This post will be updated throughout the day with Twitter, Naver LINE and Instagram updates by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet, LINE message and Instagram update as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes updates from 6am KST, November 22nd to 5:59am KST, January 6th.
(Jaejoong, 12:29am KST, 131122, Instagram) Working hard!! Getting my roots dyed
(Jaejoong, 12:24am KST, 131124, Twitter, English tweet) I love Taiwan (≧∇≦)
(Jaejoong, 1:55pm KST, 131124, Twitter) In the next 20 years, my love for you all will only continue to grow!
(6:52pm KST, 131127, LINE) Listen to this song~
(6:52pm KST, 131127, LINE) Urban Zakapa’s ‘Winter at the Tip of my Nose’
(6:53pm KST, 131127, LINE) Someone.. handed me this season~
(6:53pm KST, 131127, LINE) It’s Winter..
(6:53pm KST, 131127, LINE) It’s Yoochun…^^
(6:54pm KST, 131127, LINE) I’m missing someone….haha
(6:54pm KST, 131127, LINE) They say that staying up all night makes the night shine brighter, and Winter isn’t really Winter unless it’s cold…
(6:54pm KST, 131127, LINE) Oh.. Geez..
(6:55pm KST, 131127, LINE) The sun is rising on the horizon…. I’m going to go get some sleep…
(6:55pm KST, 131127, LINE) Be careful not to catch a cold..^^
(6:56pm KST, 131127, LINE) Thank you… And good morning~^^
(Junsu, 7:30pm KST, 131127, Twitter) I will be working on a project together with Mari Christie, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Habitat, in support of children in Japan, Korea and other parts of Asia. Please support us.
(Young Ki, 7:31pm KST, 131127, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic Such a great thing you’re doing….^^ What should I do to help? hahaha
(Junsu, 9:45pm KST, 131127, Twitter) @poimin73 Hyung~~ How are you these days? haha All you need to provide is your kind words of support lol
(Junsu, 10:35pm KST, 131128, Twitter, Japanese) This time, it has been decided for Jedusbody to collaborate with the Japan Habitat Association in the “Habitat Santa” project, and bring donations to the children in areas affected by the Tohoku Earthquake.
It seems that these will be in the form of Christmas presents.
Everyone, wait for your presents alright~^^
(Jaejoong, 4:52pm KST, 131129, Instagram) Artist Kim Chang Yeol is truly amazing.. You can’t even tell if it’s a painting or a picture..
(Jaejoong, 10:36pm KST, 131129, Twitter) I watched a play for the first time in a while~ His and her Thursday. I really enjoyed it~~ I was moved and excited~ Jung Eun Pyo was amazing and so was the entire cast!
(4:20pm KST, 131202, LINE) [Official] Tonight, an additional round of ticket reservations for , Kim Junsu’s musical, will be held at 8pm. The seats that weren’t available during the first round of ticket reservations due to an error will be available this time around. Please give it your interest. Thank you! -Interpark
(Jaejoong, 3:46pm KST, 131203, Twitter) Christmas is slowly approaching.. ha.. ah. Single people, rise!

(Jaejoong, 2:08am KST, 131206, Instagram) The dress code for Nanjing is objectivity and passion♧♤
(Junsu’s mom, 11:49pm KST, 131208, Twitter) I heard that Mr. Sasahara apologized during his internet broadcast and apologized through his Twitter account yesterday as well~! We hope that it was a sincere and heartfelt apology~! We’d like to sincerely thank all the fans who suffered with us~ㅠ We hope that you’re not hurt anymore~~♥
(Junsu, 12:05am KST, 131209, Twitter) @zunoxiahmom He’s such an irresolute person.. All he had to do was say sorry..
(Jaejoong, 12:45am KST, 131209, Instagram) Choi Seung Hwan
(12:14pm KST, 131210, LINE) [Official] , the ‘Empress Ki’ OST sung by XIA Junsu, the greatest vocalist ever, has been released! Please enjoy the touching and sorrowed melody, and XIA Junsu’s emotional voice come together!
(Jaejoong, 9:42pm KST, 131211, Instagram) Cooking is fun^^
(Lyn, 12:13am KST, 131212, Twitter) At noon tomorrow, ‘A Brushing Touch’, a song I sang with JYJ’s Kim Junsu, will be released. Junsu is the first leading role of the musical ‘December’, which was produced by our agency NEW. ‘A Brushing Touch’ is the only new music in a musical that was created with (the late) Kim Kwang Seok’s music. I’m so excited to hear what the song will sound like in the musical. ‘December’ and its precious songs, which will sound more beautiful with Junsu’s voice, please give them all your love! I’m so happy and nervous about getting to collaborate with a singer I’ve liked for a while. I’d like to thank Junsu for approaching me with the offer 🙂 Good luck to Kim Junsu, A Brushing Touch, and December!
(Junsu, 2:22pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @lovelyn_twt Lyn, I think your amazing voice has made this song so much greater~ Thank you^^
(12:13pm KST, 131212, LINE) [Official] , a track from Kim Junsu’s special album was released at noon. A warm melody sung by Kim Junsu and Lyn! Listen to it now!
(Junsu, 4:37pm KST, 131212, Twitter) I have to go~~ I have to get out of here.. But the car isn’t moving, probably because of all the snow..ㅜ
(Young Ki, 4:38pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic Where are you going???
(Junsu, 4:42pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @poimin73 The rehearsal studio~ What are you up to? haha
(Hyun Sook, 4:46pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic Go slowly~~ Be careful!^^
(Junsu, 4:53pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @ssoogilove Noona, I hope you’re doing well?~^^
(Junsu, 4:54pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @ssoogilove I want to hear you sing ‘The Empress is having a bath’ again~~ haha(Young Ki, 4:54pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic @ssoogilove kekekeke The woman who hit me as she pretended to fall into my arms keke
(Junsu, 5:24pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @poimin73 @ssoogilove Oh wow, is that true? Did she really hit the emperor?
(Tae Hee, 4:53pm KST, 131212, Twitter) And… this is my current lock screen kekekekeke

(Junsu, 5:17pm KST, 131212, Twitter) @taeheeyam Your photo came out great~!!!!
(Jaejoong, 1:48am KST, 131213, Twitter) Shouting out my love at the center of the world. Wow, it’s such a pretty video..

(Jaejoong, 6:46pm KST, 131214, Twitter) The dress code for Osaka is the same as the one for Yokohama~
(Jaejoong, 1:01am KST, 131215, Twitter) Aw.. Junsu must be sleeping ㅜ Junsu, Happy birthday, and I love you, the world’s greatest vocalist^^
(Junsu, 1:15am KST, 131216, Twitter) My hyungs and dongsaengs.. They waited for me to finish my rehearsal so we could have a party. Thank you so much for preparing this surprise party for me~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~^^^^

(Junsu, 1:17am KST, 131216, Twitter) But.. It’s sad how it’s just a bunch of guys..^^ hahahahahahahahaha Thank you..!!!!!!!!!!!
(Jaejoong, 8:44pm KST, 131216, Twitter, English tweet) OSAKA!!! ye~~~

(Jaejoong, 11:20pm KST, 131216, Twitter, Japanese) Funasshi~…(ーー;)Your foot is showing-shi

(Junsu, 1:15am KST, 131217, Twitter) Thank you to everyone who came to watch the first performance of December. I cried so much during the performance.. that I’m all out of energy right now. We’ll probably keep making changes to the musical to make it more perfect since this is a newly-created musical.. so please anticipate what’s to come in the future~ Hurray for Korean musicals!! Thank you everyone..^^
(Jaejoong, 7:06pm KST, 131217, Twitter) I just posted a video.
(12:20pm KST, 131218, LINE) [Official] Kim Junsu’s ‘December’ special album has been released at noon! Kim Kwang Seok’s most representative songs reinterpreted by Kim Junsu’s vocals, this Winter’s greatest album that includes songs from the musical. Go listen to it now!
Naver Music
Daum Music
(3:11pm KST, 131219, LINE) [Official] Are you warming up this cold Winter with Kim Junsu’s voice in his special album? Look back on all the beautiful memories of your past Decembers~!
(Jaejoong, 5:34pm KST, 131219, Twitter) Thank you to everyone who was there at O~saka. I was so happy ^^ My nationwide tour can now begin! I’ll be providing joy and excitement with a new show, instead of it just being a continuation of my Asia tour~!^^ Anticipate it~!!
(Jaejoong, 6:31pm KST, 131220, Instagram, English update) 1950.Vacheron
(Jaejoong, 7:51pm KST, 131220, Twitter) Bye bye, my cutieㅜ

(Junsu, 11:12pm KST, 131221, Twitter) I really enjoyed Gun Hyung’s ‘December’ performance tonight~^^ I was having so much fun and laughing so much.. that Director Jang Jin said that people probably won’t believe me when I say I’m in this show as well.. hahaha; Director, I came to tonight’s show as a member of the audience, not as a cast member~!! haha
(Young Ki, 11:15pm KST, 131221, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic Wait for me, you two. I’m coming to see you^^(Junsu, 11:36pm KST, 131221, Twitter) @poimin73 Once things calm down a little, I’ll come see your performance too~^^
(Jaejoong, 3:06pm KST, 131224, Twitter) I just posted a video.
(Jaejoong, 12:04am KST, 131226, Twitter) Our 10th anniversary! Something that was only possible because we were all there, something that we were able to endure because we were all together. I want to say thank you to you all for shedding tears of happiness and sorrow for us and comfort us. I’d like to say a sincere thank you to our members as well~ I hope that the next 10 years will be filled with laughter.
(Jaejoong, 12:08am KST, 131226, Twitter)
(12:08am KST, 131226, LINE) On the 26th of December, 10 years ago on this day… We first met.
*JYJ Debut 10th Anniversary commemorative video
*Leave a congratulatory message for JYJ
(Junsu, 12:55am KST, 131226, Twitter) Yoochun, Jaejoong, and the love of our fans, who have walked down this path with me for the past 10 years.. I will continue to work hard and do my best to repay you for your love, that is so big that nothing can possibly compare. To our fans, who smiled and cried with us.. and my loving members.. thank you so much
(Jaejoong, 1:11am KST, 131226, Twitter)

[Jaejoong: Junsu, I love you and thank you. Congratulations on our 10th anniversary.
Our Junsu: Jaejoong
Our Junsu: Thank you for walking down this path with me for the last 10 years
Our Junsu: I love you too keke
Our Junsu: Let’s keep going for another 10 years lolJaejoong: It’s too bad that we haven’t been able to see each other these because of workㅜㅡ Let’s make some time for each other]
(Junsu, 4:04pm KST, 131227, Twitter) Last year

(Junsu, 4:04pm KST, 131227, Twitter) Now

(Junsu, 4:05pm KST, 131227, Twitter) It feels like.. deja vu haha
(Junsu, 4:07pm KST, 131227, Twitter) If I were to point out anything that’s changed, is that my hair’s gone from blonde to black.. and Director Choi Joo Young has lost weight and gotten more handsome. Oh, and the orchestra has increased in size by four more people haha
(Jaejoong, 5:52pm KST, 131228, Twitter) ☆

(Bo Min, 1:14pm KST, 131229, Twitter) @1215thexiahtic Junsu~ Are you enjoying your break? lol Rest well and I’ll see you in January lol I followed you lol
(Junsu, 2:01pm KST, 131229, Twitter) @BM_actor Bo Min!! See you in January~^^
(Jaejoong, 9:57pm KST, 131229, Twitter) Isn’t it cute~^^

(Jaejoong, 10:22pm KST, 131229, Twitter) Hero Hero

(Jaejoong, 11:58pm KST, 131229, Twitter) Sobㅜㅜ

(Jaejoong, 8:18pm KST, 131230, Twitter) The dress code for my Busan concert is hell&heaven!! Isn’t it really cold these days.. Be careful not to catch a cold~~!!
(Junsu, 2:55am KST, 140101, Twitter) Are words really necessary to express what I’m feeling.. I love you all~~ ♡

(Junsu, 6:48pm KST, 140101, Twitter) I rang in the New Year with my parents~^^ I hope everyone has a great year

(Junsu, 7:24pm KST, 140101, Twitter) My New Year’s gift! The Peter lik photo that’s hanging in the entrance of our house~ All my favorite things of palm trees, sunsets and oceans, all in one place haha

(Junsu, 7:31pm KST, 140101, Twitter) This actually sparkles if you see it in person, and they said that they put crystals into the photo~ It’s a special technique used in many of peter lik’s photos! The Iron Man is a bonus lol

(Junsu, 4:34pm KST, 140102, Twitter) The first 2014 performance of ‘December’! Let’s go~~
(5:14pm KST, 140102, Twitter) [Official] Tonight at 8pm on Interpark! Ticket reservations for Kim Jaejoong’s special concert will be held^^ A special concert that combines Kim Jaejoong’s live performances and a birthday party session! Please anticipate it^^
(Junsu, 7:14pm KST, 140104, Twitter) My friend Hyuk Jae came to watch December yesterday.. He’s called Eun Hyuk now lol But I still feel more comfortable calling him Hyuk Jae. My close.. and one and only friend!! Even now, whenever I’m with you, I find myself going back to the days when we were elementary school students who still believed in Santa Claus… I’m always sorry and grateful.
(Junsu, 12:42pm KST, 140105, Twitter) Hurray for today’s performance of December~!!

(Jaejoong, 4:36pm KST, 140105, Twitter) Busan~~! was so much fun. Busan’s passion is like none other.. I wasn’t in the best of conditions because of my cold, but Busan created a miracle with its energy and passion! Thank you~~~☆
(Jaejoong, 8:56pm KST, 140105, Twitter) Playing ‘Find The Difference’ with the head of my security team at an arcade in Seomyun, Busan! It’s so difficult.. My eyes are burning~

Source: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Others’ Twitter + Jaejoong’s Instagram + JYJ LINE]
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