Translation 110628 Actress Park Hae Mi Praised Kim Junsu’s Performance In Musicals

[Trans] 110628 Actress Park Hae Mi praised Kim Junsu’s performance in musicals‏

On 24th of the broadcast of QTV’s Su Mi Ok, Park Hae Mi shared a lot of her stories from her family history to her acting life.

Determined Park Hae Mi who has her own unique area on the musical stage, upon MC Kim Jung Min’s question of “There are many musical actors who debuted as idols, but who is the one that is talented and is strong in his/her performance?”, she replied, “Kim Junsu.”

JYJ member Kim Junsu’s musicals “Mozart”, “Tears of Heaven” etc, showcased his extreme potentials through the portrayal of these musicals.


credit: daum news+junsoobar
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s source;

Yayyyyy, Baby!!!!!!! Proud of You.

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