[TRANS] 130828 Post of JYJ Tweets

If you were a ghost, I’d let you haunt me 😉
(Junsu, 11:16pm KST) It’s a ghost!!! pic.twitter.com/Wn8dbOyCh0


(Junsu, 11:17pm KST) Thank you to everyone who came to watch Elisabeth today and gave us your cheers and applause ^^ For the first time in a while.. I’m posting a photo of my face without any make-up on as I head home keke pic.twitter.com/VYsAcEEA8H


Source: [Junsu’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130824-130825 Post of JYJ Tweets

Having fun, children? 😉
(Junsu, 11:22pm KST, 130824) I have a cold sore.. and our Gi Kwang just personally put some albothyl on it with a cotton bud haha
(Gi Kwang, 11:26pm KST, 130824) @1215thexiahtic Sir, it’s going to get better very soon ~_~!!! Just sit still and wait!!!!!
(Junsu, 11:28pm KST, 130824) @B2stGK But.. why.. does this hurt so much.. You’re sure I’m okay, right? Doctor…?
(Gi Kwang, 11:29pm KST, 130824) @1215thexiahtic It’s kind of weird that we’re Tweeting when we’re sitting right next to each other but kekekekekekekekekeke Just sit still and wait!!!!! ^______^
(Junsu, 11:30pm KST, 130824) @B2stGK Yes, sir~!!

Albothyl is painful :X
(Dong Wook, 12:00am KST, 130825) @1215thexiahtic Albothyl is the bomb keke
(Junsu, 12:05am KST, 130825) @Vanikwak Hyung, I’ll see you tomorrow ^^
(Jee Hoon, 12:44am KST, 130825) @Vanikwak @1215thexiahtic What’s albothyl? How tired you must have been to get cold sores ㅜㅜ
(Junsu, 12:17pm KST, 130825) @leejeehoon79 Hyung, it’s gotten better ^^ Thank you for your concern~

Source: [Junsu+Others’ Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130822 Post of JYJ Tweets

Looks like that Tae Hui guy fulfilled his wish 🙂
(Junsu, 5:08pm KST) M.Pire~ I received a CD from this rookie group. I heard that they had prepared a signed CD and waited for me at the salon.. Do rookie idols do this kind of thing these days? It reminded me of when we used to go around to all our seniors to greet them and give them our CDs.. pic.twitter.com/GC5gqIg5jh

(Junsu, 5:09pm KST) It was great to meet such well-mannered youths^^ M.Pire, you have my support~!! ^^ Good luck!
(Young Ki, 5:14pm KST) @1215thexiahtic Junsu, I want a signed CD from you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Mr. well-mannered Junsu
(Junsu, 5:19pm KST) @poimin73 Ha-ack!
(Young Ki, 5:20pm KST) @1215thexiahtic That means ‘okay’, right?? keke
(Junsu, 6:10pm KST) @poimin73 Yes keke
(Young Ki, 6:11pm KST) @1215thexiahtic Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get here quick!!! I’ve already gotten all my make-up done and am waiting ^^
(Junsu, 6:23pm KST) @poimin73 I’ve gotten all my makeup done as well and am on my way.^^

That is… a lot of eye makeup O__O
(Junsu, 6:45pm KST) Death, on the way to the SAC..^^ pic.twitter.com/XBKiFJoS8K


(Junsu, 6:47pm KST) Death is in a good mood..^^ But.. I think it actually makes Death look scarier.. pic.twitter.com/xSt5p7psRz



(Junsu, 6:48pm KST) Death is pretending to be cute..^^;; pic.twitter.com/VIxkcA2HAX



So wise these days, Mr. Kim. So wise.
(Jaejoong, 7:58pm KST) People feel the strongest sense of joy when their minds are most active and when they are least forgetful. This is the best way to test whether something is the true happiness we strive to enjoy. pic.twitter.com/b0QPKc7c7p



Source: [Junsu+Jaejoong+Other’s Twitter]

 Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130816 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, August 16th to 5:59am KST, August 17th.

There have been a lot of things going on actually… :/
(Jaejoong, 12:24am KST) Is there something going on? pic.twitter.com/tvWnU0ftS2


Bangs + Summer = not good 😛
(Jaejoong, 12:31am KST) Jeez, having this on my forehead.. It’s too hot, I need a napkin

[T/N: I’m assuming he’s talking about his bangs making his forehead sweat]

Source: [Jaejoong’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 130814 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, August 14th to 5:59am KST, August 15th.

Let me join you~~ hurr hurr
(Gi Kwang, 1:13pm KST) @1215thexiahtic Hyung ~_~ You’re the best~~ But when are you going to pick up your phone when I call~~~~!! keke
(Junsu, 1:47pm KST) @B2stGK Yesterday.. you called me while I was watching a musical haha Are you busy today?
(Gi Kwang, 3:30pm KST) @1215thexiahtic Ah, I guess my timing was off haha I’ll call you when I’m done for the day~~!
(Junsu, 4:04pm KST) @B2stGK okay okay, let’s go have some coffee!!!

Bet you do amazing Jun-chan <3
(Junsu, 4:24pm KST) The lengthening shadows, people could never see them
There’s no time to hesitate, all you’ll do is pass this by and regret it
The darkness that covers the world, the end of the world
That’s where you’re standing..!!! yeah!!
(June Hyoung, 4:51pm KST) @1215thexiahtic Is today your first performance for Elisbaeth? Good luck! I’ll be watching you perform on Sunday~ I’m excited~
(Junsu, 5:06pm KST) @junelee1028 Thanks, June Hyoung~^^

Source: [Junsu+Others’ Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130802 Post of JYJ Tweets

Thank you, Mr 🙂
(Jaejoong, 7:54am KST) -LoVE&FREE- If our expressions of true love get too long, the person on the receiving-end may misunderstand it for “preaching, persuasion”. I believe that the happiest word that the world has given us is “Thank you.” Try saying it to those around you today. pic.twitter.com/E1hi4TnH3X


[T/N: Translation of text posted by Jaejoong]
There are times when ‘one word’ from someone can make your heart feel lighter.
There are times when ‘one word’ from someone can completely change your life.
There are times when ‘one word’ from someone can help a person live the rest of his life.

Putting love in each and every word.

Though it’s a little hard to do at times,
it may be the simplest but the greatest way to express oneself.

(Jaejoong, 7:56am KST) Though I don’t seem to say this enough, I’m always grateful, “Thank you.”

Such wise words from our wise man 🙂
(Jaejoong, 11:35am KST) They say that our youth, the most dazzling moment of our lives, comes only once for the short period of time that is our twenties but.. the most beautiful “that moment” of happiness can come at any time in our lives. Every moment from the moment you take off to when you land back down has the possibility of becoming “the greatest moment”.

(Jaejoong, 11:35am KST) For example.. Even if there are unsightly and perilous moments in our lives, that could be “that moment” for someone else. What we see with our eyes may just be the tip of the iceberg of the most priceless and incomparable happiness that exists. “Your own resplendency” that no one else can see.

(Jaejoong, 11:42am KST) Everyone, can you see “your own resplendency” in your lives right now? It’s a memory that only you can see, and it may just be something small that you’ve accomplished so far. Search for it. And remember. Just how precious and amazing your existence in this world is.

Source: [Jaejoong’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130722-130723 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, July 22nd to 5:59am KST, July 24th.

Seems to be reading a lot these days, bored bb?

(Jaejoong, 12:56am KST) Confidence isn’t something that suddenly appears one day when you grit your teeth and make a decision. It’s something that comes naturally when you strengthen the capacities of your inner self. The strange thing is, the more you strengthen your inner self, the more confident you become, and the softer and humbler you become as well.

Go Do Won “Morning Letter”

You and your strange taste 😛
(Jaejoong, 6:25pm KST, English Tweet) BBopBBo (T/N: 뽀뽀 means ‘Kisses’ in Korean) pic.twitter.com/tWvCcZ9WS6


Yeah, I think everyone’s kinda wishing for that in Korea right now
(Jaejoong, 8:18pm KST) Rain, please stop falling down on us~ pic.twitter.com/77220Cbs9d



Source: [Jaejoong’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Trans] 130711 Post of JYJ Tweets

[Trans] 130711 Post of JYJ Tweets

But what does this mean????
(Junsu, 5:28pm KST) ha

Child is bored. Tweets a lot. GOOD.
(Junsu, 5:52pm KST) Yesterday… I got bored after wrapping up our schedule, so I played catch with Yoochun and Jaejoong. There weren’t any left-handed gloves so I just threw while our managers caught the ball. Jaejoong’s right-handed so he caught the ball as well… and he surprised me by being so good at it. People stared at us in surprise and curiosity.. It must be that playing catch is very rare in Europe..

(Junsu, 5:55pm KST) Since coming to Chamonix.. should I call them products of modern civilization.. or should I call it culture.. I haven’t encountered it at all.. We’ve just been seeing mountains.. and lakes, and I just walk around.. and sleep. It’s nice to have such a repetitive lifestyle at times.. But three days have passed, and I’m bored. I’m even tweeting.. I must be really bored right now.

(Junsu, 6:05pm KST) I’m.. quite special because I’m only right-handed when I write, and left-handed for everything else.. Everything is so difficult when I use my right hand.. I’m a perfect left-handed person.. Yoochun’s also a left-handed person.. but he plays golf with his right hand.. When I asked him how that’s possible, he said it just happens.. Amazing, isn’t it? …. He must be  ambidextrous.

(Junsu, 6:35pm KST) Mont Blanc today, but Korea tomorrow..

(Junsu, 6:41pm KST) Junsu~ I like the movements you’ve changed slightly for The Last Dance~ Like the part where Elisabeth moves as though Tod is controlling her. When we were doing a run-through yesterday, I told the people in EMK that the dramatic explanation becomes more heightened in that moment 《 I just received this KakaoTalk message from Ok Elisabeth just now.. lol

Source: [Junsu’s Twitter]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Trans] 130710 Post of JYJ Tweets

[Trans] 130710 Post of JYJ Tweets

Someone’s having fun :P
(Jaejoong, 6:23pm KST) Whish~ Whoosh~ Whirl~ pic.twitter.com/LtmPX5yzMA



Source: [Jaejoong’s Twitter]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Trans] 130705~130707 Post of JYJ Tweets

[Trans] 130705~130707 Post of JYJ Tweets

I’m kind of terrified, yet excited for this song :P

(Junsu, 5:01pm KST) It seems as though there are a lot of people who are curious about.. Isn’t this song funny..~

(Junsu, 5:04pm KST) If I were to describe this song.. Although every single staff member tried to stop me and told me that this wasn’t what I should be doing.. I didn’t step down from my decision and sang with a straight face. Even now, I find myself wondering, is this really okay? I feel.. nervous .. But I have pride in this song. lol

(Junsu, 5:07pm KST) When you hear this song.. forget that it’s me and just listen to it..^^ Because music is meant to be a creation of the freedom to express oneself~


(Jaejoong, 12:49pm KST) A photo with Hong Man’s girlfriend v pic.twitter.com/YdncgfkebL


Source: [Junsu+Jaejoong Twitter]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Trans] 130624 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[Trans] 130624 Jaejoong Twitter Update

Jaejoong: Don’t forget about the dress code (-_^) Show me everyone’s sense of style-(≧∇≦)

Jaejoong: Thank you for today- Let’s enjoy tomorrow too- Getting Champagne too (≧∇≦) [T/N Meaning he’s going to drink champagne too] pic.twitter.com/GnFjmp5fxh

credit: jaejoong’s twitter
trans by: rieko@sharingyoochun

JYJFantalk Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 130617-130620 Post of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 130617-130620 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, June 17th to 5:59am KST, June 20th.

Let it spread~ Everywhere~~~~
(Jaejoong, 9:05pm KST, 130617)
Moldir touches down in Japan!

Our little ducky is too adorable with his Engrish <3
(Ryan, 6:09pm KST, 130617, English Tweet) @1215thexiahtic perform-machine!
(Junsu, 1:17am KST, 130618, English Tweet) @cRyanChandler why you call me dance -machine?????
(Junsu, 1:35am KST, 130618, English Tweet) @1215thexiahtic @cRyanChandler Hey you awake yet? You are so lazy if you have not!!
(Ryan, 4:56am KST, 130618, English Tweet) @1215thexiahtic what?! You’re crazy… I can’t keep up with you! Go to sleep!

(Junsu, 7:20pm KST, 130618, English Tweet) @cRyanChandler im in korea~yeah!! Iron dance man!!! You dance crazy!!!! really really See you soon~^
(Ryan, 7:47pm KST, 130618, English Tweet) @1215thexiahtic glad to hear you arrived safely! Iron dance man? I’ll take it! You are the Golden Artist!!!! See you soon my friend!

(Junsu, 8:25pm KST, 130618, English Tweet) @cRyanChandler okay!! platinum dancer~~see you soon.

Awws <3 
(Jaejoong, 12.06am KST, 130619)
I want to meet (everyone)
I want to sing
I want to laugh
I want to feel

(Jaejoong, 1.11am KST, 130620) Although I don’t believe in “eternity”… Perhaps only these “memories” that fall with the rain are an “eternity” that cannot be denied…

that you are~^^
(Jaejoong, 6.21pm KST, 130620) Ame otoko. (T/N: Rain man, refers to someone who has an affinity with rain. Jaejoong’s been called this a lot because it always rains during events that he attends.)

Source: [Jaejoong’s  Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Trans] 130519~130520 Jaejoong Twitter Update

[Trans] 130519~130520 Jaejoong Twitter Update

Jaejoong: Will eat beef brisket soup tomorrow~~☆

Jaejoong: Gained 4kg within 4 days!

credit: kimjaejoongbar
trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Pic] 130520 Prhyme Twitter Update

[Pic] 130520 Prhyme Twitter Update

prhyme79: Late night meal with@bornfreeonekiss now it’s time to lose weight!

prhyme79: @bornfreeonekiss you gain weight @prhyme79 I loose weight^^

source: prhyme79
credit: mazejae
shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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