[TRANS] 120520 Junsu Mom Twitter Update!

[TRANS] 120520 Junsu Mom Twitter Update!

Junsu at waiting room today ^^ After the show Junsu was looking really happy^^ All thanks to everyone’s passionate and kind support. All fans~~ thank you and I love you^^♥ pic.twitter.com/KVzvopSF

 Source: zunoxiahmom
Trans by: sharingyoochun.net
Shared by: iXiahCassie

 Momma’s Source: iXiahcassie

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[Pic] 120411 Junsu’s Mother Twitter Update

[Pic] 120411 Junsu’s Mother Twitter Update

꽃밭에 앉아서 토드를보~오네♬ㅋㅋ누가 꽃일까요~?ㅋ태국 팬 감사합니다^^♥ http://pic.twitter.com/317YLVha

Junsu’s mum (@zunoxiahmum): Did you see Tod sitting in the midst of the flowers~ ♬ Keke Who is the flower here~? Ke Thank you Thai fans ^^ http://pic.twitter.com/DAszteyD


*and yes, it’s from SYC :)

 Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net
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[Other Twitter] 120212 Junsu’s Mom Tweets Pictures of XiahTod

[Other Twitter] 120212 Junsu’s Mom Tweets Pictures of XiahTod

@zunoxiahmom: 엘리자벳 첫공 후 토드와 함께http://pic.twitter.com/gsHFquCx

[TRANS] After first performance of Elisabeth, with Tod  http://pic.twitter.com/gsHFquCx

Source: @zunoxiahmom’s Twitter
Translated by: The Little Pear of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3

Momma’s Source: JYJ3

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Translation 111215 Junsu’s Mom Tweet

[Trans] 111215 Junsu’s Mom Tweet

The Hoday birthday event held in Tokyo today ♬ Thank you, ^^ Juno’s fans. ♥ Celebrating brithday for our Junho and leaving congratulatory and thank you messages to me on Twitter. Really thank you~ I~ Love Everyone~ ♥ http://t.co/1c2XaizK

Our youngest son~ Don’t be jealous seeing hyung and mum together~ ke I will be back in Korea soon to cook seaweed soup for you~ ^^ Junho, Junsu ya~ I love you all!! And, thank you for being born as mum’s children~ ♥ http://p.twimg.com/AgszNmHCQAAmldY.jpg

credit: zunoxiahmom+loveissammi
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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Kim Junsu and Kim Junho have an attentiv…

Kim Junsu and Kim Junho have an attentive mother. It is probably not the easiest job to still be raising two world travelers. I can imagine that some days are rather rough–while others are enlightening. Zunoxiahmom has been twittering away, posting candid pictures of her children for us to share while vacationing on Jeju Island. We look forward to more, Zunoxiahmom. Momma Cha

Source: zunoxiahmom on twitter.com

Source: 0101xiahtic at twitter.com

Source: zunoxiahmom at twitter.com