[TRANS] 111115-111116 Post Of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 111115-111116 Post Of JYJ Tweets

Posted on November 16, 2011

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, November 15th to 5:59am KST, November 17th.

YES \o/
(Jaejoong, 7:00pm KST) Thanks Him Chan. You showcased ‘Get Out’ so well when we weren’t able to! Thank you to all the members of Sachoom^^

(T/N: If you haven’t watched Sachoom yet, you should. The both of us here watched it this summer and loved it~)

….. MY EYES O__O
 (Junsu, 2:47am KST) The greatest thriller spectacle that will dominate 2012….. that will surpass…. Angel Xiah……………………… Angel Han Sol ……………… http://twitpic.com/7ek5pv

 (Min Young Ki, 10:27am KST) @0101xiahtic Junsu, who terrorized Han Sol keke What’s Han Sol to do now!? keke I should go to White Lion and play some games… Let’s set up a date for that!!! Dong Seok keeps saying we should play together soon??
 (Junsu, 11:05am KST) @poimin73 I know, Dong Seok kept asking me.. about who would win if he played against you lol

Source: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Other’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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111115 JYJ’s Get Out @ Seoul Prize Festival

For as long as we can keep it–here is a performance on KBS by a dance troupe called Sachoom for the Seoul Prize Festival. This is called the voice of the people. Hurrah!!! Does this explain Jaejoong’s cryptic tweet? Momma Cha

credit: JjYcJs

Momma’s Source: youtube

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