130123 [Video] Yim Jae Beum Song Compilation/Sampler

Thank You, Jae, for leading me to this singer. Beautiful, rich voice.  His covers are just as beautiful as the originals.  🙂 TT

credit: koolbjeongshin+AFGMcHan+OceanBrightness+kissofdragon08+kuri8000708+

Momma’s Source: youtube

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I Miss You OST + Fanmade Video Compilation

Beautiful, emotive songs.

credit: JYJHoMinTVXQAKTF+Yozohhh1+koolbjeongshin+aLayanna Espiritu+

Momma’s source: youtube

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Xia Junsu 2012 Ballad & Musical Concert with Orchestra Compilation

Thank You so much for the video of Junsu’s concert. He performed beautifully. 🙂

credit: ohmyjuncom+eatangy+xiahwhisper+lejxiah

Momma’s Source: youtube

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[Video] Jaejoong Vietnam Fanmeet Compilation

You did well, Sugar. Very shy and very self-deprecating, Jaejoong. In other words you are an humble man. I Love You.   Momma Cha 🙂

credit: VietnamKpopLive+Kenhphim123+RaymondLam+LeeThek Viaed+JunALee+YenNhiNgo+LyNguyen+EtsukoQ1810

121026 Video Jaejoong Thailand Fanmeet Compilation

credit: littledevillek+FingyyChannel+3rebelangelsproject+ChangDrinking
+FussyAunty+MDpitt0618+KessudaPiyajitpairoch+miumiu1117+rreewwzzaakkii+Imon Shi

Momma’s Source: youtube

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121010 Xia Junsu National Para Games Performance Compilation

1201010  Xia Junsu National Para Games Performance Compilation

121008 전국장애인체육대회 – 준수(XIA) Fever

121008 Super Ultra Special Tarantallegra


Momma’s Source: youtube

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20120630 JYJ Membership Week Video Compilation [Thank You]

Thank You to everyone who takes the effort to produce these videos for all of us. It is so good to see Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu smiling and animated. And a sincere Thank You to Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun for showing their love for the fans. <333 Momma Cha

Update: JYJ will be having another Membership Week Activity in June of this year, 2013. I thought it might be fun to look at some footage from last year’s Membership Week.  🙂

credit: shishi6002+yukarin33333+jaejoong860126+703sugar+lejxiah+jyjsskk+misaville 😮

Momma’s Source: youtube

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[TRANS] 120628 Compilation of JYJ The Day’s Commentary

[TRANS] 120628 Compilation of JYJ The Day’s Commentary

Junsu: Yuchun seldom sleeps alone whenever they go abroad. He would ask either a member of his manager to sleep with him.


There are a lot of eating scenes in The Day, and Junsu whined “Why are there so many eating scenes…I’m hungry.”

At the scene of Yuchun eating gamjatang (potato stew), Junsu said in English “My favorite Korean food”. XD


Junsu, “I want my members to show me support too. I have already showed my support for you guys with chicken and buffet.”

Jaejung, “We will give you support, but that means no more birthday present for you.”

Junsu, “All right, I’ll be waiting.”

Yuchun, “A luxurious(expensive) support.”

Jaejung, “Then you’ll pay the bill for it.”


Upon watching a scene with Yuhwan, Jae and Junsu said to Yuchun, “It’s good to be young. Yuhwan is better looking and younger than you.”


Yuchun said that he would sit on the floor with a glass of red wine and listen to LPs when he’s upset, but recently he changed drinks.

Junsu said, “Soju bombs?”


Junsu said that Yuchun looked like a ghost from Ju On when he’s washing his face. Yuchun made the sound that the ghost made in the movie XD


Jaejung, “My parents are hurrying me to get married.”

Yusoo, “Hurry get married! If you don’t get married, what will happen to us?! No such thing as younger brothers getting married first.”

Jaejung, “Get married straight away without dating?”

Yuchun, “Meet, get to know her, date for 3 hours then get married.”

Yusoo, “Hyung has to cook everyday even after you’re married.”

Jaejung, “Of course I will, but my wife has to cook too.”

Yusoo, “It’ll be the best if your wife cooks at home, but when you’re out playing(like barbeques), the man should cook.”


Jaejung asked them when they feel the happiest.

Junsu, “When I’m singing and dancing on stage.”

Yuchun’s answer was also “When I’m on the stage.”

When Jaejung was asked the same question, he said, “When I am with the both of you.”

Yuchun, “I knew you would say that!”

Jae, “Let’s try it again. When do you feel the happiest?”

JS, “When I’m on the stage w the members, 3 of us singing and dancing together.”

Yuchun said something along those lines, and Jaejung said, “When I’m on the stage, sharing excitement with the fans.”


Jaejung, “I don’t like giving my niece/nephew new year’s money. It’s supposed to be for the child but it’s taken away by the mother.”


Jae commented that he likes the fact that Yuchun’s bedroom and studio are one.

Yuchun, “The biggest plus point is that I can write it down immediately if I have inspiration from the moment I wake up.”


Yuchun, “Junsu is the god of kissing. His kissing skills have improved (after Elisabeth).”

Junsu, “It’s not kiss, it’s god of bobo!”

Yuchun, “It’s almost the same thing, both are about lips touching.”

Jaejung, “Did you have to practice first? Who did you practice kissing with?” Junsu, “I imagined it.”

(Alternatively, Junsu could have said “It’s not a kissing scene, it’s a bobo scene!”)

[About the “kissing” tweet, I’m not sure if the OP made a mistake about “Kiss신” which can mean “Kiss Scene” and also “God of Kiss”. Take it with a pinch of salt.]


Jaejung, “This is the second time I’ve had a birthday party outside. The first time was when I was in junior high. I was really happy.”


Jaesu to Yuchun, “Both of you have really good genes. Your mom is so lucky, how could she give birth to two kids who are both so good looking?”


At the scene of Yuchun’s bathroom, Junsu said, “Why is it so clean? It became cleaner. It wasn’t so clean in the past.

Yuchun, “It has always been clean.”

Jaejung, “Yes, it has always been clean because Yuchun hardly uses it.”


Junsu hugged his mother after performing on the drums. Jaejung said, “Junsu is as tall as his mother.” Junsu, “My mum is 173cm tall…”


At a fansign scene, YC said that he doesn’t have many male fans. Su said, “You don’t have male fans? Jaejung hyung and I have quite a few.”

(Junsu said it in a very tactful way)


Junsu and Jae mocked Yuchun for having very little eyebrows at the scene where he was at home. Yuchun said it’s because he was at home, meaning that he wanted it to seem natural. XD

Yuchun and Jae laughed at Junsu for having chubby cheeks at the scene where he just woke up. Junsu said his face bloats up in the morning.


Junsu said that he would not like or dislike a girl based on whether she can cook or not, but it would be a plus point if she can.

And that after getting married, he thinks it’s better if the girl does the household chores… XD


Jaejung and Yuchun were really tickled by Junsu wearing a wig (old man wig) when he was rehearsing for Tears of Heaven the musical.


Yuchun was really surprised when Junsu took off the wig immediately after that. “You can just take it off like that? Wow, incredible…”


Junsu and Jae complained that the lift to Yuchun’s house is really slow and that they would rather walk up the stairs because it’s faster.


After watching the scene of Junsu’s family gathering, Yuchun commented that the feeling of a home with both parents is different.


Jaejung said that Jji is now under his sister’s care.


Yuchun has been addicted to Gag concert lately.


At a scene where they showed Yuchun’s mother, Jaejung and Junsu both commented that she looks really happy and is really lucky that she has two such good kids.


Junsu and Jaejung were mocking Yuchun at a scene where he was acting cute towards the camera before closing the door. Jaejung did the same thing in another scene and Yuchun said, “You did the same thing and yet you mock me!”


Junsu and Jaejung said that Yuhwan has changed a lot. Yuchun said that he is now filming and has met a lot of new people who influenced him. He looked proud when he was talking about Yuhwan.

Source: Parkamylove’s Weibo
Translation Credit: @_alovelikewar 1, 2
Shared by: JYJ3

Momma’s Source: JYJ3

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140423 [FANARTS] [PICTURES] JYJ For NII Compilation Fanarts^^

[FANARTS] JYJ For NII Compilation Fanarts^^

Absolutely adorable-ific.   🙂











 Credit: Nian S + 颜舞悦 + @JaeChunSoulmate + Ru_ach + Mickeyxin + J_Valencia + Micpser/Jamicky + Cassiezhong + Meisosishy + boonboontvxq + Heyin
Source: JYJ3
Shared by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s Source: NII+iXiahcassie+dbskalways.wordpress.com

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[PROJECT] Masterchef Kim Jaejoong

[PROJECT] Masterchef Kim Jaejoong

Written by melodiamuse

*walks in chanting “We are here, we are here, we are here!”… and a nice little “YOP” too, just to be on the safe side ;)*

Hey everyone! The ninjas of DBD are back to celebrate another member’s birthday! And this little celebration is for none other than…. *drumroll* the amazing, awesometastic, out of this world tweet monster (who sometimes drives us up a wall with all the tweets he makes) Kim Jaejoong 😀

Instead of doing a contest like we always do, we’ve decided to do a project! Two of us were squeezing our brains out, tossing ideas for the perfect competition when ‘Ahhhh’ (This is the etheral, epiphany kind of ‘Ah’, not the ‘omg I am going to be mauled by a kapibara and its cuteness’ ‘Ah’) the idea hit us, what about a cookbook?

Kim Jaejoong is renowned for constantly feeding his fellow members and his love (and talent for that matter) for cooking is quite infamous. So we thought, why not give him a special cookbook from his fans with recipes from all over the world?

It’s quite simple, all you need to do is submit a recipe that you have either eaten or cooked (or both!) before. It can’t be some random fancy shmancy recipe you find online; we want them to be straight from your hearts and your homes.

When you submit your e-mail, please include the following:
1. Name of the dish
2. Ingredients and measurements
3. Cooking time
4. Servings
5. A photo of the finished dish
6. A recipe (as in, all the steps you need to take to make the dish)
7. A short description of the dish (i.e. what region it comes from, the characteristics flavors, or maybe even a funny short anecdote, maximum four lines please)
8. Your name
9. The name of the country you currently reside in
10. What country this dish comes from (you can write ‘fusion’ if it’s a mix)
11. Cover page design (optional – please submit as an attachment)

*The cover page design option is a chance to have your design on the cover of our cookbook. We don’t have exact dimensions or a final title yet, so use a filler title and whatever dimensions you would like (we can adjust it later).

Keep in mind that some of the ingredients you might use may not be available in Korea, if you think some of the ingredients (like spices) are grown only in your region, please leave a little note for us or even better, tell us what can be substituted instead and still have that same flavor.

We’ll be translating all the recipes from English to Korean (because… let’s face it, English is still a bit of a hurdle for our Google Translate-using boy♥), putting it all in a cookbook and personally delivering it to Crebeau-Jeff.

We do apologize in advance for the possibility that we may not be able to use all of your lovely recipes (since some may overlap or we may get too many) but we’ll try our best! If we do unfortunately come to the situation where we can’t put all you recipes in the book, we’ll put them all on a usb and deliver that along with it.

You have from today (January 26th) till February 9th to submit your name,country,email & recipe name as a comment on this post and till the 26th of February to submit the actual recipe (in the format above) to tohosuperu@gmail.com.

We don’t know how long it’ll take for us to complete the book but we’re aiming for April around our first anniversary \o/


Also, if you’d like to donate to the project, we would greatly appreciate that. It could help produce a final product of a higher quality or get all your recipes into the book since book printing is quite pricey, and we’re not the richest people in the fandom (sad, sad little fact ;A;)

If you would like to contribute to this “cookbook fund”, our paypal email address is tohosuperu@gmail.com, and any amount is welcome!! Accounting for this will be very transparent, of course 🙂 We are very transparent people. So transparent, you can’t even see us. It’s part of our ninja powers. *gets carried away*

So spread the word and get cooking!

Momma’s Source: dongbangdata.net

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[FanCams-HQ] [Choices] 111120 Junsu’s FC MEN Open Match Fancams Compilations — 20+ FANCAMS @__@ :P

[FanCams-HQ] [Choices] 111120 Junsu’s FC MEN Open Match fancams compilations — 20+ FANCAMS @__@ 😛

Credits: Videos’ uploaders
Shared by: iXiahCassie

Momma’s source; iXiahcassie

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