[TWITTER] 120323 Jaejoong Twitter Update (He Finally Tweeted!!) – UPDATED

[TWITTER] 120323 Jaejoong Twitter Update (He Finally Tweeted!!) – UPDATED

Jaejoong [Trans] “Preparing to return” works as well or “Preparing to come back”

Jaejoong [Trans] Though I should have been the strongest in this situation, I collapsed such as this. I feel indebted to many people who supported me and I am sorry…looking back, I had tens of thousands of sad thoughts…but having time when you can hurt is beneficial to you

[Detailed Trans] 내가 제일 강한줄알았는데 이렇게 한없이 무너지는 내모습에 너무 초라해진 나 자신이 부끄럽고 응원해주시는 많은 분들에게 미안합니다..
I thought I was the strongest, but I feel like I am so small looking at myself breaking (literally: collapsing) endlessly, ashamed of myself, and I feel sorry for many of you who support me..

자신을 되돌아보는 시간동안 수만가지 생각을했습니다.
I thought of tens of thousands while looking back at myself.

아프니까청춘이라지만..좀더 아파야할 시간을 갖는것도 좋을듯합니다..
Even though there’s a saying “Youth experience bitterness of life.(LITERALLY: Because you have pain, you are a youth)” but I think it would be good to be in pain a bit more for a while..

Source: @mjjeje
Translated By: Buniu of JYJ3 + Yule of PrinceJJ + Jeneration (@126×204)
Shared By: JYJ3

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Momma’s Source: JYJ3

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