Picture + Translation 110812 HoMin — Heechul, Donghae, and Yesung Twitter Update

[Pic+Trans] 110812 Homin – Heechul ,Donghae and Yesung Twitter Update

Heechul (@Heedictator)
The Hee kid, Yun kid, Hae kid who spent 10 years together, why did you call me Hee kid and yet did not address me like that during broadcast? Yunho yaㅠ^ㅠ http://twitpic.com/64qot6

Heechul (@Heedictator)

This is Shim Changmin who had the bright eyes of a religious follower, he is really a sincere Kim Hee Chul’s religious follower (신도). If were to abbreviate to four words, it will be Shindorim Station. (신도림역 Shindorim-yeok) http://twitpic.com/64py1y
T/N: It’s a homonym word play.

Donghae (@donghae861015)
Yunho hyung, and Changmin who came to Music Bank. ke. It’s been more than ten years. ke. Thank you!! http://lockerz.com/s/128836365

Yesung (@shfly3424)
Today… my handsome dongsaengs, DBSK came to support us ^^ SM Family’s loyalty (brotherhood) is the best!!! http://yfrog.com/kfycntlrj

credit: Heedictator+shfly3424+donghae861015
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s source: sharingyoochun.net

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NEWS 110808 JYJ To Open A Photo Exhibition This Month

[News] 110808 JYJ to open a photo exhibition this month

On August 8th, C-JeS Entertainment revealed that the JYJ trio would be opening their very own photo exhibition called ‘Mine‘!

Representatives revealed, “Starting on August 12th, JYJ will be opening a 10-day photo exhibit at the Insa Gallery in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The exhibit was created for the members to better connect and converse with their fans.”

CEO Baek Chang Ju of C-JeS Entertainment explained, “Because of the restrictions put on the members for broadcast programs, there haven’t been many opportunities for them to show the success of their 10-city world tour. That is the reason why we came up with the idea of a special photo exhibit. We sure that it will be a special present to the Korean fans who have been waiting for the boys, as well as to the international fans who are making visits to Korea.”

The exhibit will contain photos from their worldwide tour earlier this year, as well as photos taken of their day-to-day lives. The members said, “We want to share the memories we’ve made with fans all around the world in the States, Canada, and Asia. We hope that this will be an opportunity for us to connect through our passion for music and share our gratitude towards our fans.”

Tickets will be on sale starting August 8th through C-JeS’s official homepage.

Source + Photos: Asia Today via Nate, OSEN
credit: allkpop

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