Translation 111213 JYJ Park Yoochun Selected As Ramen CF Model

[TRANS] 111213 JYJ Park Yoochun Selected As Ramen CF Model


Popular group JYJ’s Park Yoochun has become the CF model for a ramen commercial.

His management company revealed on 13 December that Yoochun is currently active as the model for Ottogi’s new product.

To date, Park Yoochun has appeared in ads for Dongsuh Foods’ s Tio, Nintendo Wii, Italian restaurant Black Smith and others. As part of group JYJ, he is also active as a model for clothing brand NII and LG Optimus Q2.

Watch the ad :

credit: ottoginoodle

Source : [Wow!Korea + Ottoginoodle]

Momma’s Source:

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