[Trans] 130603 Bum’s Twitter

[Trans] 130603 Bum’s Twitter

bums1313: Jaejoong who is signing on our Character cup!! Met him at night, and afterward we kept chatting… GOGO~ he must be tired after all the schedule, you worked hard! Eh?! Like this! Bye bye~~~ pic.twitter.com/XjHYllP3iY

credit: jnam
trans by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Trans] 130515 Bum’s Story Twitter Update

[Trans] 130515 Bum’s Story Twitter Update

bums1313 : Yoochun signing!! While he’s saying “Ah~ quite pretty?! Where’s mine?!”… I forced him to sign!! Hee hee~ of course! This is Boss Kim’s and Park’s! Why did you ask?! And he was drinking deliciously. If there’s a need, please say it! I will add it on for you~ pic.twitter.com/lavocM5Ry8

credit: freyazo
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 130123-130124 Post of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 130123-130124 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, January 23rd to 5:59am KST, January 25th.

Someone’s having fun 😉
(Jaejoong, 7:01pm KST, 130123) http://pic.twitter.com/6l9m7SI2

(Jaejoong, 1:00am KST, 130124) Gotcha! http://pic.twitter.com/pRgqSJ6d

(Jaejoong, 1:27pm KST, 130124) Left Yoo, middle Jae, right Jun http://pic.twitter.com/7sIhJCvr

Stop making me jelly D:
(Junsu, 4:51pm KST, 130124) Hi!^^ I got a signature from Jaejoong hyung~~~~~~~~~ hehe http://pic.twitter.com/IoBOzSSC

Source: [Jaejoong+Junsu’s  Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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110829 Junsu’s Signature and Message for Dongbangdata! FanAccount

Junsu’s Signature and Message for Dongbangdata!

Posted on August 19, 2011 by melodiamuse

We had the privilege of meeting a certain Mr. Kim Junsu at his mom’s cosmetic shop by chance 🙂 We gave him a little introduction about our site and he very willingly agreed to give us a signature and a little message!

His parents asked us what we wanted written on the signature and we said anything was fine, so this is what he wrote for us♥

“I pray that you’ll always be healthy and have a life filled only with things that make you smile/laugh ^.^”

A big thank you to his parents for letting us meet him, and an especially big thank you to Junsu for writing us such a sweet message!

~for our fan account, go here~

RANDOM] Fan Account of Meeting Junsu at Crebeau Today!
August 19, 2011 in Random Babbling

The giant cat house of awesomeness right here!


*breathes in and out*

lol I’m still flailing and I met Junsu six hours ago…. *flails again*

teehee, anywho Rara and I decided to go to Junsu’s pizza place and Crebeau today to eat and get our nails done.
We were supposed to go on Tuesday but because of my college apps, we pushed our Ilsan trip to today and thank God we did!

After Imshil (btw Junsu’s favorite pizza is the Chicken Barbecue one if any of you are interested) we found our way over to Crebeau and Rara had just gotten her nails done, when a couple of Japanese fans started like major spazzing.

Then we saw his mom and she was carrying two photos for the Japanese fans. My initial thought was ‘wow they’re getting so excited from seeing his mom. I wonder what they’re like when they see Junsu’ and I decided to eavesdrop a little.

For some odd reason, the lady who worked there was talking to them in Korean and said something like “and he’ll sign these for you since you bought them”

I was like “……….. ?!?!?!” and then the lady who was doing my manicure was like “Oh Junsu must be here right now.”

Cue me and Rara’s “………….. WAIT WHAT???????”

Spazzing, we ended up each buying Xiahlendars for him to sign (they are hella cute btw) and we waited for our turn. We walked into the room and there’s this guy in a hoodie with the hood covering half his face and texting like a mad man.

He put his phone down and looked and us and he actually has pretty nice skin, even without any make up on. So he started signing Rara’s, whose name I had to spell out like four times X) And I was spelling it out for him and his mom and dad starting chiming in, it was adorable. It felt like being a parent teaching her kid how to spell♥

And I told him that Rara spoke Japanese and English, though his mom and dad both thought she was Korean. And I thought he would write something in Japanese, but he wrote “thanks~” in English and his dad laughed.

And then I gave him my name and his dad asked me if I was a college student. I said I had just submitted college apps and he was like “Oh so you’re a 12th Grader?” and I was like “No, I graduated overseas,” and his mom asked where I lived and I said, “Dubai!”

Junsu, his mom and his dad all looked at me and were like “Wow~” and I was like ‘EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE’ on the inside. So then Junsu’s dad asked where I had replied and I said, “I’ve gotten into Korea and Yonsei University and I just applied to SNU today,” and he said “Wow~ You must be really smart!”

By that point, Junsu was done signing my paper and I said, “Oh! and we run a translating site and we were wondering if you could give us your signature for it?” His dad looked really interested and he gave Junsu an A4 sheet of paper and asked me to write down the name of our site. I wrote it down and Junsu gave us a signature. His mom asked what Junsu should write for a message and I said anything was fine, but she said that ‘anything’ is pretty hard and Junsu just wrote what he wanted and said ”I pray that you’ll always be healthy and have a life filled only with things that make you smile/laugh ^.^”

And I asked if we could take a photo with him and his dad said, “Oh he hasn’t put anything(bb cream/make up) on his face, so he won’t” and I said, “I haven’t either! It’s okay~” and we all laughed 🙂

So after that, Junsu’s phone rang, which he answered with “Who is this?” and then he was having a phone conversation and I zoned out because I don’t like eavesdropping on people’s phone convos, and we were wondering if we should leave when Junsu’s dad said “Shake his hand before you go.” So we waited a bit.

And then Junsu got off his phone and looked at us with this gaze that seemed to say ‘Wait, why are they still here?’ and it was so ADORABLE♥ And then his dad was like, “Junsu shake their hands!” and Junsu was like “oh right!” and he shook our hands. omg his hand is so small for a guy but so strong T__T

So then as we were leaving, I was like “Oppa Hwaiting~ Hwaiting on your new album~” and him and his parents all laughed and smiled.

After that, I was getting my manicure finished and I told the lady that we weren’t able to take pictures with him, and she said, “Oh yeah, he doesn’t like taking photos because he says he comes out chubbier on camera. But isn’t he so skinny?” so then she and I talked about how skinny Junsu was for a good five minutes.

He left for a bit to go to the bathroom and when he came back I looked to see how skinny he was and dat butt…. lol Yes it is noticeable since his legs are so skinny compared to it 😉

After a bit, he left again and when he did, he said bye like four times. It was so cute♥

So then we got to see his cats and omg ;A; I LOVE THESE CATS SO MUCH LIKE….. NO LIE
I can’t even express my love for them in proper English SO CUTE T__________T
Bakira and Tigger were chasing each other around for a bit and Leo was just….. lazing around and sleeping lololol

So then we left, and his mom was like “Come again soon~”

Credit: melodiamuse

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net+melodiamuse.wordpress.com

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Pictures + Translation Jaejoong Fans Support by MazeJae

[Pic+Trans] 110801 Jaejoong Fans Support‏ by MazeJae

JJ’s signature: Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary, today’s support, thank you!

Summary: MazeJae’s team prepared and collected the food items freshly on the wee morning of 30th and packed it themselves. The fan support team arrived when Jaejoong is filming his last outdoor scene. The fan support team distributed to the staffs on the filming site and they were very friendly and humorous. The staffs kept thanking the fan support team.

At the end of the support, Jaejoong happily expressed his thanks to us.
An incident happened during his autograph for us made us feel so warmhearted. As we did not anticipate Jaejoong’s signing during our preparation, we did not prepare any pen and paper.

When Jaejoong realized there are no paper for him to sign, the manager asked us to find one and at this time, Jaejoong straightaway took his music composition book that was left on the car, tore out a sheet and wrote his thanks for us plus the congratulations for our two years’ anniversary.
When we were about to leave, we said “Hwaiting!” to Jaejoong and upon hearing that, Jaejoong immediately got embarrassed and happily smiled to us.

The person we loved is really a very warmhearted, kind and good child.
No matter what happened, we promised to protect him and this will never change.

Jaejoong ah, this is our promise. ^^
Go With You, Never Stop.

credit: MazeJae‏
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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Trans Junsu’s signature at PRAIN celebrating its 11th…

[Trans] Junsu’s signature at PRAIN celebrating its 11th anniversary

Junsu’s signature at PRAIN celebrating its 11th anniversary! The message reads:

It’s Junsu^.^ I congratulate [instead saying 축하 he wrote 추카 spelling it just like it is read] very very [in Eng but written in Krn] congratulate Prain on its 11th anniversary thank you arigato omedetou sawasdee khrab kob khun krab ^.^

P.S. xie xie [all written out in Krn lol Junsu is so cute]

source: sunxiahine_jyj
trans by: inheaven_wJYJ

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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