Translation 111210 TVXQ Blitzes Into Taiwan, Indomitable Charm Cripples Songshan Airport

[TRANS] 111210 TVXQ Blitzes Into Taiwan, Indomitable Charm Cripples Songshan Airport


 TVXQ’s Yunho and Changmin arrived at Songshan Airport today at 11.15am, and caused another Hallyu explosion. Despite the rainy weather and low temperature of around 10 degrees, hundreds of fans were gathered within and outside the airport, showing that TVXQ’s charm is truly indomitable. The fans who spent a long time waiting for Yunho and Changmin to appear, would randomly practice their cheers. Even with the cold spell, Songshan Airport remained feverishly passionate!

Accompanied by thousands of cheers, Yunho and Changmin finally appeared. With their tall figures, wearing sunglasses, and dressed in black, and in the latest Korean student fashion style. In an instant, the media and fans swarmed towards them, practically crippling  Songshan airport, and the two men, ushered by the security personnel, walked slowly towards and boarded their vehicle, leaving their exhilarated fans. Despite former TVXQ members Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu forming a new group due to contractual issues, their hallyu power was not diminished, and fans continued to follow them wildly.

Ever since the “It’s been a while, How are you?” video clip suddenly appeared, leading everyone to wonder if TVXQ would be coming to Taiwan to meet the fans, and truly, after 3 years, this afternoon TVXQ blitzed their way into Taiwan, and will be holding their fan meeting tomorrow. This event titled “Fan Party 2011 in Taiwan” will see Yunho and Changmin challenging the extreme of two performances in one day. This is a tough challenge on their stamina and spirit, so fans must prepare to clear their throats and use their screams as a show of support!

 Source : [Yes Entertainment]

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[TRANS] 111211 JYJ Kim Jaejoong, China Solo Fan Meeting Concludes Successfully! 1,000 Fans Show Their Support Outside The Location

[TRANS] 111211 JYJ Kim Jaejoong, China Solo Fan Meeting Concludes Successfully! 1,000 Fans Show Their Support Outside The Location

JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong has once again displayed his long-standing popularity.

On 10 December, Kim Jaejoong held his solo fan meeting at the Shanghai International Gymnastics Center. This fan meeting was organized to thank the fans for their show of love for the SBS drama “Protect the Boss,” and all 4,000 seats for this event were snapped up once ticketing opened, showing the high interest level for this event.

Kim Jaejoong arrived in China via Shanghai’s Hongqiao Airport, and made formal preparations for his fan meeting. This day, over 1,000 fans were gathered to welcome him at the airport, and on the day of the fan meeting itself, not only the 4,000 ticket holders, but about 1,000 fans who were unable to purchase tickets were gathered outside the event location to show their support, and his (Jaejoong’s) popularity could be visibly felt.

At the fan meeting. Kim Jaejoong revealed the behind-the-scene episodes that happened during his appearance in “Protect the Boss,” and also sang the drama OST song that he wrote, “I’ll Protect You.” Aside from this, there was a question and answer session where he selected and replied to questions that had been hand-written by the fans, and he personally made phone calls to fans which were selected by ballot. He also played “cham cham cham” at the event, with all games receiving a great response from the fans.

He said, “I know that there are many people who support me in China. I know that I can’t come here very often, and this is something that I always feel sorry about. However, having come here after a long while, I’m really thankful for the unchanging, passionate love that I have been given. In the future, I will work hard to become an even better actor, and a more charming singer.”

Management company C-JeS said, “Due to Kim Jaejoong’s popularity, “Protect the Boss” has done shockingly well in terms of overseas sales. Aside from China, many other parts of the world have been requesting for interviews and promotional activities.”

The organizer of this fanmeeting said, “Chinese fans did not watch the local broadcast (of “Protect the Boss”) but watched the drama online using SBS’s real time stream, their passion (for the show) evident. Prior to this, Kim Jaejoong was already very popular, and with the charm of his role as “Cha Mu Won,” his popularity exploded. We were surprised that over 1,000 fans who weren’t able to purchase tickets stood outside the location in the freezing cold to show their support.”

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Sports Chosun via Nate]

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