About chaelwest

Wife and mother of two beautiful adult daughters. I am a Christian teacher, writer, musician, and artist who enjoys the work of JYJCY as JYJ and HoMin. This site is designed for JYJCY -- to talk about those things that delight us about them, their music, and activities.

[News] 130314 ‘Queen of Ambition’ Yunho Speaks of Leaving Drama, “I Hope My Acting Helped”

[News] 130314 ‘Queen of Ambition’ Yunho Speaks of Leaving Drama, “I Hope my Acting Helped”

Singer and actor Yunho spoke about leaving SBS drama, “Queen of Ambition.”

‘Queen of Ambition’ Yunho Speaks of Leaving Drama, “I Hope my Acting Helped”

Singer and actor Yunho spoke about leaving SBS drama, “Queen of Ambition.”

In episode 18 of the drama, Yunho finished his part of the drama as he died. He said, “Through this drama, I realized the importance of faith. I tried my best to make my acting help the drama in every way possible even though I lacked a lot.”

The ‘faith’ that Yunho spoke of had 3 different meanings. It was faith in his fellow actors and staff members who worked with him through thick and thin despite the cold weather and busy schedule, the true love and trust of family toward his mother Dokyung and wife Da Hae in the drama and the faith in the viewers who supported him until the end.

Even though he is a member of the world-famous group TVXQ, Yunho emphasized that he is still an amateur actor, and had to try a lot while filming. He called Soo Ae and Kwon Sang Woo by their drama names, and showed great humility and serving heart as he was the youngest one of the cast members.

As soon as Yunho’s last scene filming ended, the staff members and other actors gave him a warm applause. Yunho hugged every single one of them to thank them.

Photo Credit: Sports Seoul
credit: kpopstarz

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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JYJ Creates an Official LINE Account! Add! Add~!

JYJ Creates an Official LINE Account! Add! Add~!

Many Korean artists create Twitter account or maybe KakaoTalk, but JYJ has chosen a different social media to get closer to their fans.

They have officially created LINE account today, JYJ(EN), on February 28! From the account, they will give you the latest updates in English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese in 13 countries.

However, there are some instructions for fans who want to add the account, such as you can only send text, emoji, and sticker. But if the trio are accepting your message, they will reply you ^^

As an opening, they have sent their first message to fans from around the world!

They’re so cute, aren’t they? >////<

For those who have LINE account, why don’t you start to add them? It has reached more than 22,000 followers this far!

 Source: JYJLine

photo credit: ohmyjunsu, starsInLoveJYJ

written by: sanprista

shared by: en.korea

Momma’s Source: korea.com

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[Trans] 130314 Fukutaro’s Facebook Update

[Trans] 130314 Fukutaro’s Facebook Update


Yes!! The ladies who gave me chocolate♡ Thank you!! My return is my feelings *laughs* Akkanbe~! (Japanese version of Merong~) :p

credit: fukutaro’s FB
trans by: rieko@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Pic] 130312 Tohoshinki ‘Time’ Special Site Gallery

[Pic] 130312 Tohoshinki ‘Time’ Special Site Gallery

credit: toho-jp
shared by: sharingyoochun.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[News] 130312 BoA Compliments Yunho On His Acting

[News] 130312 BoA Compliments Yunho On His Acting

BoA is usually seen giving words of praise and encouragement to contestants on ‘K-pop Star 2‘. But she also had some supportive words as of recent for labelmate and same-age friend Yunho!

SBS drama ‘Queen of Ambition‘ has been picking up speed lately and entertaining its viewers, one of which is BoA!

Having caught the latest episode, BoA tweeted, “Oh~~~~~ Jung Yunho!!!!! Brother~~~~ Your tearful acting has come alive~~~~~~~~ I was a bit surprised~~~~ Friend, have strength, hwaiting^^ Please show your support for ‘Queen of Ambition’s [Yunho].”

Although Yunho’s acting was pointed out as awkward and stiff by viewers when the drama first began, he has shown that hard work and dedication pays off as his skills have quite improved, pulling off several tearful, emotional scenes through the recent episodes!

Image: Star News
credit: allkpop

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 130311 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

[TRANS] 130311 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

(2:40pm KST) Our Chat Day has finally arrived! It’s a day for us to meet, even if it’s just through a video, for an hour and have a great time together…^^
(2:40pm KST) Are you ready?

(2:49pm KST) From Korea to Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Turkey and Spain!! We’ve chosen 8p.m. as our starting time so that a lot~~~ of people can join in at once! So come see me!! See me then!! Everyone, come see me~~~!!
(2:52pm KST) I’ll summon Yoochun and Junsu by calling them~~! haha
(2:52pm KST) See~ You~ Soo~~~~~n!^^

(4:31pm KST) Tada~~!!
(4:31pm KST) http://tvcast.naver.com/special/live/15
(4:33pm KST) The doors have opened~ Come in, come in~! I’ve prepared a gift for those who aren’t able to chat with me today! For the event, I’m going to ask you to draw something that represents your country on a photo of me. I’m going to pick the winners before the live chat ends and give those people a gift, so prepare~~ your ideas~~ 😉

(6:45pm KST) Have you all gathered? haha

(6:47pm KST) I’m ready too! Shall we begin?

Source: [JYJ’s LINE account]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[TRANS] 130309-130310 Post of JYJ Tweets

[TRANS] 130309-130310 Post of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, March 9th to 5:59am KST, March 11th.

A thought-provoking passage 🙂
(Jaejoong, 7:50am KST, 130309) Venerable Haemin puts me at ease from the early morninghttp://pic.twitter.com/TmoxjlnSk8

[We live in an endless myriad of relationships.
My family. My relatives. My friends. My coworkers. My neighbors….
These relationships must be happy in order for our lives to be happy.
Happiness gained by oneself does not last long.

Our greatest teacher in life,
is what we learn from the relationships we have with other people.
Even if we say we have found enlightenment,
if there are discomforts left within our relationships,
it means that our enlightenment is not complete yet.]

Awwwwwwww <3
(Jaejoong, 2:29pm KST, 130309)
After our manager’s wedding.. we all went home.. and I went to sleep.. And the more I see them, the more my members feel like my brothers~

[JJ: Get home safely. I didn’t give you guys a proper farewell, but I’m going to go straight to bedㅜ
JJ: I love you guys.
JS: Goodnight haha
JS: Mwah (*kissing sound*)
JJ: You guys are mine~
YC: hahahaha
YC: Sleep well~!!!!! ^____^ Dream of me]

Book suggestion? 🙂
(Jaejoong, 1:30pm KST, 130310) Wow.. Bernard Werber~~~ “The Laughter of the Cyclops”


Source: [Jaejoong’s  Twitter]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[TRANS] 130309 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

[TRANS] 130309 JYJ Naver LINE Updates

(1:45pm KST) Our manager, who has stayed by our side and traveled the world with us for the past three years, has finally found his match made in Heaven and gotten married. We all got together and sang ‘Found You’ as our congratulatory song for his wedding. Hyung~! You have to be happy~~~^^

(1:45pm KST) Shall we give you all a small 10-second sneak peek of it? haha

Source: [JYJ’s LINE account]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[Vid] 130311 Line Star Chat with Jaejoong Part 1/Part 2 [Eng]

[Vid] 130311 Line Star Chat with Jaejoong  Part 1/Part 2 [ENG]

credit: ohmyjuncom+mogo yuchun


[Vid] 130311 Line Star Chat with Jaejoong Part 2 [Eng]

credit: ToxicXiah+naicha kun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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[Info] 130311 JYJ’s Upcoming Tokyo Dome Concert To Be Broadcast Live in Theaters Across Japan

[Info] 130311 JYJ’s Upcoming Tokyo Dome Concert to be Broadcast Live in Theaters across Japan

JYJ will be returning to Japan in grand style through their upcoming concert ‘2013 JYJ Concert in Toyko Dome –The Return of the JYJ-‘. But for the Japanese fans who were unable to grab tickets to JYJ’s sold out concert, don’t worry because the concert will also be broadcast live in theaters across Japan.

A representative revealed, “The 150,000 tickets for the three-day concert sold out immediately upon ticket sale opening. For those who couldn’t grab tickets to the concert due to limited seating, the final concert of the concert series has been decided to be broadcast in theaters.”

JYJ will reunite with their Japanese fans at their Tokyo Dome concert on April 2nd-4th.

Check out JYJ’s message below

credit: allkpop

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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Happy Birthday to Thatmelancholysoul from Mommy Cha

 Happy Birthday to thatmelancholysoul from Mommy Cha

I can remember the first time that I laid eyes on you. You were blue, and a team of doctors and nurses were fighting for your life. Thankfully, through God’s grace, they won, and I was able to hold you in my arms. You have always been my most curious one; the one who questions everything; and my music and dance companion. If I were to define you I would say that you are multi-faceted and multi-talented. What you choose to put your mind, time, and effort into becomes a positive reality. It is in the choosing that you must display the most wisdom–because every moment spent in pursuit of a goal is a lost moment if the goal is not attained.

You have endless potential my Dear, and life is beckoning you to explore and conquer. I can remember being your age and the things that I wanted to do– imaginable and unimaginable things. The horizon was vast and many pursuits beckoned. Art college came first–then an art career. BB, [Before Babies], I was content with graphics, but after your sister and then you were born–I somehow gained a different perspective on life.  I discovered that I enjoyed children so much that my next pursuit became teaching–a pursuit I still engage in. Over time, I have taught everything from kindergarten to college; from church school to public education; infancy to geriatrics–and I have enjoyed them all. I have had a wonderful life filled with teaching and learning with and from you and your sister. Surprisingly, young people can teach their elders a thing or two. It is the young who face challenges head on and refuse to give quarter. It is the young who look for possibilities before impossibilities.

I guess I could say that I hold you responsible for introducing me to the world of J-Pop and K-Pop. First came Super Junior. I struggled so hard to remember [much less pronounce] each member’s name, and I danced many times with you to ‘Sorry, Sorry’. For a while we were unaware of any other K-pop groups until the day that you discovered ‘Mirotic’ while surfing on Youtube. That is the day that DBSK became a part of our existence. I was immediately fascinated by their dancing and singing abilities, and I can remember spending hour upon hour learning everything that I could about the group and its members. I learned to talk on the blogs and forums, and gradually became solidly supportive of Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin. I was attracted by their musicality and their personalities. For a while I struggled because I couldn’t understand why, I, a classic music teacher, gospel singer, songwriter, wife, and mother of two grown daughters, would enjoy listening to this music. For some reason it both soothed me and challenged me to explore beyond my everyday music parameters. Hence came that immediate Mommy, agape love for the members of DBSK. If it seems as if Super Junior paled in comparison, not so, I still enjoy their music and their antics. What was most surprising, however, was that nurturing spot that DBSK immediately occupied. I became a Momma Bear, ready to defend if needed. Sadly, it would be needed.

There are happenings in life that defy description. One such happening was the split of DBSK. 2010 became a remarkable year that smelled of change on the wind. Many were confused and frightened, including the members, and in an effort that would take strength from us all, the Five became Three and Two. As a family, we stood in the position of distressed observer, never abandoning any member, but with a spirit that knew deep down that things would never again be the same. This didn’t mean that hope was abandoned, but reality dictated that change was inevitable. We fought with everything in us to maintain the faith, and we still fight for the hope that someday these friends and brothers will be able to sit down and enjoy quality time together. It is no longer about the music or the companies–it is about the friendships.

So now, thatmelancholysoul, how does this in any way relate to your Birthday? Why have I written this narrative in this way? It is because I want to see you fight just as hard to be who you are despite all the obstacles and oppositions that life can mete out. It isn’t even about who’s right or wrong–it is about seeking the truth that will set you free to pursue goals that are beneficial to you and to those around you. It is about hanging in there when everyone else says that it is time to give up. It is about clinging to hope when it seems as if hope has abandoned you. Word to the wise–hope never will abandon you as long as you cling to hope because hope is in Christ.. It is in realizing that faith and hope are the underpinnings through GOD’s Holy Spirit that keep you stable in a world full of instability.

You are now an adult making adult decisions and entering this arena called life. Think deeply about things; meditate on things; then trust your spirititual instincts. …”Whatever things are pure, think on these things”….

I will always love you, thatmelancholysoul, with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength because I am striving to be made in the image of Christ.  I do not expect perfection…I only ask you to strive for it.

Love, Mommy

[Trans] 130308 Star Column: Behind-The-Scene Story of JYJ Kim Jaejoong’s Asia Tour

[Trans] 130308 Star Column: Behind-The-Scene Story of JYJ Kim Jaejoong’s Asia Tour

t has been four years since ‘Thanksgiving Live In Dome’ that was held on the June of 2010, and once again, JYJ will be having their concert at the Dome again. Just the thought that they will be able to meet the long-awaited fans, exciting atmosphere starts to fill up the air. For the fans who waited them for four years, JYJ will be presenting their best stage and will do it with their might.

Additionally, Kim Jaejoong has started his Asia tour ‘Your, My and Mine In Thailand’ on the 17th of February in Bangkok, and is currently planning his tour at Shanghai, Hongkong and Nanjing etc. Now through NAVER Star Column, let’s reveal the many facets of Kim Jaejoong!

– Editor

The person I like, no matter who it is, they would have have own scent and story. Though it is the first time that we met, as long as we are able to talk with an open heart, we would become close immediately. Therefore, I like meeting new friends, making new relationships; I have also never stay at a distance from a person due to first impression, or judge one’s character from his cover.

My members would tell me, “No matter where Hyung goes, your popularity is the best. We are so envious.” Since the beginning, I was responsible for the strong image in the group, thus as compared to domestically, I received more love overseas. In the past, there were many who were prejudiced against me. Even though it might not be that much, it was what I used to feel. As I continued to have activities overseas, what I felt the most are that about people met with me with no prejudice.

Those who met me in a different culture and language, showed their liking towards me as Kim Jaejoong. Under such situation, showing off myself and saying out my own story, it made me felt comfortable. Though there is a language barrier, we interact with our true hearts, resulting an enjoyable friendship. At the same time, to be able to share such sentiments with those who happily love our music, it made me value and like their culture.

[ A photo in the plane before flying off for the tour~! ]

“You already have so many fans, don’t you feel nothing special already?” I would hear this at times during interview, and I would answer it with no doubt, “Nothing like this!”

Fans might be thinking doubtfully: My feelings? My handwritten letter? My gifts? My heart? Will it be relayed to the artiste? Definitely they would think that it is difficult to relay their feelings out. But those are really able to be relayed to artiste!

As everyone took time to prepare with their earnest heart, I will also thus try my best to listen to what fans have to say. When I am exhausted and felt terrible while thinking of forsaking everything, (fans) will be like a scary superpower, a power that cannot be seen that made me stood up once again. That is fans’ power!

Due to security issues during the tour, I would sometimes need to leave the airport or concert venue in a hurry, but people who have gathered to support and welcome me, those thoughts would made me feel warm and close (to fans) no matter when.

[ During rehearsal and behind the stage of Asia Tour ]


Releasing a solo album under the name Kim Jaejoong, preparing the rock genre that I have likened when I was young, though all these are new to me, I felt excited and happy about it. Besides, this is not about what was casted onto me, but the real me. It is an album about everything that I wanted to say. How handsome is this! Thus the album was titled, ‘I’.

[ Day of photo shooting of promotional photos for album ]

During the preparation of the concert, I heard about the news of the Asia Tour and it gave me a lot of strength and inspired me, thus my spirit was lifted! The Asia fan meeting last year as an actor also gave me a lot of strength.

This time, I want to try a different kind of concert. There were many ideas and anticipation was plentiful. Chatting with fans, playing games with fans, I wish to bring the cohesive feel to the fans, be it 5000 or 10000 fans, in a space. Thought it is a showcase-like mini concert, I will also sing the songs that I like, other than the songs in the album. Because of such, the concert was titled, ‘Your, My and Mine’.

[ Discussing with staff during Asia Tour ]

I had my first concert on my birthday and it was an agitating first stage. Ah! I am such a lucky person! There were so many fans who smiled for me, applauded for me and happily focused on my stage. It was really one of my best birthday ever! I really really smiled a lot (That day was also the day I have smiled the most.), I smiled to the extent thinking to myself, “Why am I like this?”

Due to the lighting on stage, I was not able to see the audience clearly. But due to a guessing game with fans, many fans in the seats were therefore shone very clearly. It was all within my view. The happy looks of everyone, the happy eyes, and those thoughts of theirs were all relayed to me. It made me felt so blessed that I was going to tear.

During the singing of ‘I’ll Protect You’ at the mini concert segment, I held my microphone towards the audience and fans sang to me, “I wish to protect you~ even your mistakes~ your bad habits too~ When it’s tough, I will make you smile~ Though it will be tough~ I will still say to you that I love you~”, after that the music started and I once again sang back to them, “I love you~ no matter who, I am the one by your side now, isn’t it~ I will grab your hand isn’t it~”… During that moment, I really felt blessed, really grateful. Fans are so adorable.

[ The first stop of Asia Tour that was in Korea, falls on my birthday… I was really grateful to be spending it with my fans. ]

So, the tour begins. The first stop is at Thailand. It has been around three years that our activities were blocked in Japan, therefore no matter be it JYJ or solo activity, Thailand will be the first stop in Asia. To us, Thailand was a meaningful country. There were many JYJ fans in Thailand and would always welcome us passionately. Therefore it is no doubt it became the starting stop of the tour. Additionally, I really love elephants and to be in Thailand with cute elephants, fans would give me a variety of gifts with elephant-motifs.

[ I made food for the fans during the concert in Thailand. It should be tastier ^^ ]

Japanese fans were also the ones that I am thankful and grateful for. After I acted in the drama ‘Sunao Ni Narenakute’, there wasn’t any much opportunities to meet with Japanese fans. But they remained the same and no matter I was acting in ‘Protect The Boss’, ‘Dr Jin’ or ‘Jackal Is Coming’, they would give their tremendous support directly in Korea.

Same goes for ‘JYJ Membership Week’ where it broke the record for the highest number of foreigners entering Korea. I was very thankful. If Korea is the main stage for activities, Japan will be alike to being the hometown, and I have many Japanese friends in Japan too, thus it’s a place I received a lot of news.

[ Dr Jin Fanmeeting ]

China is also a place I went frequently. I went to Shanghai, Nanjing, Hongkong etc during JYJ concert and drama fanmeeting. Though all cities are in China, the languages and culture were different in different cities. But the passionate support was the same in each city. After learning Japanese language, I recently became interested in Chinese language but it doesn’t seems to be easy. I wish to be able to say more things to fans to close up the distance!

[ During the Asia Tour ]

There is actually a difficulty during Asia Tour and that is when I am in an Asian country, there were too people who likes me that I was not able to go outside, thus I will always be in the hotel. Though I was able to swim, sleep, download movies to watch, and also read comic books but it is still boring. At times like these, I would start to do what I don’t usually do.. taking selcas and show my spirit of self-entertainment.

[ Selca game during Thailand concert ^^ ]

During the Asia tour, if there is something which I wish to say to the fans, I would like to say, “I have already start to miss you all. I am grateful as always and I will make my promise to bring a handsome concert for you all.”

[ Affirmative photo of celebrating birthday with the fans! Really thank you~ ]

Message: Have you enjoyed reading the Star Column? Who wants to chat with me on the 11th, hands up!!?

source: news.naver
credit: loveissammi
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

Momma’s Source: sharingyoochun.net

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