NEWS 110928 Tohoshinki: Special Message Woven Into Their Japanese Official Album

[News] Tohoshinki, Special Message Woven Into Their Japanese Official Album

Tohoshinki has inserted a special message addressed to their fans in their new official album which went on sale in Japan.

On September 28, Tohoshinki’s new album “TONE” went on sale in Japan. This album is their first official album in 2 years since 2009′s “Secret Code”. They have caught much attention for weaving in hidden messages in this album by conveying greetings to their fans through the lyrics booklet of the album.

When one takes a cursory glance at the album, the message cannot be found. However, at the album lyrics booklet which is enclosed in cellophane, one can see some lyrics of different colors and when one combines all those words together, a message is formed. The content of the message reads, “We love you. We’ll always be by your side. Let’s walk on together.”

In the Japanese fanclub “Bigeast” version, in the lyrics of 5 songs, the combined words read, “heart 愛してる いつもありがと これからもwith bigeast ?いていこう 大好きだよ”. The meaning translates to, “We love you     We’re always grateful to you     From now on, we’ll walk on together with Bigeast     It feels really great”.

In the CD+DVD version, in 6 songs, the extracted words combine to form “一?にこれからも?いていこう ずっと傍にいるよ こ れからも一?に?いていくよ 愛してる”, and this message reads “Let’s walk on together from now on. We’ll be by your side. From now on, let’s walk on together. We love you.”

Tohoshinki’s album will have 13 songs, including “B.U.T”, which was first unveiled through SM Town’s stage in early September,”Why? (Keep Your Head Down)” which went on sale in January, “Super Star”, a single which was released in July, and “I Don’t Know” etc.

Source: segye
Translated by: CTVXQstaff_mug_ping @
Distributed by: CTVXQstaff_mug_ping @
Please Keep All Credits Intact, thanks.

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