[Trans] 111031 What Is JYJ’s Secret To Success According To The Admins Of Their Spanish Fanclubs?

[Trans] 111031 What Is JYJ’s Secret To Success According To The Admins Of Their Spanish Fanclubs?

“K-pop is something that can even appeal to the masses who are encountering it for the first time.”

Sara(27) and Laura(24), who are admins of Spanish JYJ fanclubs, stated with confidence that K-pop will become extremely popular all across Europe.

Sara and Laura participated in the meeting that was held at the POBLE ESPANYOL on the 28th and said, “K-pop is a form of content that is becoming more and more popular. Spanish music can get boring at times and we like K-pop because it has many singers who can dance well and sing live at the same time.”

They continued to add, “We really like K-pop, and we’re thankful that JYJ have decided to hold a solo concert in Spain for the first time,” and “We’re so happy to be able to see JYJ up close.”

Through the interview with Sara and Laura, we were able to gauge K-pop’s current position in Spain. Though the K-pop market is still small in Europe, even they could see that it was growing.

Here is the Q&A session with Sara and Laura.

-Please introduce your fanclubs.

▶I’m an admin of a fanclub called Sharing Yoochun (Sara Martinez, Sharing Yoochun). You could say that Sharing Yoochun is a global fanclub and that I’m the admin of the Spain region. We upload photos and videos of JYJ and we get around 5,000 visiters on our site every day. (Sara)

I’m currently the admin of Yongwonhi,sub (Laura Serates, Yongwonhi,sub). We upload and translate JYJ-related material. We’ve been collecting and translating dramas and videos related to TVXQ and JYJ since 2008. Though we’re a Spanish fanclub, a lot of our members are from South America. Around 3,000 people download the material we post. (Laura)


-What is the reason why you like TVXQ or JYJ?

▶I really like K-pop and most of the songs I listen to are K-pop songs. I’ve liked JYJ since they performed as TVXQ. (Sara)

-How did you come across K-pop?

▶In my case, I came across K-pop while watching a Japanese drama. Later on, my friend showed me a video of TVXQ and I immediately became a fan. (Laura)

My friend had me listen to Big Bang’s music and I began to take an interest in K-pop because it’s quite sophisticated like American pop music. I was moved by TVXQ’s ‘Mirotic’ and that’s when I became a fan. (Sara)

-What did you like about TVXQ? Did you like them because of ‘Mirotic’?

▶I think all K-pop singers sing and dance very well. I like TVXQ and though they are currently divided into TVXQ and JYJ, I support both groups. (Sara)

-What is the difference between Korean and Spanish music?

▶Most of the songs on my iPad are K-pop songs. I don’t have any Spanish music on it. The majority of it is rock music and it’s not that great to dance to. All Spanish singers feel the same for me so I don’t have much interest in Spanish music. (Laura)

I used to study music. Spanish music these days is missing something. When I first came across K-pop, it felt very similar to American pop, and the more you listen to it, the more it appeals to you. (Sara)

-Does language or age ever hinder any of the fans from enjoying K-pop?

▶The fans are all of a different age. The youngest are thirteen years old while most are usually in their thirties. I’m not from Barcelona, I’m from Galicia. In Galicia, there aren’t that many people who are interested in Korea, but when the fans do get together every once in a while, we watch dramas together or listen to music. (Laura)

-Who are the most popular Korean singers in Barcelona?

▶TVXQ(JYJ), Rain, Super Junior.

-Why is it K-pop and not J-pop?

▶The trend of J-pop has already come and gone. J-pop music is similar to European music and it has no character. K-pop is always new and we like it because there are so many good songs to dance to. I believe that K-pop is a good form of content that can even appeal to the masses who are encountering it for the first time. (Laura)

-What are the future possibilities for K-pop?

▶K-pop has become popular, especially amongst the younger generation, because it has a wide variety of characters who are fun and easily approachable. We believe that people in other age groups will also find the music appealing. K-pop’s become more approachable through Youtube, so we believe it will continue to grow and evolve.

Source: [TV Report]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net
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