About chaelwest

Wife and mother of two beautiful adult daughters. I am a Christian teacher, writer, musician, and artist who enjoys the work of JYJCY as JYJ and HoMin. This site is designed for JYJCY -- to talk about those things that delight us about them, their music, and activities.

[TRANS] 130702 A Never-Before-Seen Photo Of XIA (Kim Junsu)’s ’11 O’Clock’ Is Revealed, ‘A Dreamlike Atmosphere’

[TRANS] 130702 A Never-Before-Seen Photo Of XIA (Kim Junsu)’s ’11 O’Clock’ Is Revealed, ‘A Dreamlike Atmosphere’

XIA (Kim Junsu) recently revealed a never-before-seen photo.

At noon on the 2nd of July, JYJ’s Kim Junsu released the live music video of his pre-released track ’11 o’clock, its adequacy’.

He also released a photo from his music video that had never been seen before. The photo shows Kim Junsu standing alone in a field with a longing expression on his face. He is drawing attention from many for his perfect portrayal of the man in the lyrics of ’11 o’clock, its adequacy’.


According to a LoenTV representative, the music video was filmed in one take to portray the lonely emotions and vocal tone of Kim Junsu’s voice. His melodious voice mixes with the sound of birds and the wind to create a dreamlike atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Kim Junsu will be releasing his second solo album on the 15th of July and holding a showcase to commemorate its release.

Source: [topstarnews]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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Special clip] XIA(준수) _11am(11시 그 적당함)

Beautiful, emotive, poignant song Junsu. I have always loved acappella and you sing acappella here so well with little accompaniment. Spendidly done! 🙂

credit: LOENENT

JYJFantalk Source: youtube

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[TRANS] 130701 [C-JeS] Information Regarding Kim Junsu’s Asia Tour Seoul & Busan Concerts

[TRANS] 130701 [C-JeS] Information Regarding Kim Junsu’s Asia Tour Seoul & Busan Concerts

Hello, this is C-JeS Entertainment.

After releasing his second solo album on the 15th of July, Kim Junsu will kick off his Asia Tour.

Below is the information regarding the Seoul and Busan concerts of Kim Junsu’s Asia Tour.

‘XIA (Junsu) Seoul concert information’
Date: 2013. 8. 3 (Sat.) 7p.m. / 2013 8. 4 (Sun.) 6p.m.
Venue: COEX Hall D
Link to ticket sales: http://ticket.interpark.com/webzine/paper/TPNoticeView.asp?bbsno=34&pageno=1&stext=&sflag=&no=16861&groupno=16861&seq=0&KindOfGoods=TICKET&Genre=&sort=WriteDate
Ticket reservations date:
1st round – 2013 7. 8. 8p.m.
2nd round – 2013 7. 10. 8p.m.

‘XIA (Junsu) Busan concert information’
Date: 2013. 8. 10 (Sat.) 7p.m. / 2013 8. 11 (Sun.) 6p.m.
Venue: Busan Bexco
Link to ticket sales: http://ticket.interpark.com/Webzine/Paper/TPNoticeView.asp?bbsno=34&pageno=1&stext=&sflag=&no=16862&groupno=16862&seq=0&KindOfGoods=TICKET&Genre=2&sort=WriteDate

Ticket reservations date:
1st round – 2013 7. 16. 8p.m.
2nd round – 2013 7. 18. 8p.m.

Thank you.

Source: [C-JeS Official Homepage]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130701 Kim Junsu (XIA) Reveals The Jacket Cover Of ’11 O’Clock, Its Adequacy’… ‘A Longing Gaze’

 [TRANS] 130701 Kim Junsu (XIA) Reveals The Jacket Cover Of ’11 O’Clock, Its Adequacy’… ‘A Longing Gaze’


XIA (Junsu) has revealed the jacket cover of his pre-released song ’11 o’clock, its adequacy’.

On the 1st of July, C-JeS Entertainment stated, “XIA (Junsu) will be releasing ’11 o’clock, its adequacy’ on the 2nd. The song is an acoustic ballad that depicts the aching loneliness a man feels the day after he breaks up with his girlfriend.”

The jacket cover of the song was released with the announcement and showed XIA (Kim Junsu) wearing a splendid flower hat with a gaze filled with sorrow, giving off a longing and mystical vibe.


A representative added, “The 15 second teaser of the song that was released last week on LoenTV became a hot topic,” and “XIA (Junsu)’s voice will be heard live in the video and the anticipation is rising for the video. When the video is released tomorrow, everyone will be very surprised.”

He also added, “XIA (Junsu) poured all of his emotions into the recording of the song and even shed tears while singing it. He sang the whole song without stopping in order to keep the emotions constant, and he had all the staff members in awe.”

Meanwhile, XIA (Junsu)’s second solo album’s pre-released song ’11 o’clock, its adequacy’ will be released on various online music sites at noon tomorrow.

Source: [topstarnews]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Vid] JYJ Membership Week 2013 Compilation

JYJ Membership Activity is On!!! I will post more footage to this post as it appears. 🙂

credit: t4rw3n+ayanojyj+Jaejong+Barry Wan Graceful+diekato+Griffith Ho+ohmyjuncom+6002fly+호원 정

JYJFantalk Source: youtube

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[Vid] Jaejoong Yokohama Grand Finale Fanmeet and Concert

More wonderful footage from Jaejoong’s Asia Tour Grand Finale in Yokohama Arena. Beautiful voice, beautiful songs. 🙂 <3

credit: AngelWing+jnsujey3+TVXQHOME+

JYJFantalk Source: youtube

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[Trans] 130629 Gong Daeyu Twitter Update – JYJ

[Trans] 130629 Gong Daeyu Twitter Update – JYJ

Gong Daeyu: Today was an amazing night! JYJ is awesome!! I hope it was an amazing night for everyone too. pic.twitter.com/dg04TJsN7Z


source: gong_daeyu
trans by: rieko@sharingyoochun



Date: 20 July 2013
Place: Royal Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon]
Ticket Price: 5,500 /4,000/3,000/2000 and 1500 THB
Tickets open: 29 June 2013 at Thaiticketmajor


credit: Xia 2nd Asia Tour in Bkk FB
shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Vid] Jaejoong Asia Tour Grand Finale in Yokohama

Beautiful work chosen to be sung by Jaejoong once again. Congratulations Sweetheart. More of the actual performances as they become available..   🙂

Additional Footage added. Enjoy this wonderful artist!!!

credit: Angel Wing+Be Hao+TV5XQHome+HEAVENJYJ+diekato

JYJFantalk Source: youtube

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[TRANS] 130625 Kim Jaejoong’s Yokohama Concert In Japan Is Unveiled As He Sings ‘Close Your Eyes’

[TRANS] 130625 Kim Jaejoong’s Yokohama Concert In Japan Is Unveiled As He Sings ‘Close Your Eyes’


Hidden Japanese classics were unveiled at Kim Jaejoong’s concert. On the 24th of June, Kim Jaejoong opened his ‘grand finale concert’ at the Yokohama Arena in Japan, the last leg of his Asia Tour.

Ahead of the concert, Kim Jaejoong revealed three of the seven Japanese classics he was planning on performing (Ito Yuna – ‘Precious’, Ayaka – ‘Crescent Moon’, Onitsuka Chihiro’s ‘Moonlight’) through the SNS messenger application LINE.

During this day’s performance, Kim Jaejoong also sang B’z’s ‘Ultra Soul’, Nakajima Miyuki’s ‘Make Up’, Nakanishi Yasushi’s ‘Last Rain’ and Ken Hirai’s ‘Close Your Eyes’.

Kim Jaejoong’s rendition of ‘Close Your Eyes’ showed his affection for his fans as it is a song that they have been waiting for, as it was sung by TVXQ when they were a five-member group.

Kim Jaejoong was called back on stage by his fans’ requests for an encore, and sang Tokunaga Hideaki’s ‘Boku No Soba Ni’, and ‘Glamorous Sky’, which he had performed with the other members of JYJ at their Tokyo Dome concert.

His latest performance is expected to attract 45,000 fans across three days. With the Yokohama Arena maxed out to its full capacity, he has created a concert full of various fanmeet programs and a live band.

Meanwhile, Kim Jaejoong’s ‘Yokohama Grand Finale Fanmeeting and Concert’ will be held at the Yokohama Arena from the 24th till the 26th of June for three days.

Source: [topstarnews]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130626 Post of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 130626 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, June 26th to 5:59am KST, June 27th.

*le gasp* A wild Junsu appears!
(Junsu, 5:30pm KST) Neener neener >_<

Thank YOU~
(Jaejoong, 11:05pm KST) Thank you so much over these three days! Thanks~ ×1000000000 T_T


Source: [Junsu’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


JYJFantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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