[Translation] 120426~120427 JYJ Twitter Updates‏

[Trans] 120426~120427 JYJ Twitter Updates‏

Kwak Yong Hwan (@plmok30): @mjjeje Jaejoong hyung, ke, Hyung I’m waiting patiently. ^^ You didnt forget it right? Ke

Jaejoong: @plmok30 How would I forget? ^^ Just wait.

Kwak Yong Hwan: @mjjeje Keke ^^ I will give hyung a call Ke

Kwak Yong Hwan: @mjjeje Hyung, I really enjoyed the food. ^^ http://pic.twitter.com/3hMNgv8m

Jaejoong: @plmok30 Hyung enjoyed it too ^^ It’s good ^^

Yoochun: Thank you very much for another beautiful memory created. ^__________________________^

Junsu: Going to Japan~ ^^ And it’s for football… Keke Am actually agitated but felt so funny upon thinking about it.

Kwak Yong Hwan: Coffee time at the airport.. while listening to Junsu hyung’s songs ^^ The songs are really good. Ke. Please wait for us, Japan~ Ke http://pic.twitter.com/jgvHrG7K

credit: jnam + josiemiao
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

 Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net
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[INFO+VIDEO] FC MEN Japan Charity Match in Tokyo

[INFO+VIDEO] FC MEN Japan Charity Match in Tokyo

FC MEN Japan Charity Match in Tokyo
(Charity Match for Hoping the Early Recovery from Great East Japan Earthquake)

FC MEN vs FC GEININ (team with Japanese entertainers)
Date: 28 April 2012 (Sat)
15:30- Open of venue
17:30- Opening event
18:00- Opening remarks, introduction of players
18:30- Start of game

Venue: National Stadium (Kokuritsu Kyogijyo)
Address: 10-2, Kasumigaoka cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Ticket: JPY5,800- (tax included, reserved-seat)

Player confirmed to participate:

Kim Junsu (team leader)
Yeong Pil (M.E.N.)
Juno (Singer)
Park Geon Hyung (Actor)
Lee Wan (Actor)
So Jisoku (Actor)
Tefa (M.E.N.)
Yoon (M.E.N.)
Geong Jin (M.E.N.)
Ji Hwan (M.E.N.)
Sin Ki Hyon (Actor)
Park Jung Kwang (Comedian)
Kim Sonwoo (Model)
Yong Hwan (Actor)
Park Jung Jae (Actoer)
Lim Byung Han (Stylist)
Che Yongin (Talent)
Coach: Yun Geong Sik

Manager: Special member (to be announced on the day)
*There may be some changes in the members

(FC GEININ Members)
Wakkie (Penalty)
Hide (Penalty)
Takashi Imoto (License)
Jun Murakami (Shizuru)
Dancho Yasuda (Yasuda Dai Circus), etc.
*There may be some changes in the members

Special Guests:
Kohjiro Oka, Jisong, M.E.N., Juno
Minami Kawahara (MC)

[FC MEN Japan Charity Match] Secretariat
Tel: 03-3320-0243
10:00-18:00hrs, 13 Feb-28 Apr 2012
Email: ticket@fcmen.jp

Ticket: Booking period is over.
Credit: FC Men Japan
Translated and Shared by XIAH Press
re-up by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s Source: iXiahcassie

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[TRANS] Kim Junsu’s Message In Nikkan Sports

[TRANS] Kim Junsu’s Message In Nikkan Sports

It’s been one year since the Tohoku Earthquake, but there are probably still many problems. Everyone, please stay strong. I hope that the FC MEN match will become everybody’s strength.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Nikkan Sports]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Re-up by: iXiahcassie

Momma’s Source: iXiahcassie

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[Trans] 120330 Junsu and Yoochun’s Tweets‏

Ahn Sang Tae (@ahnsangtae): Met you during filming, I am your fan! Though it’s tiring and has been hard, fighting! (T/N: Ahn Sang Tae is the comical policeman in Rooftop Prince)

Yoochun: @ahnsangtae Ke Thank you. It has been very enjoyable working with hyunh

Young Pil (@youngfeel): @JUNO_JAPAN Please be quiet Junho sshi~~ I have been acknowledged these days~ On the sports field~~ ^^

Junsu: @youngfeel Hmm… the so-called acknowledgement…

Kikwang (@B2stGK): Have been feeling~great since morning ^-^ The long awaited selca!! Will have a safe trip. Thank you everybdy ~.~! SMILE~~~ BIUNG!!

Junsu: @B2stGK Bon Voyage~~~~~ ^^

Junho (@JUNO_JAPAN): Please make this clear~ The fact that everyone acknowledges Youngpil hyung’s football skills, is this real? Mr. Captain????? RT @1215thexiahtic @youngfeel Hmm… the so-called proof…

Junsu: @JUNO_JAPAN Hope that he can fulfil his goalkeeper’s duties well… (He) has been having greeds for the games TT Is this a hunch for becoming 10 players…..?????? ke

Junho: @1215thxiahtic Keke Quoting Mr. Captain’s words..!! Concluding Mr. Young Pil’s words of “Everyone acknowledged my football skills”.

Junsu: @JUNO_JAPAN Kekeke But he indeed improves slightly from before~~ ^^

Junsu: Hello! (T/N: In a cute way) http://pic.twitter.com/LtvqMA9w

credit: josiemiao + freyazo
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Trans] 120320 Junsu Twitter Update

[Trans] 120320 Junsu Twitter Update

Park Seung Kwang (@skpark81): Is there any team who can have a practice match with Gag Con~~~ baseball team? Kekeke Looking~!! We are not very good at it… looking for a team where we can leave memories together.

Junsu: @skpark81 Let’s compete… baseball!!

Yoon Kyung Shik (@fcmen17): @1215thexiahtic Junsu ah~ Should our Hulk team gather once again? Keke Our FC Men shouldn’t be losing, isn’t it~ keke

Junsu: @fcmen17 Shall we go get the baseball outfits? ke

Park Seung Kwang: Ke. Junsu ah, let’s have a real match. keke. We were once very hooked onto baseball isn’t it? kekeke

Junsu: @skpark81 Go go~ Gag Concert doesn’t play football???

Junsu: @skpark81 Oh ya hyung, I don’t really watch tv but I only watch Gag Con~~ I like everyone who appeared in Gag Con a lot… Except hyung!

Junsu: @skpark81 Keke


Junsu: Woke up at 7am again… Didn’t sleep that early yesterday either… Quiet morning… Mmm… One day one day… Went through a lot in the midst of it… What kind of challenge will it be today.. Or what kind of joy would fulfil me… It would be good if it is happiness… The kind of happiness that can be shared with everyone.

Junsu: @plmok30 Fighting~ Yong hwan ah! (T/N: Kwak Yong Hwan is one of C-JeS’s new artiste.)

[Junsu RT Jung Gun Yong’s tweet] Jung Gun Young (zerotic0124): Will plan to start JYJ dance classes from April onwards… Will tweet in future for details.. Please do look out for it and participate in it~ <3

Lee Gi Kwang (@b2stGK): @1215thexiahtic A happiness day for Hyung and I. Fighting!!

Junsu: @b2stGK You are going Japan today right! Fighting ^^

Lee Gi Kwang: Fighting!!!!! ^-^ my hyung~

Junsu: @b2stGK Fighting~ my brother~!! ^^

credit: xiahcici+tvxqirene+josiemiao
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net
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[TRANSLATION] 120227-120305 Post Of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 120227-120305 Post Of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, February 27th to 5:59am KST, March 6th.

Sad but true 🙁
(Jaejoong, 2:59pm KST, 120227) When faced with having to make a choice, we smile at times and cry.. at times.

Awwww I’m so glad they still hang out 😀
(Eun Hyuk, 4:52am KST, 120228) Kim Junsu lost to me in Winning (Winning Eleven). 3:2.
(Junsu, 2:27pm KST, 120228) @AllRiseSilver Hyuk Jae~~ Why can’t you remember.. the times that you’ve lost to me.. Is it that you want to forget those moments? Or do you honestly not remember…… lol

Having a nice sleep-in eh? 🙂
(Junsu, 2:32pm KST, 120301) Such a languid afternoon.. Maybe it’s the aftereffects of yesterday’s performance… I opened my eyes but my body’s been lying in bed… for the past 2 hours and 12 minutes……

(Junsu, 2:38pm KST, 120301) I don’t usually like lying down in the middle of the day.. But I seem to be enjoying myself today.. The sound of cars that comes through the darkness from the closed curtains.. The steam that comes from the humidifier that stares at me… My legs that have been placed upon a cool blanket… A sense of languidness that I can call my own.. amidst the bustles of my busy life

Hwaiting to both of them!
(Young Seok, 2:48pm KST, 120301) @1215thexiahtic Great job yesterday~^^ Rest well~^^ It’ll be a while till I see you again~
(Junsu, 2:55pm KST, 120301) @yoonphantom You’re rightㅠ Keep giving great performances till then~^^

Junsu, please give us the meaning of ‘Ha-ak!’ D:
(Hyo Jun, 2:43pm KST, 120301) @JUNO_Japan Hyung!!! You didn’t know this right…kekeke I’m going to call us the three brothers… kekeke pic.twitter.com/D2oRmDSk

(Junsu, 2:55pm KST, 120301) @AmadeRudolph Ha-ak~!

Awwww Junsu takes such good care of his juniors 🙂
(Junsu, 6:13pm KST, 120301) So today was finally Seung Hyun’s first performance as Rudolf as well as his first step as a musical actor.. Seeing your face yesterday, as you were nervous and somewhat exhilarated, reminded me of myself, shaking with nerves as I waited to step on stage for the first time for Mozart! two years ago..

(Junsu, 6:15pm KST, 120301) Of course, I’m still a rookie musical actor but as a senior who stepped foot into this industry before you, I give you my support.. The Rudolf that you think is right.. The Rudolf that you imagined, never back down and do what you feel is what needs to be done~ Because at least for today, you are the one who creates Rudolf on stage.. Here’s an unconditional Hwaiting!!!

(Junsu, 6:17pm KST, 120301) I’m sorry I couldn’t go today but I had work~~ Though you’re probably nervous.. I pray that you forget it all the moment you step on stage and are left with only the Rudolf that you imagined~^^

(Junsu, 6:20pm KST, 120301) Most of all, you know that the genre isn’t one that is accomplished alone, right..? Just being with some of the greatest actors (in Korea) to create a production will give you a great sense of courage and strength~ Have faith in your hyungs and noonas^^ They’ll make it work, no matter what you do~ I hope you have a successful first performance

I wonder what they said? 😛
(Junsu, 5:22am KST, 120304) @Evi_pui Hey… I didn’t get my hair cut… Do you mind not over-exaggerating??
(T/N: The account he replied to is private so I didn’t get to see the tweet he’s replying to)

idk if they meant this satirically but it sounded a little too harsh 🙁
(Kim Junsu Fan, 3:26am KST, 120304) @1215thexiahtic Are you seriously not going to participate in any broadcasted activities? You’re at such a great, young age, but because you’re chained to doing only concert-based activities in so few genres, JUNSU fans are being devoured by anxiety. If you don’t appear in any broadcasted TV appearances this year, you’ll be forgotten by the public and you won’t have any fans left who will support you till the end
(Junsu, 5:24am KST, 120304) @jbghhtpa83e08ty Do you not know (about our situation).. or are you saying this though you do… Is it that we’re not doing it (participating in broadcasted appearances)… or is it that we can’t… Think before you speak

I think I know what he’s talking about~ 😉
(Jaejoong, 5:57am KST, 120304) Monitoring Junsu and Yoochun’s work! My great, amazing dongsaengs and members^^ I saw Yoochun and Junsu today but I don’t ever get sick of seeing them…. haha They’re the best pic.twitter.com/e9VgjK2M

(Junsu, 1:38pm KST, 120304) @mjjeje Huh?? What did you watch?? lol
(Jaejoong, 2:54pm KST, 120304) @1215thexiahtic You might feel embarrassed if I tell say it out loud.. haha
(Junsu, 3:38pm KST, 120304) @mjjeje What is it?????? lol

Aww \o/
(Jeri, 3:40pm KST, 120304, English Tweet) @12215thexiahtic Junsu!!!!
(Junsu, 6:05pm KST, 120304, English Tweet) @slaughteration Jeri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i miss you!!!!!!!!!

How you doin’?
(Jaejoong, 6:17pm KST, 120304) Cute Yoohwan ^^ pic.twitter.com/ZKzlkQzK

Me too! She’s amazing!
(Jaejoong, 10:34pm KST, 120304) If Comedian Shin Bora really makes her debut as a singer, I’ll for sure be buying and listening to her album.

This reminds me of last year’s awards ceremony 🙂
(Jaejoong, 12:41am KST, 120305) My hair’s grown out a lot~~^^ pic.twitter.com/amjkhG8a

I imagine this tweet coming with a pout from Mr. Park XD
(Ji Hye, 2:09am KST, 120305) I was dead tired after making that long trip but I still wanted to eat ddeokbokki.. keke Everyone’s practically sleeping as they eat^^ pic.twitter.com/TIkO4SmY
(Yoochun, 12:15pm KST, 120305) @jihye5555 And you left me out of your meal…

FC MEN Fighting~!^^
(Junsu, 3:21pm KST, 120305) Everyone is waiting for Kokuritsu Kyougijou! The second round of pre-sales has started. Don’t forget to apply on the official home page!^^

Feeling kinda sad today? 🙁
(Junsu, 7:15pm KST, 120305) Sorrow… A solitude I wish to break free from pic.twitter.com/T044iglQ

(Junsu, 8:31pm KST, 120305) pic.twitter.com/wrFd0mUm

(Young Seok, 8:53pm KST, 120305) @1215thexiahtic Are you feeling down.. because it’s raining??^^ Be strong~~ Our sexy XiahTod~~~^^
(Junsu, 12;24am KST, 120305) @yoonphantom Hyung, please look after Blue Square while I’m gone~^^

Hwaiting to everyone 😀
(Moon Jung, 9:11pm KST, 120305) Because Zorro, which has already faded a little because it ended over a month ago, earned a profit from its performances, every~~~one in the staff received a huge bonus.. It couldn’t have been an easy decision but they gave happiness to the ‘Share Happiness Foundation’.. A warm story.. Let everyone know of it!!~~~~
(Junsu, 12:24am KST, 120306) @mjkim8200 Hwaiting to Elisabeth!

(Joo Hyun, 9:18pm KST, 120305) The one in white is me, right?! It’s hard to tell the difference between us@Jeny233http://photonui.com/31pw photonui.com/31px photonui.com/31py Ok Elly and Esther Haji are getting a massage~

(Junsu, 12:24am KST, 120306) @joohyunieee Hwaiting to Elisabeth~^^

🙁 I think you need a hug. A nice warm and fuzzy one
(Junsu, 12:49am KST, 120306) When I die…. I want the world to look just like this… Or I’d at least want to be somewhere that looks like this (when I die).. Just like this.. http://pic.twitter.com/hkGgz6bG

Source: [Jaejoong+Yoochun+Junsu+Other’s  Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 120216 Soccer Team Captain Junsu, Fights His Way Through Bowling With His Brother

[TRANS] 120216 Soccer Team Captain Junsu, Fights His Way Through Bowling With His Brother

The soccer team FC MEN, which JYJ’s Kim Junsu (25) is the captain of, will be holding a Tohoku Earthquake Charity match at the Kokuritsu Kyougijou (National Stadium) on 28 April.

The opponent will be “Team Yoshimoto + Selected Artists Team”. Members of this team include JichouKachou’s Kawamoto Junichi (36), Shizuru’s Murakami Jun (31), Penalty’s Wacky and others.

“Scheduled to make an appearance for the Korean team are Junsu, his brother Juno (25), 3 members from Beast, Yeoseob (22), Ki Kwang (21) and Doojoon (22), Shinhwa’s Minwoo (32), 5 members from the rookie group M.E.N., that are expected to make their debut in Japan this year, and others.” (Organizing Personnel)

This team, with a line-up of handsome K-Pop idols, are the strongest eleven, who have won the Korean Entertainer’s Soccer League tournament. According to the official website of the team, SS501′s leader Kim Hyunjoong (25) and JYJ’s Yoochun (25) are also members.

“Practice is 3 times a week, for 3 hours each day. In preparation for the match, the focus now is on set-pieces. The mood-maker, Junsu, is the most fired up.” (Organizing Personnel)

Team leader Junsu is also concerned with strengthening the friendship between the members. The team moves as a group to the practice grounds in the same bus, and during trainings, he encourages them to shout out loud energetically and enjoy themselves. While in the bus on their way back to Seoul, it is also routine for the members to have an “evaluation session” facilitated by Junsu.

“(The team) goes out for meals or to bowl, and their cohesiveness has increased. They do not drink alcohol. For bowling, Junsu’s brother, JUNO, is the best at it. With consecutive strikes, he (once got) a high score of 200 points, his average score is 170 points.” (Relevant Team Personnel)

K-Pop performances are also being planned for that day, and more than 50,000 audiences are expected to be at the National Stadium. It seems like it will be an anticipated match between Japan and Korea.

Source: [Josei Jishin via yahoo.jp]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[NEWS] Celebrity Football Team FC MEN To Hold Charity Football Match In Japan

[NEWS] Celebrity Football Team FC MEN To Hold Charity Football Match In Japan

Celebrity football team FC Men will be holding a charity football match in Japan, for the rebuilding of areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake. According to a Japanese music site, FC MEN members such as JYJ’s Junsu, Beast’s Lee Ki Kwang and Yoon Doojoon, 2AM’s Changmin and others will be holding a charity football match on 28 April at the Tokyo Kokuritsu Kyogijo(T/N: National Stadium) in support of rebuilding areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake

It is expected that Beast, 2AM, Kim Hyun Joong and other popular singers will be taking part in this competition. Last year, this team was the overall champion of the Korean celebrity football tournament.

More information will be put up on the FC MEN official site on 13 February. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the people who lost their livelihood due to the Tohoku Earthquake.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Osen via Nate]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net
Re-up by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s Source: iXiahcassie.wordpress.com

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[Info] FC Men Japan Charity Match In Tokyo

[Info] FC Men Japan Charity Match In Tokyo

(credit: xiahtal)

East Japan Earthquake Charity Match

Date: Saturday 28th, 2012
5:30pm: Opening concert
6:00pm: Greeting + introducing the players
6:30pm: Game starts

– 5800 yen (With tax)
– 5000 yen limited presale

*Note: Due to certain circumstances, there is a possibility that some members will not be attending this match.

source: fcmen.jp
trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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111215 Happy 25th Birthday To Kim Junsu from Momma Cha

Hi Junsu.

You may never see this post, but it is my desire to express to you how much I appreciate you on your birthday. What is it about you that endears you to my heart like a family member? There are many things–the way that you laugh for one. Your laughter is so contagious, and I love to watch it start in your eyes and travel through your entire body. You make me laugh with you, and there are times when I truly need a good laugh.

I love to hear you sing. Yes, you’ve heard this before, but believe me June, your singing is  unique. Your vocal tones range from piano to forte; from legato to tinny. Yes, you can be tinny, but it is such a wonderful sound that it can capture my attention in the midst of all the other voices on the palette. I really cannot describe your vocals fully with the musical vocabulary that I possess. I can only close my eyes and let them play.

I enjoy the athletic side of you. You are a wonderful dancer. I am a person who loves to move and dance; take a hike –or at least a good, long walk. I was so thrilled to realize that you and the members had climbed the mountain. I want you to take care of yourself, but part of that is staying physically fit. I didn’t have an interest in soccer until I became aware of your team. Now it is something to watch and pursue.

I simply love your “humanitarianism”   🙂  You were describing your red-faced demeanor while gaming, but I define your ‘humanitarianism’ as helping others less fortunate than yourself–whether it is building houses for needy families to planting trees et al. One of my favorite pictures of you is the “Happy Energy” picture. The smile in your eyes seems to reach out from your soul. I know that some of the charities that you participate in are joint ventures, but I see the tender part of your spirit that desires to give. Adoption is a part of you.

I love the fact that you still cling to church and family. Family is so important in life, and when you possess a wonderful family such your own I ask you to treasure it with all of your heart. Church is also important because it is a place of sanctuary from all of the evil, mean things that life can throw at you. It is somewhere to go where you know that you will be loved and nurtured.

Last, but not least, I admire you as an actor. You have enormous potential in this field, especially stage acting. You have always been able to command a stage, and you have the ability to separate yourself from the role once you exit the stage. Choose your roles wisely and you will secure a future for yourself and your posterity.


Happy Birthday Junsu. I pray that you will have so many more wonderful celebrations. You are a private individual, and I thank you for those parts of you that you choose to reveal to us. That is our gift from You on this Christmas Season. Merry Christmas and Have a Wonderful New Year.

credits: princesskyuki+FCMen+aomgoodtime+zunoxiahmom+xiah-sshi.com+cantfeelthesame

Momma Cha  @jyjfantalk

[FanCams-HQ] [Choices] 111120 Junsu’s FC MEN Open Match Fancams Compilations — 20+ FANCAMS @__@ :P

[FanCams-HQ] [Choices] 111120 Junsu’s FC MEN Open Match fancams compilations — 20+ FANCAMS @__@ 😛

Credits: Videos’ uploaders
Shared by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s source; iXiahcassie

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Translation 111114 Post Of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 111114 Post Of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, November 14th to 5:59am KST, November 15th.

Go Suwon Bluewings! \o/
(Junsu, 4:40pm KST) Suwon Bluewings will be having their playoffs on the 20th of November. As the captain of the Suwon Bluewings FC MEN team, I pray that the Bluewings become the champions of the K-League. Please support them with me ^^

What the fudge??? DON’T LEAVE US HANGING D:
(Jaejoong, 9:46pm KST) Get out, no way ..!

Source: [Junsu+Jaejoong’s Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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Translation 111108 Football Signed by Kim Junsu To Be Given Away at Suwon Top 6 Playoffs

[TRANS] 111108 Football Signed By Kim Junsu To Be Given Away At Suwon Top 6 Playoffs

(All irrelevant parts omitted)

In the top 6 playoffs between Suwon and Busan on 20 November, the Suwon Stadium will be allowing college exam takers to enter the stadium for free. Students with the right identification will each be allowed to get one ticket. Furthermore, college exam takers will be eligible to win a football signed by Suwon FC MEN captain Kim Junsu as a prize.

Entrance tickets for the top 6 playoffs will start from the Seoul vs Ulsan game, and will be on sale from 9 November. The first 500 people to purchase tickets will also get vouchers for the family restaurant VIPS Steak.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Sportalkorea]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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