[TRANS] 131209 News Roundup

[TRANS] 131209 Kim Jaejoong Captivates The Chinese Mainland With ‘Talent + Visuals + Effort’


Kim Jaejoong’s first solo concert has the Chinese mainland shaking it up.

C-JeS Entertainment stated on the 9th, “Kim Jaejoong held his first solo concert in Nanjing, China at the Wutaishan Sports Center this weekend,” and “He attracted a total of 10,000 fans to the two-day event for his first-ever solo album Asia tour, and he captivated everyone with his amazing rock performances.”

On this day, Kim Jaejoong performed songs from his first full-length album and mini-album, showcasing his explosive vocal talent and fatal charm. Effortlessly belting out high notes, the singer showcased a variety of rock genres and ballads, captivating his fans with his melodious voice.

As many of the songs featured lyrics written by the singer himself, each performance felt like watching an episode of a drama. Kim Jaejoong changed outfits frequently, matching each outfit to a different atmosphere and touching his fans. The highlight of the concert was the singer’s rendition of ‘Just Another Girl’, which was followed by cheers from his fans to return to the stage for an encore.

After performing ‘MINE’, the title song of Kim Jaejoong’s mini album, Kim Jaejoong said, “Unfortunately, I have to say goodbye with the song ‘Paradise’. I’d like to thank all the fans who came from all over China to see me, and I’m so happy that we were able to share this special moment. I hope to see you again soon.”

The Chinese mainland’s passionate love for the star drew the attention of many. Banners were hung at the entrance of the sports center to show the fans’ support for the singer, and they began chanting Kim Jaejoong’s name 10 minutes before the start of the performance.

Each fan had a different backstory to how they reached Nanjing to see Kim Jaejoong perform. Jiang Myung (22), who came from the northeastern region of China, was unable to buy a plane ticket to Nanjing and had to ride a train for 22 hours to get there. There were many fans who traveled over 1,000km to get to Nanjing from Beijing.

A representative stated, “Fans flocked to Nanjing from all over China because they aren’t sure when Kim Jaejoong will return to China after this performance. We added an additional concert because we wanted to give more fans an opportunity to see the singer perform, and this became a hot topic in China.”

Source: [enews24]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJ Fantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[News] 131209 Kim Jae Joong Leaves a Good Impression in China With His Great Manners


Kim Jae Joong has deeply captured the hearts of the Chinese people because of his well mannered gestures.

Last December 6th, Kim Jae Joong stopped by Nanjing, China for his Asia tour show.

Before his said show, Kim Jae Joong first met up with 50 local media reporters who anticipated his arrival and they were impressed because the idol showed great manner and attitude.

Kim Jae Joong shared, “I added an extra show in Nanjing for fans who are making their way all the way to Nanjing from different regions.”

Kim Jae Joong also answered questions pertaining to his new album and how he feels about his stay in China.


One of the media reporters asked him why he chose’ love’ as the theme of his new album. He responded ,”I think love is the most beautiful motif that people can write music and story from. Everyone goes through it at some point in their lives, but it is always equally difficult to everyone, and I tried to express such feelings through the album. I also tried to include messages into my performance costumes as well. Acting is not similar to acting, not even by a bit, so I need to express the music through outfits, performance, and poses as well.”

After the press conference, Kim Jae Joong did a photo op and he showed care for the reporters as well.

In the other news, Kim Jae Joong’s latest solo and first regular album WWW: Who, When, Why ranked #1 on iTunes Charts in 12 different countries, as well as Tower Records and dominated Oricon Weekly.

credit: kpopstarz

JYJ Fantalk Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Vid] Kim Jaejoong WWW Nanjing Compilation

I always appreciate those who put forth effort to record videos.
These are wonderful songs, Jaejoong, and a wonderful performance. Enjoy! 🙂

credit: jaejoongieboo+Rinmaze+One Kiss J+XkuRoiSora+kpkjyj+orenjisky+JYJKPK

JYJ Fantalk Source: youtube

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[Pic] 131206 – Kim Jaejoong 1st Album Asia Tour Press Conference in Nanjing

38 pic (rar file)


credit: as tagged
shared by: sharingyoochun.net


JYJ Fantalk Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 131127 Kim Jaejoong Tops The Synnara K-pop Awards Voting Polls, ‘Explosive Popularity In And Outside Of Korea’


Singer Kim Jaejoong has won the 2013 Synnara K-pop Awards’ voting polls.

C-JeS Entertainment stated, “Kim Jaejoong won the voting polls for the 2013 Synnara Records K-pop Awards that were held from the 29th of October till the 26th of this month. The poll was held under the title ‘Guessing the Results for the 2013 K-pop Awards’, and Kim Jaejoong has come out on top. The singer also ranked second on Germany’s Asian Music Charts, and as topped the Korean category of Yinyue Tai’s V-Charts for three consecutive weeks, showing just how popular he is both in Korea and all over the world.”

Kim Jaejoong made his first transformation as a rock star in January with his mini-album ‘I’ and since then, he has been highly praised for his latest rock album ‘WWW: Who, When, Why’. His first full-length album won six crowning titles on Japan’s Rakuten, even before its release. On the day of the album’s release, Kim Jaejoong topped the iTunes charts in 12 countries, including Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Lithuania and Barbados, proving his power as a global star.

To commemorate the release of his new album, Kim Jaejoong kicked off his Asia tour in Seoul and moved on to Yokohama, Japan and Taiwan. He will be flying to Nanjing, China on the 7th and Osaka, Japan on the 17th and 18th of December to continue his Japanese tour.

 Source: [tvdaily]

 Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

JYJ Fantalk Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Vid] 130410 ‘TVDaily’ Kim Jaejoong Mini Concert&Fan Meeting In Nanjing, China

[Vid] 130410 ‘TVDaily’ Kim Jaejoong Mini Concert&Fan Meeting In Nanjing, China

credit: tvdaily

JYJFantalk Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 130407 JYJ’s Jaejoong Reveals In Nanjing Solo Concert “I’ll Get Married At About 38″

[TRANS] 130407 JYJ’s Jaejoong Reveals In Nanjing Solo Concert “I’ll Get Married At About 38″

(T/N: I know that JJ’s event is technically a “Mini Concert and Fanmeeting” but the article calls this event a concert for most part so I’m just going to go with it)


Idol group JYJ member Kim Jaejoong held his solo concert in Nanjing, China, and revealed that “I’ll probably get married at about 38.”

Jaejoong held his solo concert “Your, My and Mine in Nanjing”at Nanjing’s Olympic Sports Center on 6 March 2013.

On this day, through stages such as a mini-talk, quiz show and other exciting events, Jaejoong came closer to the hearts of his fans. When asked “When will you get married?” he replied “Around 38,” and also “Compared to someone who is too skinny, I prefer someone a little chubby” and received loud cheers from the fans.

Following that was the cooking corner, where Jaejoong made rabokki (Dukkbokki with ramen added to it) together with the fans, and then performed the song “Kiss B” which is found in his repackaged album. The final program in the fanmeeting was a paparazzi corner, revealing unpublished photos of Jaejoong and his unstoppable charms.

At the start of the mini-concert, Jaejoong appeared transformed as a rocker, as the passion continued to take over the hall. Jaejoong performed his first solo song to be revealed from his mini album “One Kiss” in a glamorous stage, then continued with songs from older singers such as “I Loved You”, “For You”, “Always Yours” and other rock ballads. He performed “I’ll Protect You” with the fans, and they showed their support for Jaejoong by singing along in perfect Korean as a group.

Jaejoong has been holding his Asia Tour starting with Ilsan in January, continuing with Thailand, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Nanjing and continuing with Taiwan on 13th April.

Source : [K Style News]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Vid] 130405 Kantame Daily: Exclusive Interview with Kim Jaejoong+ Translation

[Vid] 130405 Kantame Daily: Exclusive Interview with Kim Jaejoong

credit: jjkeiko

Momma’s Source:sharingyoochun.net


[TRANS][VIDEO] 130405 Kantame Daily: Exclusive Interview with Kim Jaejoong in Nanjing 04052013

Interviewer: First of all, having your Asia tour, solo concert and fan meeting in Nanjing, how do you feel now?
JJ: I came to Nanjing for the first time last year. This is the second time.
I am coming more songs, nine?
Interviewer: Ten songs?
JJ: I got more songs, so I hope to convey my wish people coming this time
should enjoy more.
Interviewer: I think you do.
People in Japan is also looking forward to it much. They are supporting you.

Interviewer: How is your fatigue? You look busy. Don’t you have fatigue?
JJ: Yeah, I have some today. I had live concerts over yesterday.
Interviewer: You did.
JJ: But, once the live starts, I’ll be fine.
Interviewer: Yeah. And as for the points worthy of note in your stage this time,
what’s the biggest point that you hope everyone to look?
JJ: It is a gathering of fan meeting and mini live concert this time.
They can enjoy communication between fans and myself and feel an
atmosphere of live performance. It is a good event. They can feel both.
Interviewer: It must be!

Interviewer: Would you tell me if you have something you want to
accomplish for a goal this year?
JJ: As Jaejoong or of JYJ?
Interviewer: Yeah, as Kim Jaejoong!

JJ: Haha. First, as Kim Jaejoong, again in a new work, I will be able to try acting. Either in dramas or movies, I can meet everyone, I think. When I had a tour last time, it was for my mini album. I hope to release a full album next.
Interviewer: I hope so. Then what is the object as JYJ?
JJ: As JYJ, uhm, this year, I hope to release JYJ’s full album. We had Tokyo Dome over yesterday, right? Having more activities in Japan is our big hope.
Interviewer: I’m expecting it. For you, what kind of existence is JYJ?
JJ: Let me see.
Interviewer: Is it hard to say just in a word?
JJ: Yeah, of course it is a must to exist. Each is not worth one by one. Three can be united. Well how should I say…I don’t know what way I should say even in Hangul, Korean. How to express is difficult.
Interviewer: Go ahead in Hangul.
JJ: Being one,(unclear) I felt it yesterday. With everyone in the venue and we, three members, we can be the one, unity I recognized it yesterday. The members are such existences. They are two of “the one, unity” I think.
Interviewer: Thank you very much. I think fans felt it much as well. Then from now on I would like to ask you some more casual questions. What do you feel the gladdest to do now?
JJ: The gladdest to do? It’s now.
Interviewer: This moment?
JJ: Yeah, at this moment, being here probably. It is hard that I understand myself. what can I say? Haha. As just a person’s character, an artist and an actor, I have a lot of shortages and more things to develop. Uhmmm.
Interviewer: Then for the last, would you give any messages to many fans who love you, please?
JJ: Yes. Well, I will have the 10th anniversary upcoming December since my debut. I really appreciate their constant support and love. I thank them.

<T/N I don’t mind reproduction. Would you mind if you do, please?>

credit: republicofjyj

Momma’s Source: 858batilivejournal.com via sharingyoochun.net

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[News] 130325 JYJ Jaejoong Receives Huge Attention in Hong Kong for Asia Tour

[News] 130325 JYJ Jaejoong Receives Huge Attention in Hong Kong for Asia Tour

JYJ member Jaejoong has been receiving much attention in Hong Kong for his Asia Tour.

JYJ member Jaejoong has been receiving much attention in Hong Kong for his Asia Tour.

Many Hong Kong media spotlighted Jaejoong as he arrived in Hong Kong for his ‘Your, My and Mine in Hong Kong’ concert.

An article was released about the flood of fans that waited at the airport to see Jaejoong’s arrival in Hong Kong. They also released video footage from the airport as well. They stated, “Jaejoong has arrived in Hong Kong for his concert. There are so many people at the airport and so it was hard to film footage.”

At the press conference, many media attended from Apple Daily to Headline Daily, for a total of around 30 media.

Jaejoong commented, “This is my first solo concert in Hong Kong. I personally have been waiting for this moment for quite some time. I received much energy from fans from the airport. I hope we can make great memories together at the concert.”

 His Hong Kong concert was held yesterday at the HKCEC and met with 4,000 fans. As this was his first solo concert in Hong Kong, he also held a press conference to meet with the press.

Jaejoong and his fans had a great time together as they held quiz shows about favorite food from Hong Kong. Jaejoong also cooked food for his fans as well.

After the fan meeting, he began his mini concert. As he sang, the fans sang along in Korean, showing their support for Jaejoong. He sang many of his hit songs as well as other famous Korean songs.

When singing one of his last songs, the fans surprised Jaejoong with a small event. The fans held up a huge sign that read, ‘You are in our hearts’. During the middle of the song, Jaejoong also put the mic out to the fans so that they could sing as well.

After the concert, many fans showed tears and could not leave the concert grounds. Some fans commented, “It felt like I was on a date with him for 2 hours”, “I was so happy that he finally came to Hong Kong” and “I fell in love with his live singing.”

On the other hand, Jaejoong will begin his concert in Nanjing for his world tour on April 6.

credit: kpopstarz
shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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Korean Handsome Man Kim Jaejoong Has Not Tried The Horse Dance Yet

Korean Handsome Man Kim Jaejoong Has Not Tried The Horse Dance Yet

Photo Credit: PrinceJJ.com

Korean handsome man Kim Jaejoong has not tried the horse dance yet.

Last night the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center was so busy, what with the Chinese Super League’s epic battle between Sainty and Evergrande, and beside that in the Arena, Korea’s exDBSK-current JYJ member Kim Jaejoong held his fan meeting, where 5000-6000 fans from all over China spent 90 minutes with their idol. The recent hit [Gangnam Style] which swept across the world also raised the temperature for the Hallyu wave. In the press con in the afternoon, when asked about the hit song, this model korean flower boy couldn’t help but smile and said ” Although I have not tried yet, but my manager dances the horse dance often. “

26 year old Kim Jaejoong debuted in 2003 and rose to fame as a member of DBSK, after 2010 he is active as a member of JYJ. Similar to Jiro Wang, they are both singers-turned actors. The roles he played in [Dr Jin], [Heaven’s Postman], [Jackal is Coming] have conquered a massive number of fans. Last night’s fan meeting has attracted five to six thousand fans. Kim Jaejoong sang two solos LIVE, played interactive games with fans, and within the 90 mins of the fan meeting there was nonstop screaming from fans.

Recently in these two years, China and Korea’s dramas have been frequently using time-travel as a theme, and Kim Jaejoong’s [Dr Jin] also involves time travelling. When asked if he has a choice, which era he would most want to time-travel to, he smiled and replied ” Time-travelling includes to the past and to the future. Actually I would want to travel to the future, because I really want to know what the future holds. “

Online Source: news.xhby.net

Translated by: LovingJYJ of JYJ3

Shared by/Our Source: DKPopNews.net]

Momma’s Source; dbskalways.wordpress.com

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DBSK Memory Lane Revisited–Nanjing 2009+Others

Just a few videos that hopefully will bring back wonderful memories for ourselves and our Guys. If not, we keep trying O.K.? Then we have to keep finding and posting them until we get it right.   😉  <33333

credit: rminniew+tahchangluvyuchun+s2o00m8+hanzihe+nanhau nan