Video + Translation 110512

I like this longer version, Guys. The bear theme is cute, especially wanting to meet the bear. I like the peeking too. Love ya, Momma Cha

[Vid+Trans] 110512 Tohoshinki “Silver Card” CM Making

YH&CM: Hello! This is Tohoshinki!
CM: Yes, today, we will film the “Sogo/Seibu” CM. Let’s to our best today!
YH: We’ll do our best today!
YH&CM: Thank you in advance for taking care of us.
PD: Tohoshinki’s two members will be performing today. Let’s work well together!
YH&CM: Thank you.
PD: So we’ll proceed with the graphic filiming now. Let’s start!

YH: Since the CM is the silver card of the silver bear, we are also wearing silver suits!
CM: Everyone, do we look cool?

PD: After lunch, we will standby for the MV.
YH: Later!
YH: See you later!
YH: Bye bye~

PD: The Tohoshinki members are dancing very sharp and cool. So at your feet, the bear will be dancing its best, in the bear’s own way.
YH: Is the bear going to be all CG?
PD: Yes.
YH: Ahh that’s unforunate…I wanted to meet the bear.
PD: Haha you wanted to meet the bear~

PD: Taking! Action, start!
PD: Cut!

PD: You clenched your fist now
Staff: Why did you do that?
CM: Wait, let me see. (T/N: can’t make out the Korean words)
Staff: Is this okay??
CM: Once more, once more!! Really, this will be the last take.

PD: Action! Cut!

PD: Okay now please(T/N: can’t make out words) We are done for today. Thank you very much.
YH: Thank you very much.
CM: Thank you very much.

CM: This card is not just cool it’s really convenient too.
YH: Everyone, please have the same card as us!

credit: Chungam

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