Editors Note: 110613 Telisha Shaw/ ‘Telisu’s “Our Secret”

Editor’s Note: 110613 Telisha Shaw/ Telisu’s “Our Secret”

I am posting this song for evaluation in reaction to the controversy that could easily get out-of-hand concerning whether our Junsu and Telisha Shaw have a relationship beyond the stage of the JYJ concerts. As friends and performers, they have every right to a relationship. As anything beyond friends, they would be consenting, yet unwise adults.

Workplace romances are traditionally tragic, and in the case of celebrities, potentially damaging.

Where the problem comes from is the tone and implication of the song “Our Secret”. If Telisha has any respect for JYJ, she should have been wiser in her choice of lyrics as it would be an instant assumption that she is referring to Junsu in the song. This is because it is an understanding among the fandom that they are friends, thus the origin of the name ‘Telisu’. What kind of friends is the issue here, and only they can answer that question.

The song itself is extremely trite; immature; suggestive, and, I’m sorry sweetheart, not the best musically. Including references to the crew room, to LA, and to an Austin Martin infer that the person is a part of the show, and has means. You are doing whomever you fantasize about an injustice here.

In light of the fact that the song is advertised as a fantasy, I am concluding that it is a fantasy on Telisha’s part or at least on the part of the songwriter, albeit a tasteless one, and to give you some credit, Telisha, your inference when speaking of Junsu in your interview is that he is still influenced by his parents. That’s a good thing. Thank you for that inside information.

Telisha, if you want to repay your friendship with JYJ in any way, I feel sad that you have chosen a method that could harm either one or more of them, even if it is with their consent. It is thoughtless, and, frankly speaking, since I believe that we know Junsu better than we know you — he gets the benefit of the doubt hands down. Someday all of JYJCY will commit to a permanent relationship, and I wish them well. Some may already be there, but until they deem it appropriate to announce it to all of the fandom, our role is only that of observer and caring supporter.

For now, Junsu remains my Duckie and that rests my case. Love you, Telisha. Life moves on. Momma Cha

credit; Momma Cha@http://jyjfantalk.com twitter

“Our Secret’


credit: telixiah
Momma’s Source: youtube