Translation: 110612 Son Yeon’s Gala Show — Kim Jaejoong Congratulates With Row of Flower Wreaths

[Trans] 110612 Son Yeon’s Gala Show – Kim Jaejoong Congratulates With Row Of Flower Wreaths

Great Job, Director Kim. May you receive more opportunites to direct. Love you. Momma Cha

On June 11 at 3PM and June 12 at 2PM, Korea’s first Rhythmic Gymnastics Gala Show ‘LG Whisen Rhythmic All Stars 2011′ was held at Korea University’s Hwageong Gymnasium. Kim Jaejoong, the director of the gala, sent a whole row of congratulatory flower wreaths.

Not only did Son Yeon and other South Korean Rhythmic Gymnasts attend the Gala Show, but also world-class athletes. In particular, the topic of JYJ Kim Jaejoong’s director-role has been receiving plenty of attention ever since it has been brought to light.

On that day, Kim Jaejoong’s fans came up with special taglines such as “The Gala Show will blow a gust of victory” and “Congratulations to Director Kim Jaejoong’s Creative Challenge”, supporting Kim Jaejoong who has just returned from JYJ’s World Tour and is actively pursuing many different fields of activities.

Director Kim’s greeting on the front page of the Gala Show’s brochure allowed him to express his feelings about the event, “When I met Son Yeon, although she was an athlete of a neglected branch of competitive sporting, her dream was aimed towards the world’s stage. That’s why I wanted to give her the greatest support for her efforts. I’m really happy to be the director for the Gala Show!”

Source: [baidutvxq]
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