NEWS 110707 JYJ’s Jaejoong’s Drama ‘Protect The Boss’ Begins Filming!

[NEWS] 110707 JYJ’s Jaejoong’s Drama Protect The Boss Begins Filming!

Photo Credit: SBS via Daum

Filming for JYJ‘s Jaejoong‘s upcoming drama, Protect The Boss (formally The Last Secretary), is officially underway.

So far, SBS has revealed photos of the cast’s first script reading, the drama teaser shoot, and stills from the first episode.

Netizens were particularly intrigued by still shots of Choi Kang Hee at various interviews. According to drama reps, in the first episode Choi Kang Hee’s character, Noh Eun Seol, interviews at a whopping ten places before she is hired by Cha Muwon, played by Jaejoong.

The photos show a serious Jaejoong sitting on the interview panel and Choi Kang Hee being a 4-D interviewee. (Who shows off their martial arts skills at an interview for a huge firm?!) After being asked “What are you good at?” she sings and dances to “Twinkle Twinkle” by Girls’ Day.

I suppose it wouldn’t be a romantic comedy without some really awkward first impressions, now would it?

Protect The Boss is about Noh Eun Seol, who gets a job as a secretary and gets caught in a love triangle between her boss, the immature heir to the company, Cha Jiheon (played by heartthrob actor Ji Sung) and his oh-so-perfect cousin/rival Cha Muwon.

Protect The Boss will begin airing on August 3, after the conclusion of City Hunter.

Check out more stills and promo photos below:

Cast’s first script reading, June 29 Photo Credit: SBS

Photo Credit: SBS

Credit: MTVK

Shared by: JYJ3 + DBSKnights

Momma’s Source:

(Really, really, looking forward to this Jae. I know that you will amaze us. 🙂 )

NEWS Jaejoong Has Delightful First Script Practice in “Boss” with JI Sung and Choi Kanghee

[NEWS] Jaejoong Has Delightful First Script Practice in “Boss” with Ji Sung and Choi Kanghee
“Boss” Kim Jaejoong, First Script Practice with Ji Sung and Choi Kanghee

Posted by Angelf4 at Monday, July 04, 2011

Ji Sung, Choi Kanghee, Kim Jaeojong, Wang Jihye – the very attractive “uber-powerful dream line” — had a delightful first meeting.

The leads of the new SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama Protect the Boss that will air as a follow-up ti City Hunter on August 3rd – Ji Sung, Choi Kanghee, Kim Jaejoong, Wang Jihye, Park youngkyu, Cha Hwayeon, and Kim Chung has gathered in one place for script practice.

The script practice, which took place in the drama practice room of the Ilsan Production Center on the 29th, was congenial from the beginning to end. The enthusiasm of the actors who were overflowing with live energy despite meeting for the first time heightened the atmosphere of the set.

Ji Sung who is attempting a daring transformation through the role of Cha Jihun who is the immature youngest son of a Chaebol corporation who has a quirky side appeared in a unique hairstyle resmiscent of Miyagi Ryota of the popular manga Slam Dunk and gathered all eyes.

Choi Kanghee, who will collaborate with Ki Sung, also stepped outside of the sophisticated bob she had until now to have long straight hair with bangs emitting innocence and thus gathered eyes.

Kim Jaejoong, who is challenging himself for the first time in a domestic drama through Boss announced his refreshing start through a comfortable and natural reading of the script. He will play Cha Muwon, the “Prince of the Financial World” who has powerful abilities. Jaejoong will play a perfect man but at the same time he will have a comic contest with Ji Sung who will play his cousin.

Wang Jihye also put herself to script practice in a lively and effervescent manner throughout the session. Park Youngkyu, Cha Hwayeon, Kim Chung and such established actors and their veteran acting shined also on the set of the script practice.

The production company replayed: “Thanks to the attention-absorbing script of Protect the Boss, a refreshing and lively romantic comedy, the filming set burst into one laughter after another. The expectations for the actors and the production team of Protect the Boss which has begun to film in earnest are also in abundance. We ask for much attention and anticipation for Protect the Boss which will gift fresh and delightful laughter to the viewers.”

… Is Ji Sung wearing a shirt from… Nii? O_O XDDD

“Credits: OSEN
Translation: JYJ3
Shared by: DBSKnights”

Momma’s Source:

Go, Jae!!! 🙂

News 110623 JYJ Jaejoong, After Yoochun, will be in Drama “Boss Has Changed’

[News] 110623 JYJ Jaejoong, after Yoochun, will be in drama, “Boss Has Changed”‏

JYJ Kim Jaejoong has confirmed his appearance in SBS “Boss Has Changed” (tentative title).

Although Kim Jaejoong has acted in Japan Fuji TV’s Sunao Ni Narenakute last year, but there has been no sight of him in the scene of Korean drama. But it is also due to this fact that fans was filled with anticipation regarding his first drama challenge.

Production crew said, “‘Boss Has Changed’ is a romantic comedy and will be about the current society where jobs are difficult to secure and the romantic story after entering the work as a secretary and the relation with the boss. This drama will be broadcasted in August and will be lead by BOF’s Choi Kang Hee and Jisung.”

credit: innolife

Trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source:

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News 110622 JYJ Jaejoong is Likely to Cast His First National Drama

[News] 110622 JYJ Jaejoong is Likely to Cast His First National TV Drama.

According to an official from SBS broadcaster, Kim Jaejoong will star in a drama entitled ‘The Last Secretary’ which is a follow-up drama after ‘City Hunter’ wrapped up its final episode.

In the drama Kim Jaejoong is playing a chic, charismatic man in his 30th named Cha Muheon. The character is nicknamed ‘Prince’ for his ace combination of being a powerful man in financial world yet sporting a gentle charisma, Cha Muheon is also gifted the ability to read people’s mind. The plot will draw a triangle love story between Cha Muheon, his male cousin Ji Heon, and the heroine character.

Regardless his cast Korean movie ‘Heaven’s Postman’ back in 2009, Kim Jaejoong has never acted in local Korean drama thus this could be his first shot the country’s drama.

As an idol turn actor, Kim Jaejoong spurred attention last year when a poll held by Japanese sports and entertainment journal Nikkan Sports, ‘The 14th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix’ revealed that he’s chosen as No. 1 in Best Supporting Actor Category for his role in Japanese drama ‘Sunao Ni Narenakute’.

With the cast, Kim Jaejoong will finally join in the middle of vigorous acting activities that have been professed earlier by his fellow JYJ members as JYJ Park Yoochun has already evolved as a remarkable actor through his debut in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ followed by ‘Miss Ripley’ while JYJ Kim Junsu has become the new hot star in musical stage by claiming success for his musical ‘Mozart!’and ‘Tears of Heaven’.

A representative said, “His chance is highly promising, but it’s not yet confirmed.”

Meanwhile ‘The Last Secretary’ is a romantic comedy drama revolving around life of the heroine who works as a secretary in a large firm and finds love to her office superior. The drama is scheduled to broadcast in August, with actress Choi Kang-hee and Lee Hejin is planned to make a cast in the drama.

credit: Osen
trans by:

Momma’s Source:

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