[Info] 130325~130326 TVXQ! Facebook Update

[Info] 130325~130326 TVXQ! Facebook Update

S.M. + 10 Corso Como Seoul Collaboration Project!
10 Corso Como Seoul Melody

A remix compilation album containing 1 track of TVXQ! will be released at the launching party on the 28th.

– TVXQ! ‘이것만은 알고 가(Before U Go)’ by HYOO

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of launching 10 Corso ComoSeoul, 10 Corso Como and TVXQ! have collaborated to introduce collaboration products!
10 Corso Como Seoul Melody – TVXQ!

shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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