141119 JYJ Tokyo Dome Compilation

Thank You for the beautiful HD video. 🙂 As always, JYJ outdid themselves with beautiful vocals, visuals, and dance.

credit: teddy0205A+Stephanie Sim+ayajae11+sisiemoon703+marii y+ MossyDeep64+

JYJ Fantalk Source: youtube

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[TRANS] 130309 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

[TRANS] 130309 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

(1:45pm KST) Our manager, who has stayed by our side and traveled the world with us for the past three years, has finally found his match made in Heaven and gotten married. We all got together and sang ‘Found You’ as our congratulatory song for his wedding. Hyung~! You have to be happy~~~^^

(1:45pm KST) Shall we give you all a small 10-second sneak peek of it? haha

Source: [JYJ’s LINE account]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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