing, awesometastic, out of this world tweet monster (who sometimes drives us up a wall with all the tweets he makes) Kim Jaejoong 😀

Instead of doing a contest like we always do, we’ve decided to do a project! Two of us were squeezing our brains out, tossing ideas for the perfect competition when ‘Ahhhh’ (This is the etheral, epiphany kind of ‘Ah’, not the ‘omg I am going to be mauled by a kapibara and its cuteness’ ‘Ah’) the idea hit us, what about a cookbook?

Kim Jaejoong is renowned for constantly feeding his fellow members and his love (and talent for that matter) for cooking is quite infamous. So we thought, why not give him a special cookbook from his fans with recipes from all over the world?

It’s quite simple, all you need to do is submit a recipe that you have either eaten or cooked (or both!) before. It can’t be some random fancy shmancy recipe you find online; we want them to be straight from your hearts and your homes.

When you submit your e-mail, please include the following:
1. Name of the dish
2. Ingredients and measurements
3. Cooking time
4. Servings
5. A photo of the finished dish
6. A recipe (as in, all the steps you need to take to make the dish)
7. A short description of the dish (i.e. what region it comes from, the characteristics flavors, or maybe even a funny short anecdote, maximum four lines please)
8. Your name
9. The name of the country you currently reside in
10. What country this dish comes from (you can write ‘fusion’ if it’s a mix)
11. Cover page design (optional – please submit as an attachment)

*The cover page design option is a chance to have your design on the cover of our cookbook. We don’t have exact dimensions or a final title yet, so use a filler title and whatever dimensions you would like (we can adjust it later).

Keep in mind that some of the ingredients you might use may not be available in Korea, if you think some of the ingredients (like spices) are grown only in your region, please leave a little note for us or even better, tell us what can be substituted instead and still have that same flavor.

We’ll be translating all the recipes from English to Korean (because… let’s face it, English is still a bit of a hurdle for our Google Translate-using boy♥), putting it all in a cookbook and personally delivering it to Crebeau-Jeff.

We do apologize in advance for the possibility that we may not be able to use all of your lovely recipes (since some may overlap or we may get too many) but we’ll try our best! If we do unfortunately come to the situation where we can’t put all you recipes in the book, we’ll put them all on a usb and deliver that along with it.

You have from today (January 26th) till February 9th to submit your name,country,email & recipe name as a comment on this post and till the 26th of February to submit the actual recipe (in the format above) to tohosuperu@gmail.com.

We don’t know how long it’ll take for us to complete the book but we’re aiming for April around our first anniversary \o/


Also, if you’d like to donate to the project, we would greatly appreciate that. It could help produce a final product of a higher quality or get all your recipes into the book since book printing is quite pricey, and we’re not the richest people in the fandom (sad, sad little fact ;A;)

If you would like to contribute to this “cookbook fund”, our paypal email address is tohosuperu@gmail.com, and any amount is welcome!! Accounting for this will be very transparent, of course 🙂 We are very transparent people. So transparent, you can’t even see us. It’s part of our ninja powers. *gets carried away*

So spread the word and get cooking!

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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