I love music. All types of genres appeal to me as individual works. This is just a sampling of types of voices I find fascinating–the Counter Tenor and the Soprano/Mezzo Soprano.
1) “Steal Away” (arr. by Maria Thompson Corley)
2) (@04:30) “Peter, Go Ring dem Bells” (arr. by Margaret Bonds)
3) (@06:54) “Amazing Grace” (arr. by Hale Smith)
Darryl Taylor, counter-tenor
Brent McMunn, piano
from Albany TROY1244
As a contrast..
Just For a Fun Experience
Difference between vocal
Soprano and mezzo-soprano in the high notes of Una Voce poco fa.
credit: AlbanyRecordsUSA+Esotericoclast+Mostgivesmore+MusicForAWhileXVII+sjuli17+petercommi+EdmundStAustell
Momma’s Source: youtube
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