[News] 121011 JYJ’s Kim Jun Su Takes A Self Portrait In A Soccer Uniform

[News] 121011 JYJ’s Kim Jun Su Takes A Self Portrait In a Soccer Uniform

JYJ’s Kim Jun Su recently took a self portrait.

On October 11, Kim tweeted a picture with the short comment, “Let’s go play soccer.”

In the picture, Kim is staring at the camera in a blue soccer uniform of entertainer soccer team FC Men. His small face and sharp chin captured the public’s attention.

People who saw the picture responded: “He looks great in a uniform.” “I think he has lost a lot of weight.” “I want to see him playing soccer.”

The FC Men, where Kim is a leader, will donate all proceeds from holding a charity match at Sahmyook University on October 11.

source: Starnews
credit: korea.com

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[News] 121010 JYJ’s Kim Junsu Plays A Soccer Charity Match As A Captain

[News] 121010 JYJ’s Kim Junsu Plays A Soccer Charity Match As a Captain


The celebrity soccer team FC MEN that JYJ’s Kim Jun Su is leading will hold a charity match at Samyook University on October 11 at 4:00 p.m.

This charity match will be held between FC MEN and the department representatives of Samyook University.

Other stars besides captain Kim Jun Su will be participating, and this particular charity match will be more meaningful because they have donated 10,000 dollars to help the destitute.

Kim says, “We started this team to promote good fellowship, but we are truly happy and proud to play a match for the people in need.” This was the second time that FC MEN and Samyook University held a friendly match since last year. Kim Jun Su and Kim Hyun Joong showed off their outstanding plays and won the game by 4 to 3.

Samyook Univerisity gave out cheering balloons for the students and fans who visited the site and other various prizes such as FC MEN members’ signed soccer ball and albums were given out.

source: TV Report
credit: korea.com

 Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net
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[Trans] 120927 @star1 October Issue – Kim Junsu‏

[Trans] 120927 @star1 October Issue – Kim Junsu‏

 Transforming into a charming man, Kim Junsu.
The man who is ever transforming and never staying at one place, Kim Junsu.
The one who dare to transform and never afraid of transformation, came to @star1.
As a member of JYJ, a musical actor and a soloist.
The man who ran relentlessly, Kim Junsu.
The man he relays, the story of Kim Junsu.


While he is transforming into a soloist, he released another English version of his album. ‘UNCOMMITTED’ gathered the production of Bruce Automatic and this became a focused topic. An entirely different approach towards production and also a new attempt. “During the recording in Korea, the focus is only on recording. In America, the recording was started after discussion with everyone with inputs of ideas and suggestions. If the planned recording is about 4 hours, then there’s about 2 hours being used to hear out each other’s opinions for the album. And also I feel that they really take care of the artiste’s feelings. If there’s a need for rest, rest can be given anytime. If there’s any bad throat condition, everyone would be very panicked. Therefore I’ve learnt about what is the best environment for working with the best staffs.” The MV was also shot in America with the best staffs. He was at the same time unable to adapt to the new way of long shot filming for the whole story. “In our country, we have known from long ago that you have to use ‘seductive’ ways to sing in America. Of course, there was not special designation at that time either. After the period of time, it’s called ‘action’. When we first met, I was unsure and when every actors are in standby mode, it really felt as though fishes were being poured into water. After the music started, all the actions that are needed for the storyline were all my ad-libs. When filming started, I thought that I should do whatever I can. Though it is a huge burden, a natural scene can only be shown through this way. At the desert, the car was parked and music started playing. I have to do that scene my own way. Especially at the scene when I just met the opposite party and had to seduce her, it made me really at a loss. Filming was done at such circumstances and a high quality MV was thus completed. Everyone at the filming site were looking at me, putting aside the shyness, I just keep thinking on how to end the filming quickly. The staffs who worked with me are very famous people and they are also working with Korean artistes for the first time. Because of this, I want to leave a good impression with the and at the same time increased a certain responsibility for it and wanted to present it well under pressurized state. No matter what, it has to be completed.”


From Group To Solo

From a 5 membered group to a 3 membered group, then transforming into a soloist. Just like this, there were many troubles and it was not easy. Especially for a soloist who is unable to appear in any television program, the burden is bigger. An album that was produced after long consideration, therefore he really want it to be a high quality and perfect album. “The basis determines whether this album will be a success or not. Before the release of the album, this consideration has to be done ad this kind of consideration will definitely brought upon great success. To be honest, when the company wanted me to release a solo album, I rejected the idea. As I felt that, under the circumstances that I am unable to appear on the television screen, an album release seems tough. Moreover, to produce a high quality album, a lot of investment has to be made. If it did not succeed, it will be a completely waste of time.” The release of a solo album brought upon the collaboration with Gaeko and Double K. The things that were not tried before are done now.

“In the past I had such a thinking. Everyone has his own colours at music. No matter how you want to change it, there will not be an irresistible boundary. I feel that to break this boundary is to have collaborations. Now I just want to say, even when the company is at risk, they still produce an album for me. I felt really blessed for this.


A Transformation Called ‘Breakthrough’

The album that was released after consideration, also said to be ‘breaking a rule’.
Appearing once again with the name ‘XIA’, with the choice of an androgynous creativity that was never attempted before. The meticulous decision made by Junsu with a thoughtless carefree personality surprised me even more. “Honestly, it was very awkward. For my character to do manicure and dyed all kinds of weird hair colours was something I would never have thought of. As an artiste, I am shameful to say that I am not at all good with styling. From my previous point of view, as a singer, I just have to sing well. I am the kind who find skin treatment bothersome. However since I started to act in musical ‘Elisabeth’, it gave me a different perspective.”

Kim Junsu acted as Death in musical ‘Elisabeth’. Such a fantasy and supernatural character would need an even more extraordinary style. “This is also the reason I started to lose weight. I felt that I am a huge difference from the character Death. If I were to appear on television screen, I would definitely take note of my styling. But it was completely different during my rest time. The Death portrayed in the musical is very sexy and like a god of fate. Therefore when I look at myself in the mirror I felt that I shouldn’t be like this. I will not be able to immerse myself in the musical in this state. I have to grasp all the attention when I appear. Therefore I have to change my current state and thus I starts to lose weight.”

After becoming Death, Kim Junsu’s inner being also took a turn. “To singers, singing well is a must but not to be neglected is to give the audience the good image a singer should possessed. Though image should not be more important than music, visual should still not be neglected. When producing this album, I made a lot of effort towards the visual aspect. Because of such, I started to do manicure and recently I even felt weird without manicure. My inner being has changed to such. Even be it for fans, such an effort is worth it. I have never thought of wigs in the past too but now I think I will use it if it’s needed.”

Solo Concerts, Asian Tour, World Tour

Just by watching a solo concert of 90 minutes, it was a string of strong dance numbers. Holding up the stage by himself, his singing skills and stage presence were greatly complimented. “I always been thinking, what if after Tarantallegra and while I was sitting on the chair, the host doesn’t announce the next song, that would be great. Sometimes I also think that if only I don’t have to get up after I sat on that chair. But in order for a perfect performance, I have to link all the dance numbers together and focused on the stage. The joy and success received after that are very grand.” It’s the starting of the world tour now. (T/N: This interview was most likely done right before world tour.) To stand on an international stage, it feels different from a domestic stage. It is alike to the feelings of national representatives. Not just maintaining the popularity in Japan but to open up the market to Europe and South America. Preparing for the appearance of ‘XIA’ and also as a Korean singer moving towards International ground. It is a responsibility that they cannot underestimate. “Actually I don’t even know what I’m dancing during the last dance song ‘Mission’. It was really tiring. When the concert ended, not only happiness, there is also an echoing feel. It is not a bad feel but after every performance ended, there’s a sad and emptiness feel. And also a determination to do it better next time. “


The Daily Life Of A Commoner Kim Junsu

While chatting with him, it felt really relieved that these glamourous artistes on stage are in fact without any qualms, chatting in a very free and easy tone, making everyone laughing non-stop. “I like to be with my friends, my home is the headquarters. If I am at home, Kikwang from B2ST, professional gamer Yeom Bo Sung and Seo Kyung Jung etc will just key in the door’s password and enter. I am one who loves a crowd therefore I would call friends over. Kikwang would come frequently in his rest time. As we don’t like to drink alcohol, Kikwang, Doojoon, Ji Suk hyung will come and we would go Han River for a game of basketball.”

As the captain of the artiste football team FC MEN, his passion for football is well-known. Even when he is alone, he is always thinking, “If I was to be born again, I want to be a footballer. I am not one who will take care of my health. But as I need to stand on stage, I can’t be at my own wish and I did not have such depressing thoughts either. Therefore if I said I wanted to play football during concert period, my manager will not agree. Even so, I will insist.” He appeared in Park Ji Sung’s Asian Dream Cup at Vietnam in 2011 and fought along with the players. Joined upon Park Ji Sung’s invitation and not because his desire to run on the field. It was a chance to be on the field together. “I accepted the invitation and the Vietnamese players seems to think that I am one of the professional players and kept blocking me. I had wanted to observe a while but to no avail. I can only pass the ball. (laughs) I had never thought of joining the competition and Ji Sung hyung said, ‘Didn’t you said you like to play football? Let’s play together.’ He encouraged me like this. Actually I wasn’t in my good state but I think that such a chance might not happen again so I didn’t show that I was unwell and participated in the game. Even the national representative’s manager came to check on my health status.”

Beyond An Idol Star, Reaching The State Of A Musical Actor

His ticket power is also renowned in musical industry. For the ordering of ticket, there is a rumored ‘ticketing war’.To be a musical actor of such an appealing status with a strong ability, he has earned his place in the musical world. “I am really thankful to everyone who paid such an expensive price to fill up the seats (in a musical hall). This made me very touched. Therefore I can’t afford to be negligence. Though I am unable to fill up 100% of everyone’s expectation, at the very least I don’t wish to hear that an idol star managed to crossover to the musical industry simply because of his popularity etc. Comments like these. It’s such responsibility that made me this hardworking. Of course I will work even harder in the future. Indeed, there were many talks on idol-borne artistes who went into musical. A portion said it is because of the popularity, thus easily receiving the lead role. Some says that this is a way to boost sales. In order to refute these talks, one had to work even tougher. As an idol-born artiste, I also went through such an ordeal of skepticism before. In order to get ridden of their skepticism, I have to do it perfectly. Burden was there but if due to my mistake that caused this musical to be unsuccessful, the finger will be pointed at me. Thus it made me even more cautious and I don’t allow myself any mistake in every performance. Thus I have to work even harder. But I still can feel the doubts about me. Because once I went of tune, someone would say, ‘Told you, idol stars just can’t make it.’ I know this is inevitable to me. Because of this, I have to work harder, even for a bit. I will change these skepticism through my hard work as this is my responsibility.” In the end, Kim Junsu gained everyone’s recognition.

At the ‘Musical Award’, he received popularity award 3 years consecutively and nomination for best male actor 2 years consecutively. The feeling is different between a musical award ceremony and a music award ceremony. “At a music award ceremony, I am a senior and at musical award ceremony, I am totally the youngest of the juniors. I am very thankful to the actors/actresses who love and took care of me. Afraid that I will feel outcasted, they treat me very well. It made me feel that I shouldn’t be shy standing on this position. I am able to sit on this position and it’s just due to my popularity… I hate such a description. Thus I have to work harder.”

Debuted For 9 Years And Still Developing

It is already his 9th year of debut and though there were many things faced but he feel that right now he is really planning his own route. “No matter what issues, one has to have his own ideas. I will understand JYJ’s situation and think of how to do it better in the future. After I saw the results, it felt more agitated after going through what the strenuous route. Right now I don’t like to be told what to do because I feel that THAT is not me but a repackaged me. Of course repackaging is an art but I just want to be myself. No packaging. Artistes should have their own thinking and own personality. My members also went through it with their own effort for some success and at the same time they are indulging in this happiness.” This talk seems to be an encouraging message for the juniors. Though with own thinking, it might not attained 100% completion but to build a trust with the company and then negotiate, one would become an artiste who did not lose himself. “Don’t just do what the company told you to do. You can express your own positive suggestions in the midst of it. Even if it’s just a bit, it would be good to be such a kind of artiste. When company is setting up the concept, one should rightfully express his own ideas. Of course, it might be very risky to do it your own way so collecting opinions is very important. If to become such an artiste with such thoughts, then it will form his own personality and will become competitive.”

Challenging like this and be himself is what he is enjoying the most lately. To be himself is not a one-side issue, but it can be done through communications and working towards the direction one hopes to move towards. Therefore there might be failure in this route but even if it is more dangerous than before, one should not regret. “Burden and responsibility are my enjoyment now. There’s bound to be crossways and turns. I want to create such turns. Though I don’t know if it is a success or failure, firstly it has to be something I wish to do. In that way I won’t feel regretful. Find out the convergence point with my staffs and then walk down the route together. Through this, I hope that there will be an exchange of trust and happiness.”


@star1 Editor’s Epilogue – Thanks XIA!

22nd of August, it was raining the whole day and I met Kim Junsu at the elegant Kyeongridan road. There is no sign of rain stopping and while waiting for the outdoor shooting, Junsu looked rather happy as compared to the very gloomy faces of the staffs. The concept for @star1 this time was inspired by Junsu’s two-sided charm, and thus decided to go for ‘playboy and wilderness’. As there are two concepts this pictorial, there was a constant changing of outfits and even hair styling and make up took up a lot of time. But he was not tired at all and on the contrary helped staffs to ease the tiredness by firstly games then jokes. The atmosphere was very hot.

In the midst of filming, Junsu discovered a piano by the corner and starts to play beautiful music. Time to time, you could see him serenading away. He would sing when he has time and upon talking about music, the time seems to pass by very swiftly unknowingly. Looking at him like this, there is no need for exact explanation as you can easily see his passion for music. “Usually I will also trust the positive forces earnestly. The rain will stop for sure.” Just like what Junsu said, as though the sky heard Junsu’s spell, the rain really stopped after the indoor shooting ended and a scorching sun appeared.

All the staffs gained happiness through interactions with Junsu and shooting was done quickly. Because of him, the pictorial was done better and more handsome than expected. The solo album also brought upon a busy schedule and though he was very exhausted, Junsu did very well from the start to the end. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all staffs who helped in this shooting. Thank you, Junsu!

credit: xiahjunsoobar
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 120921 Park Gun Hyung Says, “I Joined Junsu’s Soccer Team At His Request, I’m Surrounded By Idols

[TRANS] 120921 Park Gun Hyung Says, “I Joined Junsu’s Soccer Team At His Request, I’m Surrounded By Idols

Actor Park Gun Hyung revealed how he ended up joining the celebrity soccer team that Kim Junsu’s introduced him to.

The actor appeared on the episode of KBS 2TV’s ‘Happy Together Season 3′ that aired on the 20th with his fellow team member Lee Gi Kwang.

Lee Gi Kwang stated, “Park Gun Hyung is quite a big guy and really tall, so you’d expect him to be really good at soccer, but he just likes playing for fun,” and Park Gun Hyung added, “JYJ’s Kim Junsu persuaded me to join, but I found out that everyone was an idol singer.”

He continued to add, “Because of the age difference, it’s harder to be around them than it is when I hang out with people older than me.” The other celebrities on the show smiled as they said, “If we were in your position, we couldn’t have done that. You’re amazing,” and “Aren’t the oldest people usually the financiers when people meet up?”

Meanwhile, the aforementioned episode of ‘Happy Together’ featured Park Gun Hyung, Lee Gi Kwang and IU. During the midnight snack corner, IU’s ‘IU style food’ was chosen as the best menu item.

Source: [TV Report]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 120831-120914 Post of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 120831-120914 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, August 31st to 5:59am KST, September 15th.

These two are so… strange and adorable together
(Yi Han, 11:51pm KST, 120831) Ppyong!!! (T/N: The sound is similar to ‘pew pew’ in English)
(Jaejoong, 3:34am KST, 120901) @YiHan_Jin Ppyong
(Yi Han, 3:36am KST, 120901) @mjjeje Ppyong ppyong
(Jaejoong, 10:24pm KST, 120902) @YiHan_Jin Here’s the Monk in despair that you made with kimbap http://pic.twitter.com/xWFgy1iA
(Jaejoong, 10:25pm KST, 120902) @YiHan_Jin This is the woman with a kimbap perm that I made http://pic.twitter.com/VA1D7EnP
(Yi Han, 10:33pm KST, 120902) @mjjeje Geez.. Why did you omit the “Please give Jin Yi Han your love”?!
(Jaejoong, 10:39pm KST, 120902) @YiHan_Jin Please give Jin Yi Han your love lol http://pic.twitter.com/yvS80fZ9
(Yi Han, 10:44pm KST, 120902) @mjjeje Ack kekekekeke What is that, that’s hilarious keke
(Jaejoong, 10:54pm KST, 120902) @YiHan_Jin Please give Kim Jaejoong your love too http://pic.twitter.com/wV68j861

lol This is such a classic Kim Junsu blunder 😉
(Junsu, 2:16pm KST, 120902, English tweet) i love new york~♡ http://pic.twitter.com/tBV0mHUl
(Junsu, 2:24pm KST, 120902) http://pic.twitter.com/HOxRfokA
(Junsu, 2:25pm KST, 120902) @1215thexiahtic What’s this? This picture doesn’t even exist in my photo album kekeke How did this happen??

Kiddo needs some grammar lessons on capitalizing his words 😛
(Junsu, 10:34am KST, 120904, English tweet) I Love L.A~♡ http://pic.twitter.com/ergIVlbN

I volunteer!
(Junsu, 10:49am KST, 120905) Do you not like me..? ㅠㅠ http:pic.twitter.com/VJ7YCUKL
(Gi Kwang, 2:21pm KST, 120905) @1215thexiahtic Hyung.. If you act like this.. Will you or won’t you explode with charm..? kekekeke
(Junsu, 3:43pm KST, 120905) @B2stGK Do you want me to hug you, too? haha

Wooo Sachoom 😀 Hope they had a great performance~
(Sachoom, 11:42am KST, 120905, RTed by Kim Jaejoong) We’re leaving soon!! To where? Go~ Hollywood~!! We will be performing at 20:00 on the 8th of September (Sat) at the Hollywood Ford Theater, LA’s most representative theater^^ The upcoming performance is a part of the “Seoul Global Marketing Business”!! http://pic.twitter.com/YqywwYnp

Super excited for this! Already have copies ordered \o/
(Junsu, 3:51pm KST, 120905) Oh, and you’ve all heard of the news about the Elisabeth ost, right?^^ The release date is a little late because of my solo album. And I was a little insistent and picky because I wanted to provide you with a finished product with a higher quality, rather than just releasing it faster.. ^^;;
(Junsu, 3:54pm KST, 120905) I knew that the fans were curious about it and because of that.. I also knew that emk was going through a great deal of trouble for it.. so I wanted to give it more attention because it’s my first musical album~ I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to the people at emk.. for my greed haha
(Junsu, 3:58pm KST, 120905) Also, the reason why there are a limited number of actors involved is because it was recorded live.. And as it was recorded live, we needed time to refine it in terms of the audio quality and getting rid of static.. and we had to record separately because we wanted the music to be streamed as well, and that’s why it’s taken so long to be released..ㅜ
(Junsu, 4:00pm KST, 120905) I would like to once more thank Young Ki hyung, Seung Dae hyung and Joo Hyun noona for giving up their time to record^^ This is my ‘thanks to’ note that I’m releasing through Twitter. haha

(Junsu, 1:43pm KST, 120907, English tweet) @BruceAutomatic i miss you

(Jaejoong, 2:00am KST, 120909) This is so cute but we shouldn’t do this.. but they’re still so cute ㅜ http://pic.twitter.com/g49qcPmz
(Jaejoong, 2:23am KST, 120909) http://pic.twitter.com/68ZSE8sJ

Great to see him getting some fresh air 😀
(Jaejoong, 3:12pm KST, 120911) Hiking is making me feel good! http://pic.twitter.com/L4axRTsi
(Jaejoong, 3:17pm KST, 120911) Stick Kyung Tak http://pic.twitter.com/yvB0zUeb

Seriously, CAPITALIZE (though I know that’s not the main point here)
(Junsu, 1:30am KST, 120909, English tweet) i love mexico~♡ http://pic.twitter.com/aC23EnWI
(Junsu, 11:13pm KST, 120909, English tweet) i love brazil~♡ http://pic.twitter.com/OLuENenc

Rest up bb! 🙂
(Junsu, 2:00am KST, 120912) My normal voice is quite husky.. so I usually don’t get a hoarse throat no matter how much I sing.. But I woke up this morning to find that I had a hoarse throat.. Maybe it’s because I suddenly have the freedom and time to relax.. I was thinking that it had been a while since this had happened, but also that.. I was grateful that it had gotten hoarse after I was done with my South American…
(Junsu, 2:03am KST, 120912) tour….^^ Though my throat is hoarse.. it feels like a medal to show how hard I’ve been working non-stop for the past three weeks.. I feel tired, but in a good way.. I would like to sincerely thank my American and South American fans who gave me to the energy to give nothing but my all for each performance.. and got my heart racing so fast.. Ah.. I’m should get some rest now haha

The confessions keep coming 😛
(Junsu, 10:55pm KST, 120912, English tweet) i love chile~♡ http://pic.twitter.com/GC4wMONp

Stop springing such photos of wonder on unsuspecting fangirls!! jk keep going!
(Jaejoong, 10:40pm KST, 120913) Goodnight~ http://pic.twitter.com/EKCA8i0E

Sounds like fun 😀
(Junsu, 1:02pm KST, 120914) FC MEN will be having a soccer match on the 23rd of November at Yokohama Nissan Stadium!! Everyone, let’s meet at Yokohama! Looking forward to it!

FC MEN love…. poor Young Pil 😉
(You Joong, 2:24pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel @code07lim Young Pil, let’s just let Byung Han be the goalkeeper keke
(Young Pil, 2:32pm KST, 120914) @Songyoujoong You’re talking nonsense again~~~~^^
(Byung Han, 4:09pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel @Songyoujoong kekeke I’m half for this and half not
(Junsu, 10:10pm KST, 120914) @code07lim @youngfeel @Songyoujoong Young Pil hyung, can’t you seriously consider just taking a break for this match..?
(Junsu, 10:11pm KST, 120914) @code07lim @youngfeel @Songyoujoong Just this once, let’s leave it in the hands of Byung Han hyung….
(Young Pil, 10:21pm KST, 120914) @1215thexiahtic What is this… Have you forgotten what I did during the match with Samsung? You’re provoking me again~~ Have you forgotten that I blocked that penalty kick???
(Junsu, 10:22pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel When was that..? Sorry… I can’t seem to remember it… seriously
(You Joong, 10:27pm KST, 120914) @1215thexiahtic @youngfeel Let’s just take him out of the equation from the beginning for strategic purposes. Young Pil, it’s for the team so could you just be in Korea that day?
(Junsu, 10:30pm KST, 120914) @Songyoujoong @youngfeel Yes, hyung… We’ll tell everyone it was because of your back… Take a break… If we win, it will all be thanks to you…^^

And it goes on~ and on~
(Byung Han, 4:11pm KST, 120914) Our last open match of the season is scheduled for November. Please wait for us to return, our Korean FC MEN fans~^^
(Jung Jin, 10:14pm KST, 120914) @code07lim I wish I could go to the open matchㅠㅠ
(Junsu, 10:17pm KST, 120914) @duduubub Jung Jin.. Please tell Young PIl hyung that it’s really okay to take a break.. I heard his back is troubling him.. and it would be bad if he got hurt… please tell him to rest up^^
(Young Hwan, 10:21pm KST, 120914) @1215thexiahtic @duduubub His back is troubling him? That’s too bad.. I guess it can’t be helped then…
(Junsu, 10:23pm KST, 120914) @plmok30 Yes! His back.. is hurting him… He should take a breakㅜ I guess it can’t be helped then
(Jung Jin, 10:23pm KST, 120914) @plmok30 @1215thexiahtic kekekekekeke I haven’t heard him say anything about his back hurting him.. keke What should we do kekekeke
(Junsu, 10:24pm KST, 120914) @duduubub No, I heard it’s hurting him… I guess Byung Han hyung has no choice but to take over and do everything that day….
(Young Pil, 10:31pm KST, 120914) Everyone’s back starts hurting as they age. Your’s will start hurting too once you get older~~~~ If you keep acting like this, PenzalQ, thank you!!!
(Junsu, 10:33pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel kekekekekekekekekekekekeke Please stop……
(Young Pil, 10:34pm KST, 120914) @1215thexiahtic Okay~~~~^^ So let’s kiss and make up~~ Or we’ll both end up dead~~ I won’t go down alone~~~~~^^
(Junsu, 10:35pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel Anyway… You’ll be taking a break that day^^ Thanks hyung
(You Joong, 10:38pm KST, 120914) @youngfeel @1215thexiahtic I agree with our captain’s decision. While we’re at it, we should just remove Young Pil’s name from all overseas matches keke
(Junsu, 10:40pm KST, 120914) @Songyoujoong Hyung, just put Young Pil hyung’s name in just for the performances^^ I’ll take full responsibility for it

Hand… tan…? pffft
(Jaejoong, 5:33pm KST, 120914) The boundary line between my hand and arm.. the color.. http://pic.twitter.com/XfWt0o2n

Ooooh shiny O__O
(Jaejoong, 7:10pm KST, 120914) How’s this, isn’t it pretty? http://pic.twitter.com/vWVdcr8a

And it’s still going XD
*Response to This tweet -> (Junsu, 10:11pm KST, 120914) @code07lim @youngfeel @Songyoujoong Just this once, let’s leave it in the hands of Byung Han hyung….*
(Kwang Seon, 12:17am KST, 120915) @1215thexiahtic kekekekekekekeke Oh Junsu hyung kekekekekeke Is this a complete trust in Byung Han hyun or a complete distrust in Young Pil hyung kekekeke
(Junsu, 3:21am KST, 120915) @yoyoyks I think it’s the latter…

Source: [Junsu+Jaejoong+Others’ Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[NEWS] Kim Joon Soo of JYJ Leads Way to Victory at Soccer Game

[NEWS] Kim Joon Soo of JYJ Leads Way to Victory at Soccer Game

The celebrity soccer team made up of Korean entertainers called FC Men from Soo Won Blue Wings and the celebrity soccer team made up of Japanese entertainers called FC GEININ held a charity soccer game to help recovery efforts in east Japan, the region severely impacted by the major earthquake last year, at Tokyo National Stadium on April 28, and around 40,000 audience members glowed with enthusiasm while watching the game.

The soccer game was designed to remember the earthquake to mark its one year anniversary. A special performance by Juno (Kim Joon Ho), who is the twin brother of Kim Joon Soo of JYJ, and the five member group M.E.N led to an enthusiastic atmosphere before the game.

The soccer players from both teams appeared on the field and listened to both countries’ national anthems. The leader of FC MEN, Kim Joon Soo of JYJ, and actor Yoon Sang Hyun donated 20 million yen to Sakurai, the mayor of the city of Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture, which suffered the most severe damage from the major earthquake. Kim Joon Soo received a letter of appreciation from Nakasone, the former Japanese prime minister and the chairman of the Korea and Japan Collaboration Committee, for helping the revival of the region. Kim Joon Soo said before the game, “I am glad that I can participate in this meaningful event.” And Yoon Sang Hyun said, “It is my honor to become a coach of the Korean soccer team, and I will definitely lead this game to victory.”

FC MEN gave up the opening goal to the Japanese team, but the first half finished in a tie as the Japanese team scored an own goal. The two teams played a tight game in the second half, and the audience went wild while watching the game. FC MEN led the game with better physical conditioning and it was expected to win the game with the fourth goal by Shin Ki Hyun at the 39th minute of the second half, but the game became tied again as the Japanese team scored one more goal. The game looked likely to be tied, but Kim Joon Soo scored the fifth goal after receiving a pass from actor Lee Wan right before the game finished. The Korea celebrity soccer team won by a score of 5 to 4.

 The 40,000 audience members cheered both teams with loud applause while watching the game. Kim Joon Soo, who ran the whole game without taking a rest for his fans, said, “I felt pressure as the Japanese team was too strong, but I am glad that we finally won the game. I thank our team members’ great effort.”

 In addition, the players of FC MEN including Juno, Lee Wan, and Seo Ji Seok ran around the field and presented soccer balls to the audience who rooted for the two teams.


source: KBS GLOBAL


shared by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s Source: iXiahcassie

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[Trans] 120502-120503 JYJ Twitter Updates

[Trans] 120502~120503 JYJ Twitter Update‏s

Junsu: Elisabeth… When the role of Death god was first given to me… I hesitated a lot… Though I knew better than anyone else that it is a good character in the great work… “Is this really an ‘outfit’ suitable for me?” Such a doubt came to me… But right now at this moment, after the finale performance ended, putting aside whether I did well or not

Junsu: As a musical actor, isn’t it a period of time where I am able to learn a lot of things? I tried thinking like this.. From the start to the end, the Elisabeth cast that became my strength… As we are able to be together and becoming my strength, I felt blessed… Really grateful, and grateful to every audience who cried and laughed together.

Junsu: I didn’t intend to cry… (However) during the last scene when I saw Sunyoung noona… “It’s really the last~” Emotions came over me and I cried in the end… Death is not supposed to be like that… The two Elisbeths Sun Young noona and Joo Hyun noona who cried with me together, really thank you so much for this period of time.

Junsu: We will be forever, leaving while facing peace and freedom, thus please do not cry… ^^

Junsu: And also lively charimastic vocal Young Ki hyung, musical teacher Eun Tae hyung, and Seung Dae hyung who came out with the new term XiahSeung… Handsome hand gestures Jung Hwa noona, our school’s professor Tae Won noona, crazy falsetto Soo Yong hyung, pretty guy Min Chul hyung, Pringles Yoonseph TT Handsome Jung Han hyung, Chang Eui hyung, Judge vocal Jung Ryul hyung

Junsu: And also the best esembles hyung noona dongsaengs… the best music director Kim Mun Jung noona, producer In Sun hyung… The EMK family… And all the other staffs, I am thankful to you all… Ah! And our six death angles… thank you all.

Junsu: Ah, and Dong Shik dongsaeng who is more like a hyung than me. And… keke, Seung Hyun who joined musical for the first time, thank you all too~~ ^^

Park Gun Hyun (@gunboy77): @1215thexiahtic Captain Kim is the best!!! Ah!! Sorry that I am not able to go to the performance… Your tickets are hard to get…TT

Junsu: @gunboy77 Nothing like that, hyung~ ^^ We shall meet at the soccer field ke

Kim Seung Dae (@seungdaeK): @1215thexiahtic Hyung will not forget!!! I learnt a lot from you, the collaboration on stage… It’s gonna stay in the memory for a long while~ There will be great work soon, the good shall meet again! We will meet again~ ^^ You’ve worked hard~ XiahTod!!! ^^

Junsu: @seungdaeK I remembered the times Hyung was in the resting room, hearing hyung said these words, ‘Discover again’… No matter, hyung is also the best musical actor.. ^^ Though I am not at a position to judge.. I saw and heard the tears from the audience who saw hyung’s acting

Junsu: @seungdaeK felt that hyung is already the best actor… Even as Death, I would cry everytime I hear the mirror song, isn’t it~ It’s been blissful to be together ^^

Jaejoong: @1215thexiahtic My handsome brother~ Junsu ^^

Junsu: @mjjeje Hyung must be starting now too~ Hwaiting!! ^^

Choi Min Chul (@jekyll8749):@1215thexiahtic At midnight where I’m supposed to lie down and sleep but just couldn’t fall asleep easily~ ^^ Your detailed performance displayed onstage brought us huge inspiration, really thankful to you~ No matter how busy you are going to be, do come over and play at the theatre~ Hyung will buy you good good~^^ You are very handsome today!!

Junsu: @jekyll8749 It is my happiness to be able to stand on the stage with hyung~^^ Really thankfull… Will keep in touch!!!!!

Junsu: The weather is really good today.. ^^ http://pic.twitter.com/LJiwOV23

Junsu: @jekyll8749 And as yesterday was my final performance thus I gave a more intensive adlib performance… It’s a very big present~ ^^ Death shouldn’t have any parts that allowed adlib performance.. T.T Because if I do it, it might spoil this work.. keke Really thank you for making acting interesting to me TT

Lee Jae Eun (@beyondmonica): The parent meeting with the Suk Jun’s class teacher has finally decided. Thanks to my ‘built’ genes, the 6 years old Suk Jun is like a 7 years old now. Other than this, he doesn’t seems to gain anything from mum. Like this, the scariest thing in my world is to meet with the teacher. Nervous nervous nervous!!!! Goosebumps…;;;;;;

Junsu: @beyondmonica Keke Suk Jun ah, come to hyung’s

Yoochun: ^________________________^ Come~ Come~ Smile~

Yoochun: ㅡㅡ;; Not asking you all to cry, it’s to smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit: josiemiao + freyazo
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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